People with ADHD may have less control over eating

Have you heard of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)? Characterized by symptoms such as inattention, agitation and impulsivity, this disorder affects brain chemistry and usually manifests itself in childhood. What many people do not know, however, is that this problem can also affect the way the individual deals with food. To learn more about the subject, we talked to psychologist Mariana Massari, who spoke more about the relationship between ADHD and binge eating (excessive desire to eat) . Check out!

People with ADHD may have less control over eating

According to the psychologist, ADHD can affect different aspects of an individual’s life, including diet. When asked if there is a relationship between ADHD and binge eating, the professional says: “Several studies indicate that it is. There is comorbidity between ADHD and eating disorders, where binge eating fits. That is, they can occur together”.

It is important to be careful not to fall into an unhealthy eating routine

After all, how can ADHD influence daily diet? The psychologist explains better how this disorder directly affects the habits and behaviors of the individual “ADHD can be characterized by a change in brain chemistry, leading to changes in the person’s behavior. This chemical change affects the production, reception or connection of neurotransmitters, resulting in a malfunction of the brain, causing lack of attention and control. In the case of binge eating, lack of control plays a fundamental role in its development, since there is no adequate action to inhibit excessive food intake “, explains Mariana.

The big problem with losing control over food is that it becomes more difficult to maintain healthy habits. According to the psychologist, binge eating, in general, causes the individual to consume fatty foods that are not recommended by nutritionists. So it is very important to pay attention and take certain precautions. “The person ends up not planning what to eat, eating without thinking, in an impulsive way. And, when we eat without thinking too much, we end up looking directly for foods that give us instant rewards, like that pleasure of eating a hamburger and fries – high calorie food. fat content “, he says.

ADHD can also affect the quality of sleep and, consequently, the diet of the individual

Did you know that sleep can also influence food? The psychologist explains better how it works for those with ADHD. “There is also the impact of sleep . When we don’t sleep very well, which is common in people with ADHD, we are more prone to impulsivity and lack of attention. Besides, overeating is a common behavior in people with some emotional disorders. , such as depression and anxiety, very common disorders in ADHD patients. Changing sleep patterns influences appetite and our ability to feel satiated, so it also influences the amount of food ingested “, explains the professional.

How to ease the symptoms of ADHD and have more control with food?

To treat ADHD and seek more balance in the routine, it is very important to seek the appropriate treatment. According to the psychologist, there are several ways to relieve the symptoms of the disorder. “ADHD can have its symptoms mitigated through psychotherapy, where it will be possible to develop new skills of self-control, planning and organization, which will have an impact on the individual’s diet and daily life”, recommends the professional.

“As hyperactivity is also common, regular physical exercises can help , since they increase caloric expenditure. Sleeping well is essential for the correct functioning of our brain, helping with chemical and emotional issues and avoiding ’emotional eating’. In some cases , medications can help. However, it is important to consult a multidisciplinary team to evaluate each case “, concludes Mariana.


by Abdullah Sam
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