Paraguayan properties

The Paraguayan seems to come from China, although it is suspected that it is originally from ancient Persia. It has been cultivated for centuries in Asia , a continent from which it began to spread to the Mediterranean countries. In Spain its cultivation is limited to the more temperate areas, highlighting the areas of Murcia and Lleida.

The Paraguayan also called “flat peach” is a delicious fruit, twin sister of the nectarine, since both come from a natural mutation of the common peach. However, they differ by their smaller and flattened shape. There are varieties with white, yellow flesh and with green or reddish streaks or streaks.

Nutritional properties

The Paraguayans, thanks to their extraordinary nutritional properties, constitute a real treasure for our health . Its water content (86% of the total), makes it the best ally to hydrate our body. But it stands out especially for its content of vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant, which fights free radicals and prevents against cardiovascular diseases and cancer. As for its contribution in minerals , it is a good source of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and calcium. What makes this fruit an exceptional food to protect bones, skin and brain.

But the Paraguayan, like the peach, stands out for its richness in carotenes, with important antioxidant and anticancer properties, especially in the protection of stomach cancer.

It also stands out for its richness in fiber and water , producing a feeling of satiety although it is a light food for the stomach and with laxative properties.

In the market

We can find it from May to September in any supermarket, greengrocer or market, with the advantage of being a local product. When going to the market, select clean pieces, without noticeable stains or soft parts that indicate that they are excessively ripe. Always keep in the refrigerator for a maximum of three days. Paraguayans mature extremely quickly .

In the kitchen

Juicy, fresh and sweet, they can be consumed naturally or included in the preparation of any type of dessert, homemade ice cream, jams, cakes or biscuits, fruit salads … They are also delicious in a smoothie with some citrus.

With the arrival of good weather, it is the ideal time to enjoy all the properties and health benefits of this fruit, in addition to its fresh and sweet flavor. Take advantage of the fact that it is season and that it is not lacking in your diet.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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