Pain relievers: The speed of action is important

Not all analgesic drugs are the same. Quickness is essential in headaches.

  • Different mechanisms of action
  • There is pain and pain

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Not all analgesic drugs are the same. Quickness is essential in headaches .

When it comes to pain we can choose between different drugs, one of the most important characteristics that allows you to make a good choice is the speed of action, especially when it comes to headaches.

In fact, not all analgesics are the same, both for the mechanism of action, for the speed with which the analgesic effect arises, and for the duration of the analgesic effect itself.

When you have a headache, back pain or any pain, the first thought is always to make it stop as quickly as possible.

For this reason, in recent years, efforts have been made to develop analgesics capable of getting rid of pain quickly.

Different mechanisms of action

When pain arises, the production of molecules typical of inflammatory processes increases and, at the same time, the pathways of pain transmission are activated, ie those that “carry” the painful sensation signal to the brain.

There are two categories of analgesics:


Mechanism of action Effects
Medicines that relieve pain by decreasing the production of inflammatory molecules In addition to the pain symptom, inflammation is also taken care of (therefore the probable cause)
Drugs that reduce the transmission of signals from the periphery to the brain It acts on the perception of pain at the level of the central nervous system (the perceived sensation of pain is reduced)

There is pain and pain

There are different types of pain. For example, in the case of an ankle sprain or musculoskeletal pain, in which the pain lasts for a long period of time, it is preferable to use drugs with a longer duration of action, so as to intervene on the symptom in the long term.

Then there are more acute pains such as headaches where it is essential to act quickly. Headache is characterized by acute pain that tends to increase over time: for this reason it is always good to intervene immediately, without waiting for it to pass by itself, preferring a drug that has a rapid action.


An example can be the classic headache that comes in the evening: many make the mistake of thinking that sleeping will pass, so they go to bed without taking any drugs. Instead the pain will inevitably continue to be present, moreover disturbing sleep. For this reason it is advisable to intervene immediately with a remedy as appropriate as possible to the condition.

In conclusion, it is important to choose a rapid analgesic, remembering that there are several factors that influence the speed of action of a drug: not only the mechanism of action of the active ingredient, but also the type of pharmaceutical technology used. There are formulations that are able to disintegrate quickly favoring a faster absorption, so that the analgesic effect sets in faster.


by Abdullah Sam
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