Aerosol therapy

It is used to convey steam with or without drugs in the respiratory tree.

  • What is that
  • How does it work
  • With what substances
  • Indications
  • Side effects

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What is that

L ‘ aerosol therapy is a technique that is based on the use of equipment capable of dispersing, in a gaseous medium, liquid and solid substances transforming them into fine particles (size of between a few tenths of a micron to a few microns).

This physical form intermediate between the liquid and the gaseous state, which is defined “state of sol” (hence the definition of aerosol), is nebulized in order to be inhaled.

Once inhaled through the mouth or nose, the substances used, thanks to their tiny dimensions, are able to reach the finest branches of the respiratory tree and there, carry out their therapeutic action.

How does it work

Depending on the diameter reached by the nebulized particles, these act on different areas of the respiratory tree.

The larger diameter particles will stop in the upper airways (nose, paranasal sinuses), the smaller ones will penetrate more and more deeply until they reach the bronchioles and pulmonary alveoli.

In this way, a very widespread, direct and effective local action is exerted, avoiding any unwanted effects that could arise with the systemic administration of the same substances.


With what substances

The aerosol is very effective for delivering drugs such as bronchodilators , corticosteroids , antibiotics only in the area in which they must act.

It is also possible to use essential oils, previously mixed and diluted. The oils must be chosen according to the disorder to be treated: their action can be balsamic and expectorant, or antiseptic, antibacterial, soothing.

But the aerosol is also very useful for inhaling thermal waters (sulphured or salsobromoiodic), sea water or just steam (physiological solution). The vapors help to decongest the mucous membranes, and hydrate them allowing an easier elimination of the mucus.


Inhalation of vapor is the most classic and oldest of drainage therapy, traditionally used against nasal congestion and infection of the respiratory tract.

Aerosols of bronchodilator drugs, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs are used, under medical prescription, to treat bronchitis , pneumonia and lung abscesses, sinusitis, chronic rhinitis and ear infections.

Against the common cold and in the case of other viral diseases of the upper airways (such as the flu ) or allergic rhinitis, the best strategy is to “wash” and hydrate the upper airways, favoring the expulsion of mucus.

The mucus that obstructs the nasal and paranasal passages, in fact, not only prevents normal breathing, but also retains irritating particles and the viruses responsible for colds.

In these cases, nasal washes and aerosols with isotonic solutions based on sea water are very useful, which are easily found in pharmacies, do not require a medical prescription and are suitable for both adults and children, even small ones.

The peculiar composition of mineral salts gives them decongestant and moisturizing properties on the mucous membranes and fluidifying of nasal and bronchial secretions.

Nasal washes and aerosols carried out regularly with such solutions are also indicated as a preventive measure and help reduce the frequency of respiratory disorders.

In addition to isotonic solutions, it is possible to use hypertonic solutions, with a higher concentration of salts. The following table shows the differences in use.


  Salt concentration Function Indication
Isotonic solution 0.9%

It decongests and humidifies the mucous membranes and thins nasal and bronchial secretions

Freeing the
nose also frees the middle ear and
sinuses. This reduces the risk of ear infections and
diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract

Hypertonic solution 3% It allows to recall by osmosis the excess water contained in the oedematous cells, thus helping to remove the thickened mucus It is used for acute
respiratory diseases
flu) to favor
the elimination of thick mucus. It is also indicated for sinusitis , allergic rhinitis and to prevent otitis

Side effects

However, unwanted effects are possible when taking aerosol medications which, depending on the drug used, may also be important. For this, before using them, you need to consult your doctor.

Even in the case of essential oils it is always advisable to rely on the advice of the doctor or pharmacist since, especially if in excessive doses, they can prove to be irritating, and are in any case not indicated in the case of sensitive or allergic subjects. The aerosol with isotonic solutions to sea water, on the other hand, are well tolerated and free from contraindications in both adults, children and the elderly. However, the doctor’s opinion should be sought if you suffer from asthma or cystic fibrosis.


by Abdullah Sam
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