
Pain. Especially in its acute form, pain is usually a reflection of a stimulus that can potentially or has already damaged tissue . The transmission system that channels this information to the Central Nervous System is called nociception. Pain is more complex than other sensory systems such as vision or hearing , because it not only involves sending sensory information to the nervous system , but it also produces suffering that later leads to adverse corrective behavior. In certain diseases, defects in the transmission system can by themselves generate false information to the nervous system, as if the lesion were on the periphery. An example is phantom limb pain, in which the patient feels severe pain in a previously amputated foot.


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  • 1 Floral and neural therapy in pain management
  • 2 The emotional sphere with flower systems
    • 1 Generalized osteoarthritis
    • 2 Sacrolumbalgia
    • 3 Headache
    • 4 Neoplasms
  • 3 Sharp pain
    • 1 Conduction pathways to the brain
  • 4 Overview of pain
  • 5 Sources
  • 6 External Links

Neural and floral therapy in pain management

There are many methods used throughout history to eliminate chronic pain. Among them, blocking peripheral nerves , epidural blocks , blocking the celiac plexus , stellate ganglia , thermal coagulation , epidural stimulation of the spinal cord , including intrathecal injection, were used as therapeutic measures for the relief of pain.

Other methods used in recent times have attracted attention around the world. Among them acupuncture that produces peripheral stimulation. Deliberate stimulation of one area may relieve pain in another, apparently unrelated. This relief is usually long-lasting because intense sensory stimuli in large fibers trigger closure of the spinal door to the afferent impulses of chronic pain.

The neurovegetative system with its humoral, cellular, neural and hormonal regulatory circuits, take part in all the reactions in the form of cybernetic interrelation. Every interference in a region has as a reaction a response in the entire functional unit. A single organ never gets sick, always the whole man.

Selective local anesthesia in blocked segmental tissue not only disrupts pathogenic reflex pathways, but normalizes all vegetative functions by repolarizing the interfered with cell membrane potentials. This is the form of action of neural therapy.

The general practitioner automatically prescribes drugs or simply chemicals for pain. The patient generally reports rapid relief. But you have a remission in hours or days.

Dr. Walter DC , an international graduate of the College of Applied Kinesiology , comments on the health triad that includes three fundamental aspects: structural, emotional or mental and chemical. On the one hand it highlights structural damage followed by the chemical and emotional. On the other, he points out that chemical imbalances may be responsible for chronic pain syndromes. The other sphere and indicated as fundamental is the emotional sphere which is always present somewhere in the triangle.

The emotional sphere with flower systems

The disease always attacks the human being for its most vulnerable part. Especially when he believes he has the power to change the course of the world. A toothache, a Ciatalgia is enough to turn an arrogant victor into an unhappy worm. This is precisely what makes the disease so hateful.

The brain in many cases saves pain and maintains it even though the situation that originated it no longer exists. Why does someone need to keep their pain? More important than where it hurts is who it hurts. What pains are expressed through pain? In the dynamics of life pain is never in one part of the organism, pain belongs to the whole man.

During the Ontogenetic development the man goes through different stages according to the body image. The first is childhood, the child is discovered. The second, Adolescence where there is a consolidation of this process with body maturation. After the age of forty, the third stage occurs in the person.

This stage is a stage of degeneration, therefore it generates concern about the organic degenerative changes that take place. It also makes the person more alert to their image.

Pain is a language. How many things can be expressed through it? Sometimes love is claimed, or perhaps the pain is an immense loneliness that jumps out. Pain can be the cry of something that cannot be expressed in another way.

Generalized osteoarthritis

It is a rheumatic manifestation, rheumatism is linked to inflammation, deformation and ankylosis. Pain affects the ability to move and can cause disability.

There is extraordinary activity and mobility in the history of almost all rheumatic patients.

In the case of the disease, as we already know, it makes us more sincere what it means that these people were rigid and this suggests the idea of ​​rigor.

This concept agrees with the type of patient whose psychological profile is that of being very perfectionist, meticulous.

They have a depressing masochistic trait, a moralistic attitude, and a propensity for melancholy. These characteristics indicate that they are inflexible and immobile people.


The pain symptom disguises in these cases, the hidden and non-verbal fear. Pain is fear and this is not treated with pain relievers. In many cases, contracture of the anal sphincter is reported. This is reported in the literature as if heavy armor had been put on to protect the body from possible aggression.


Impatient and Vervain agree for this diagnosis . Headache increases especially in the most advanced countries where 20% of the healthy population admits to suffering it.

Statistics indicate a higher incidence in the female sex and the upper strata.

The head is the seat of understanding and thought, therefore it responds faster to pain.

Your pain may indicate a wrong way of thinking, pursuing dubious goals.

They are usually ambitious people, perfectionists, who try to impose their will.

They only accept the rational, sensible and understandable, they lose contact with the upper pole with the lower pole.

There are different types of headache. Refers to tension headache.


It is the most feared disease of the current times and as such it affects not only the one who suffers it but the entire society. In Germany , 200,000 people die each year and the absolute death rate continues to rise.

Currently, researchers agree that Cancer originates at the level of cells due to mutations.

When a cell is stimulated long enough, it is willing to dramatically alter its behavior.

The stimuli can be multiple, mechanical, physical, chemical. The result will depend on whether the body has sufficient stability and defense to suppress cellular rebellion. The behavior model has two patterns: one of repression and another of excitement. This occurs at the cellular and mental level.

These are conformist people, they live discreetly so as not to become a burden to other people with their demands. Life without stimulus. All experiences due to excesses or defects are stifled in order to maintain the usual situation at any price.

This price can be very high, this price can be when the flow of growth impulses has been accumulating for years as a dam unfolds without any control. This occurs at the cellular and mental level.

People who until then were peaceful become aggressive, explosive, hurtful, very dependent, showing how intense the desire was to self-fulfill and impose their interests and release their repressed ego and thus experience their relief.

In a patient several interfering foci may coincide, with the neural therapy technique each point is punctured until the pain disappears.

With the integral energy diagnostic system, we make the procedure even more feasible since the interfering points that are acting at the moment due to the phenomenon are located in seconds. Multiple foci may coincide in the same patient.

The most frequent are denture blocks. At the same time they are the most serious since they can take two routes, a central and a peripheral one.

The blockages produced by a bad occlusion are described, which are almost always produced by an alteration in the filling levels of the pieces, which are almost imperceptible.

In the mouth the medium is slightly acidic and since the organism is a conductive element it generates an electromagnetic field and when introducing a metal it generates a potential difference that produces an electric current. This field is located in an area very close to the brain. This depolarization by overload affects the brain through the trigeminal nerve and clinically a seizure occurs as a discharge to the muscular system through the elements and mechanisms that the brain has with the periphery. Synapse with the Thalamus , Hypothalamus and Bulb . This does not happen all day, but these ranges increase with nervous tension, fright, anxiety, depression, etc.

But in all cases there is a vicious circle that is configured as an 8 that is the symbol of infinity, which means that this mechanism always shoots at the periphery and from there returns upwards. Its importance is given in that they potentiate each other, generating more serious processes, such as: cancer, schizophrenia, infertility, etc.

Scar is the second most important interfering element, but both molars and scars can be interfering or interfering elements.

The fibrous fabric is a fabric that offers greater resistance to the passage of current and that’s what makes being a problem. Interfering scars do not cause problems in the body directly because they do not damage a particular organ but are losing all the organic reserve every day.

The person is more exhausted by energy imbalance and resistance to the passage of the current.

Then there are other blocks that are vertebrae represented by the sacral and cervical segments.

Sharp pain

Acute pain, such as occurs in bone fractures and other major injuries, is almost inevitably explained by the phenomenon of nociception and is perhaps a pure neurophysiological process. However, as pain becomes chronic, influences such as psychological and behavioral factors further contribute to the expression of pain .

Acute pain is a useful alarm system. There are specific nerve pathways to drive this sensation. Pain receptors in the skin and other tissues are nerve endings that lack special characteristics and are likely to be triggered by a chemical stimulus when potential tissue injury occurs. There appear to be two types of terminals: one that responds to many kinds of painful stimuli; another, specifically to mechanical or thermal energy. When the terminals are stimulated, pain (the nociceptive message) is carried along specific small sensory fibers called A delta and C fibers. The former are larger and transmit the “first pain” or “rapid pain”. The second Smaller, they transmit secondary continuous dull pain. Traditionally, it was believed that these nerve fibers entered the spinal cord through the posterior root, but now it seems that many also enter through the anterior root.

Once in the spinal cord, these fibers relieve in the posterior horn of the medullary gray matter, a region of considerable regulation and modulation of the incoming pain stimulus, which is influenced by the arrival of other sensory stimuli, that is, tactile sensations. or pressure can suppress signal transmission in the small pain fibers. This explains why when a person is injured, the pain can be decreased by rubbing the affected part; This phenomenon constitutes the basis of some of the treatment strategies with analgesia produced by stimulation. Furthermore, the painful signal that reaches the spinal cord is modulated by descending signals from the brain. In times of anxiety, these painful signals can increase.

Conduction pathways to the brain

From these relay stations in the posterior horn, the painful signal is routed to the brainby two nerve pathways. The classic route is the spinothalamic bundle on the opposite side of the spinal cord from that of the stimulus, and this leads to the posterior part of the thalamus in the brain stem; From there, nerve pathways radiate that carry the painful sensation to many parts of the cerebral cortex, where pain is seen. In addition to this direct pathway, there is a diffuse ascending pathway known as the spino-reticular beam, which relieves many of the basal ganglia in the brain, and from there to brain regions connected to motivational and affective behavior, such as the hippocampus and the corpus callosum gyrus. . Analgesic narcotic drugs may exert some of their actions on this ascending spinal reticular beam, because these drugs tend to reduce the annoying aspects of pain suffering,

Certain parts of the brain stem around the central duct appear to have a strong inhibitory effect on pain signals. Stimulation of these areas is likely to release endorphins, morphine- like substances produced by the body and released at various sites in the pathway. ingress of pain to suppress these signals.

Pain Overview

With pain things can be said when in another language it is prevented. Sometimes love is claimed with the expression of pain. Sometimes it’s the last resort to get attention. Perhaps the pain is an immense loneliness that jumps outside. Pain can be the cry of something that cannot be expressed in another way.

It is the first cause of all medical consultations. But despite the great advances in his understanding and the enormous efforts dedicated in the clinic to give him a name and a surname, comparatively few achievements have been made in his treatment.

Less progress has been made in interpreting pain as a language.

There is a body memory that reminds us of what the psyche has forgotten. This is why Sigmund Freud said “the symptom is commemorative of a traumatic event.” The pain symptom is in the place of a missing affect.

Pain must be treated because it causes enormous suffering and dysfunction in all the apparatuses and systems of the human body.


by Abdullah Sam
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