Understanding Organizational Culture

Culture does not only apply to culture and customs as possessed by an Indonesian country that is rich in culture. In fact, every organization also has a culture that is characteristic of their respective organizations. Culture in organizations is called organizational culture. Before understanding the understanding of organizational culture, we need to understand what is meant by culture and organization. Culture is a set of important understandings that are owned, believed, and applied by members of the same community. Culture consists of a series of values, ideas, perceptions, preferences, concepts of morality, codes of behavior, which in turn create uniqueness among these human groups. While, 
So, what is meant by organizational culture? Organizational culture is a system of shared beliefs and attitudes that develops in an organization and guides the behavior of its members. In addition, organizational culture can also be defined as philosophy, ideology, values, assumptions, beliefs, expectations, attitudes and norms that unite an organization and are disseminated by its employees. 

Understanding Organizational Culture According to Experts

So, how does the understanding of organizational culture according to experts? An expert named Edgar Schein states that organizational culture can be defined as a pattern of basic assumptions created, discovered or developed by a particular group, especially when they learn and adapt to overcome external and internal problems with all the existing considerations. The lessons learned from the adaptation process will later become patterns of basic assumptions taught to new members as the correct way to understand, think, make decisions, and face all the challenges present. 

In addition, Cushway and Lodge also provide their definition of organizational culture. According to him, organizational culture is a value system adopted by members of the organization which then influences the way they work, behave and move. 
In essence, all definitions of organizational culture above emphasize the division of norms and values ​​that guide the behavior of members of the organization itself. It is true that norms and values ​​are clear guidelines about how employees must behave within the organization, as well as the code of conduct that they are expected to implement outside the organization. In Indonesia’s organizational culture, norms and values ​​are highly valued by many organizations that have stood for many years. Although it is possible that organizational culture in the industrial revolution era 4.0 has given new colors to organizational culture, values ​​such as courtesy and honesty at work are still maintained in many organizations in Indonesia. 

Organizational Culture Function

As the values ​​and norms that are upheld and applied by all members of the organization, of course organizational culture has several functions. The following are 5 functions of organizational culture that we need to know from now on. 
by Abdullah Sam
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