Definition of Management

Management is one thing that is often encouraged by many people who are pursuing success. Many people say, “if you want to be successful, you have to have good management.” Before Career Advice colleagues read this article further, it is better if we discuss the notion of management first. Understanding management in general is the most essential thing for individuals or organizations where in this case we will have several goals, so that we can organize ourselves and the organization that we have as well as possible. Then, what is the understanding of management according to experts? Let’s look at the definition of management according to James Stoner, GR Terry and Mary Parker Follett.


According to James Stoner, management is an art and science of planning, organizing, directing and supervising human resources in order to help us in achieving certain goals that have been determined. For GR Terry, management is an implementation process to achieve certain goals that have been implemented and monitored. In addition, Marry Parker Follet stated that management is a process that includes planning, organizing, leadership , controlling members of the organization, and using available resources for the achievement of the goals of the organization.


So, in general, management is a process of control, whether in personal or organizational matters. Management is an action or effort taken by an individual to create and maintain his personal life or business environment in order to achieve the desired goals efficiently and effectively. An example of management in personal life is how a person can have good time management so that he becomes a more productive individual. In addition, the example of management in business is how a company tries to have regular financial management in order to get more profit.


Oh yes, does management have important functions? Yep, of course there is! Some management functions are the planning function, the organizing function, the directing function and the controlling function. Because management has functions that are very important for our lives, fellow readers also need to know what management goals are closely related to our daily lives, both in work, social and personal lives.


According to website marketing 91 dot com, there are several management objectives at the organizational or company level, social level and individual level.


Management Objectives

In general, the main objective of management is to handle organizational functions so that they can run effectively and efficiently. To better understand the role of management, we can describe management’s objectives in more detail, which is as follows.


1. Management Objectives at the Organization or Company Level 

Every organization or company must strive to achieve economic goals that have been mutually agreed upon. Now this is the goal of management, where good management will help us to achieve all the existing goals.


Management will help us to use existing resources with optimal use to the end. Management objectives at the organizational and company level can be classified again into several sections, namely as follows:

– Achieve Stable Survival. One of the goals of management at the organizational and company level is to help the survival of an organization safely and stably. In this case, the income earned by the organization or company must be sufficient to cover the necessary costs and management also needs to help the organization to save expenses. That way, the company will not spend more than its income or in other words avoid the deficit.

– Achieve Desired Growth. The second management goal is to help organizations and companies achieve their expected growth. In this case, management for employees will help employees to be more productive and provide far better performance than before. Management will help employees to achieve development for development, until finally employees can work and work together to achieve the desired growth.

– profitability. There is no denying that profitability is one of the basic factors that determines the future and growth of the organization and the company as a whole. Logically, if we want to ensure business continuity successfully, then we must ensure that the profitability of our organization is well guaranteed. That is why one of the goals of management at the organizational or company level is to achieve the desired profitability together.


2. Management Objectives at the Social Level

In the previous point, we have discussed management objectives at the organization or company level. However, we also need to always remember that organizations or companies also belong to the community or social part. Not only that, all the resources that will be processed by organizations or companies also come from the community. So, it is not wrong if management has an important role in people’s lives. The following are some of the goals of management at the social level that we need to know together:

– Ensuring the safety, health and price of products that are affordable by all levels of society or at least to our target market. In addition, organizations or companies must also comply with production methods that are safe for the community.

– Ensuring that products sold to the public are of good quality and meet the standards. Not only that, management also has a role to develop product quality in the lowest possible cost, so there is no waste in the organization or company.

– Management also aims to assist us in contributing by providing facilities and services that are useful for the wider community.

– Another management objective is to ensure adequate employment for local people who live around our organization or company.


3. Management Objectives at the Individual Level 

Management goals at the individual level can also be referred to as personal goals. This can also be a management goal that every employee in an organization or company has. For example, how an employee aims to achieve a higher position in the next one year, so he must have good management at work. The following are some of the goals of management relating to the personal goals of employees that we need to know about.

– Guarantee the financial needs of employees such as salaries (wages), incentives, bonuses, insurance and other benefits.

– Providing the best opportunities and choices for employee self-development.

– Provide opportunities for employees so they can have a balance of life between personal life and work .

– Provide an appropriate level of recognition for employees, especially if they are employees who excel and excel. By implementing this, we can be sure that employees will be more eager to contribute to the company.

– Last but not least, good management also aims to create a comfortable work environment for all employees in an organization or company.


Management Skills

After understanding management understanding and management objectives which are classified in detail, we now invite our Career Advice partners to understand what important management skills are. Actually, what is meant by management skills? In a broad sense, management skills are all things that allow us to manage others more effectively. That is why in every organization or company, there is always such a thing as a management team. Well, this management team is one of the tasks is to manage and guide employees to work more effectively than before.


In this article, specifically for Career Advice colleagues, we will explain some of the skills that the management team needs to have. All of the management skills we will discuss are skills that need to be universally applied by all management teams, namely management skills in almost every work environment. Come on, consider the following explanation.


1. Management Skills: Motivation.

This is the first and foremost management skill. Logically, the management team will not be able to carry out their duties properly, if they do not have strong motivation in themselves and can not provide these great motivations to the people around them. When we can provide strong motivation to the people around us, then we will help them to be more productive and enthusiastic at work. What are some examples of management skills in motivation? Among them is giving confidence to employees to manage large projects, create a work environment full of inspiration and motivation, mutually support colleagues who are feeling stressed or demotivated, and provide appreciation & incentives for exceptional performance provided by employees.


2. Management Skills: Professionalism.

The second management skill is to be professional, both to business partners, customers, clients and employees. This management skill is very important to have and apply so that people in the company know how the right attitude at work. Integrity, honesty, and professionalism are very important skills for everyone involved in management activities. Some management skills in professionalism that we need to adapt are showing good initiative, showing strong moral values ​​and providing exceptional customer service by being professional.


3. Management Skills: Communication.

Communication is a skill that everyone really needs to have. When we have good communication skills, it will be easy for us to collaborate with them . Some management skills in communication that are considered very important are implementing open communication opportunities with colleagues, delivering clear and detailed communication messages, inviting introverted colleagues to interact with us and creating efficient and productive work meetings.


4. Management Skills: Problem Resolution. 

Problem solving or problem solving is also included in management skills that are very important for us to have. No one can be free from problems during their lives. Problems will always come up to us and problems come to be resolved, not avoided. Approximately what are examples of management skills in problem solving? Some of them are encouraging employees to be patient and be tough in solving problems that are being faced, anticipating the potential for emergence of problems and solving problems quickly and efficiently.


5. Management Skills: Innovation.

The last management skill we will discuss is innovation. We believe that the word innovation is very familiar to our Career Advice partners. In modern times like today, companies that do not want to innovate will be less competitive with other companies that always prioritize innovation for their customers. Innovation is also something that must be held by management. Some examples include developing innovative ideas for customer needs, identifying weaknesses or weaknesses of products and services, and finding innovative solutions. In addition, we can also redesign the system to increase productivity or functionality.


Not a few people who know the word management, but can not absorb its meaning and not apply it to the maximum in everyday life. Hopefully this article helps fellow readers to get more leverage in applying the science of management in your personal life and career. Keep your spirits up, Career Advice colleagues.



by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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