Nootropics to Improve Brain Performance

Nootropics, known as “smart drugs”, are substances with brain action, capable of increasing focus, attention, memory and reasoning. They improve intellectual performance both in people diagnosed with ADHD and depression as well as in healthy individuals who wish to increase cognitive performance, memory and productivity in studies or work.

How do nootropics work?

Nootropic substances are neuro-activators, capable of contributing to the improvement of brain performance. These substances can be in the form of synthetic or natural supplements and have brain stimulating action, helping to improve memory, concentration, cognitive performance, learning, reasoning speed, mood, energy and attention.


Nootropics act primarily by increasing blood flow and supplying nutrients to the brain. Thus, they stimulate the formation of new neurons, a process called neurogenesis, in addition to new connections and synapses. Main benefits:

  • Increased brain metabolism
  • Increased cerebral circulation
  • Protection of the brain from physical and chemical damage
  • Increase in dopamine, acetylcholine and noraadrenaline and adrenaline
  • Increased mental energy
  • Increased vigilance
  • Improved memory
  • Improved learning ability

Before starting use, be careful!

  • Think about what you want to achieve, what aspects of cognition you want to focus on, and how you will measure your success.
  • If you are trying to find the best nootropics, you must first take care of the basics of health. Drink enough water, exercise regularly , read, spend time outdoors, socialize and reduce alcohol consumption. If you are not striving to do these things, even the best nootropics will produce less than desired results.
  • Start with low doses: if you are new to nootropics, start with the lowest doses possible and go up slowly. That way, you’ll find out how little you need to see the benefits, and thereby dramatically reduce the chances of any side effects.
  • Do not trust a single substance: trusting a substance can lead to several problems. And you don’t really know how a particular nootrope works compared to other substances. It is best to take a broad approach, testing several to see which works best, or combining the substances.
  • Take care of sleep: many people focus exclusively on improving focus and learning ability. However, they completely ignore the biggest determinant of cognitive performance: sleep! How much sleep you get each night has a greater impact on your cognitive function than anything else. Using sleeping aids instead of more nootropics is perhaps the best way to optimize brain function.

Types of Nootropics

Among the most recent synthetic nootropics we have: Ritalin, Amphetamines, Modafinil and Piracetam .

Nootropics can therefore be natural or synthetic substances that exert positive activity on brain functions.

What are the most recommended nootropics?

1. Homotaurine

Homotaurin is a compound with a molecular structure similar to the amino acids GABA and taurine, which favor relaxation and concentration. Its main effect is the anxiolytic, but its most prominent activity is its neuroprotective action, helping in the processes of cognition and memory.

2. L-Theanine

Theanine (or more commonly L-theanine) is found in green tea and mushrooms and also sold as a dietary supplement. According to several scientific studies, theanine affects the levels of some neurotransmitters, prevents beta-amyloid-induced brain dysfunction and protects against heart attack. It also helps to improve the quality of sleep in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In terms of potential uses such as nootropics, several studies indicate that a combination of L-theanine and caffeine can improve cognitive performance, particularly in the areas of focus and agility, in addition to improving mental fatigue.

3. Creatine

Creatine is an old favorite among gymnasts, who use it to improve their sports performance. But, over the past decade, new features have been discovered. Studies have shown that the supplement had a positive effect on working memory and intelligence, particularly with regard to tasks that require processing speed.

4. DHA (Omega 3)

DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid found in fish and algae, can improve your memory while protecting against certain psychiatric disorders. Several questionnaires from people with depression indicate that they have the lowest levels of omega-3 fatty acids. That said, some data suggest it is a preventive measure because it can reduce the risk of progression of certain psychiatric disorders. While a review of scientific studies found that DHA supplements significantly improve cognitive development in children – another review shows that in the elderly it can protect against mild cognitive impairment, dementia and the risk and progression of Alzheimer’s.

5. Hill

It is important for memory, as it is part of the acetylcholine molecule, which is a fundamental neurotransmitter for memory. Choline is also a component of the phosphatidylcholine molecule, a type of fat essential for neurons.

6. Cocoa (Theobroma cacao)

The cocoa is rich in flavonoids and antioxidants that act as potent anti-inflammatory agents, benefiting brain and cardiovascular health. Consuming cocoa regularly can benefit recent memory and the processing of visual information.

7. Caffeine

The caffeine contains neuroprotective elements that can keep much healthier brain. Among the reasons for consuming caffeine are: greater mental alertness and improved cognitive performance, optimization of alertness and reaction time, in addition to better athletic performance. For an even better performance of caffeine, use in combination with l-theanine is suggested.

Caffeine also helps you feel more alert and ‘wake up’ by blocking the brain’s adenosine receptors.

8. Panax ginseng

A typical Asian species, the plant popularly called ginseng also favors memory, reducing oxidative stress and promoting the nitric oxide that protects the brain. Research has already proven this ability to prevent age-related memory loss and improve long-term memory.

9. Curcumin

The turmeric helps improve working memory when used as a supplement on a regular basis in the long run. Curcumin can also increase BDNF (Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor), reduce oxidative stress and inhibit inflammatory cytokines.

10. Coenzyme Q10

Increases the availability of energy in the brain. It plays a role in the Krebs cycle in the mitochondria. It is a nootropic that works as a natural antioxidant when synthesized by the body. It is a supplement that is present in the human body and has an important role in generating energy. Coq10 has become a very popular supplement in use against aging. In addition, it has shown a good increase in brain performance.

11. Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba promotes an increase in the production of neural and glial growth factors, increasing the action of neurotransmitters linked to memory, the feeling of achievement and concentration: acetylcholine, dopamine and GABA. It improves the metabolism of antioxidant enzymes and free radicals and blocks cognitive decline.

12. Bacopa monnieri

It contributes to improving memory, learning skills and information processing, while supporting the functioning of the central nervous system as a whole. It is often associated with Ginkgo biloba, another reference in Ayurvedic medicine. Bacopa monnieri extracts contribute to improve certain cognitive functions and to preserve memory, learning abilities, associative memory, visual memory, and working memory.

13. Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola rosea is an oriental plant that has an effect classified as adaptogenic. Adaptogenics are substances that help the body respond effectively to stress – whether mental, physical or emotional. The plant provides mechanisms for your brain to cope with sleep deprivation or work overload. Even if you are in a situation of intellectual pressure that causes fatigue, Rhodiola reduces irritation, anxiety and increases performance. But in addition to helping to manage anxiety and stress, Rhodiola also has stimulating properties for the brain.


by Abdullah Sam
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