10 tips to improve your performance as a teacher

If you doubt the teaching work requires constant reflection and analysis of the practice itself, this in order to identify the strengths as well as those aspects that must be perfected. This implies not only work in the classroom, but also covers other areas related to the operation of the school, so it is necessary to keep up to date and in search of permanent improvement.

For this reason, in this article we share 10 tips to improve your teaching practice, which, regardless of whether you are a teacher in training, new to the service, or someone with vast experience, will surely help you.



Identify their learning styles and rhythms, their interests and characteristics. In the same way, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the context in which they operate and know what materials and resources are available to them, as well as what socio-cultural elements can be taken as an advantage to promote learning. All of this will make the activities you include in your planning more likely to achieve your desired purpose.


Knowing the pedagogical approaches will help you to know how to plan and organize the activities of the various subjects. For example, there are differences between the approaches to Mathematics and Mother tongue and this determines the way to design and organize the activities in each one: for Mathematics it is advisable to pose contextualized problem situations; while for Mother tongue the approach suggests proposing activities in which students participate in communicative situations with specific purposes and concrete interlocutors.


It is important that you are clear about the expected learning, the purposes of the class and that you take into account the students, their interests and needs, the materials available in the context, as well as the pedagogical approach of the subject. Organize the activities in a didactic sequence with beginning, middle and end ; It also includes the way you go and evaluate (types of evaluation and instruments).


Traditional teaching where students listen passively and the teacher explains the content has been left behind, now it is necessary for teachers to implement various techniques in class such as: dramatizations, debate, forum, role play, round table; as well as various strategies , such as: Project-based learning, Problem-based learning, Flipped classroom, Situated learning, Challenge-based learning, among others.

You may be interested: 20 examples of techniques to implement in class


When used well, information and communication technologies are an excellent resource to promote learning, in addition to motivating students and becoming more interested in the topics. For this reason, it is advisable to use ICT whenever possible, but without losing sight of the expected learning and the purposes of the class.


By implementing collaborative work, synergy is created by taking advantage of the students’ knowledge and experience, personal and group skills are stimulated, motivation and confidence to carry out activities are increased, the generation of a common language is fostered and a positive interdependence.


When you are empathetic and promote empathy, a pleasant classroom environment is favored, problems of indiscipline decrease, students’ self-esteem increases and educational results improve. Some recommendations to be an empathetic teacher are: get to know the students, their tastes and interests; have high expectations of them; take an interest in what they feel and think; look beyond grades and learn to listen to and interpret students’ non-verbal cues.


It is necessary to implement self-evaluation, co-evaluation and hetero-evaluation , as well as not forgetting that evaluation must be carried out under a formative approach , that is, be a permanent process (not evaluate only at the end), in which diverse information is collected, which help us make decisions in order to promote student learning, as well as to improve our teaching practice.

In the same sense, to evaluate it is advisable not to focus only on the written exam and to use different instruments and resources such as: checklists, rubrics, class diaries, evidence portfolio, essays, oral presentations, graphic organizers, models, debates, lines of time, among others.

We recommend: 20 different instruments and ideas to evaluate


The results of the evaluations should be systematized, analyzed and communicated to the students through feedback, since from this they become aware of the strengths and difficulties faced. In the same way, this allows to establish concrete actions that allow to improve learning.

To offer feedback, it is suggested: create a climate of trust, start by pointing out the positive aspects, offer opportunities for students to identify themselves their strengths and areas for improvement (this can be through questions) and clarify the actions to follow to continue advancing .


The training of students is a shared task , so it is necessary to involve parents; It is well known that when working closely and in a coordinated way, educational results improve significantly. For this reason, it is essential to maintain close communication with the families of the students, as well as to let them know what precise actions they can take at home and at school to support the education of their children.

Tips to Improve Your Performance as a Teacher

As a teacher, you are constantly striving to provide the best education and guidance to your students. Improving your performance as a teacher not only benefits your students but also helps you grow as an educator. In this article, we will discuss some effective tips to enhance your teaching skills and create a positive learning environment for your students.

Develop Effective Communication Skills

Communication plays a pivotal role in effective teaching. It is essential to establish clear and concise communication with your students. Encourage open dialogue and create a safe space where students can freely express their thoughts and concerns. Use active listening techniques to better understand your students’ needs and tailor your teaching approach accordingly.

Embrace Continuous Learning

A great teacher is always eager to learn and improve. Stay updated with the latest educational trends, teaching methodologies, and research in your field. Attend workshops, seminars, and professional development programs to enhance your knowledge and skills. Embrace technology and explore new ways to incorporate it into your teaching practice.

Set Clear Objectives and Expectations

Setting clear objectives and expectations is crucial in creating a focused and organized learning environment. Clearly communicate the learning outcomes and ensure that your students understand what is expected of them. Break down complex topics into smaller, manageable parts to make learning more accessible. Regularly evaluate and provide feedback to help students track their progress.

Create Engaging and Interactive Lessons

Make your lessons interactive and engaging to keep your students motivated and interested. Incorporate various teaching techniques such as group discussions, hands-on activities, multimedia presentations, and real-life examples. Use visual aids, props, and technology to make your lessons more stimulating and memorable. Encourage active participation and collaboration among students.

Build Positive Relationships

Establishing positive relationships with your students is vital in creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment. Show genuine care and interest in their well-being and progress. Foster a sense of belonging by recognizing and celebrating their achievements. Be approachable and available for guidance and mentorship. Building trust and respect will help foster a positive student-teacher relationship.

Develop Effective Classroom Management Strategies

Effective classroom management is essential for maintaining a productive learning environment. Develop strategies to manage time, transition between activities, and handle disruptive behavior. Set clear rules and expectations and consistently enforce them. Use positive reinforcement to recognize good behavior and address any challenges promptly and tactfully.

Personalize Learning to Individual Student Needs

Every student has unique learning styles and abilities. To ensure maximum comprehension and engagement, personalize your teaching approach to cater to individual student needs. Differentiate instruction by offering various learning pathways and providing additional support for struggling students. Celebrate diversity and encourage inclusivity in your classroom.

Reflect and Improve

Take time to reflect on your teaching methods and assess their effectiveness. Seek feedback from both students and colleagues to gain different perspectives. Analyze student performance data to identify areas for improvement and adjust your teaching strategies accordingly. Embrace a growth mindset and constantly strive to improve your teaching practice.


Being a teacher is a noble profession, and continually striving to improve your performance demonstrates your dedication to your students’ education and growth. By developing effective communication skills, embracing continuous learning, setting clear objectives, creating engaging lessons, building positive relationships, implementing classroom management strategies, personalizing learning, and reflecting on your practice, you will undoubtedly enhance your performance as a teacher. Remember, the impact you make as an educator can leave a lasting impression on your students and shape their future success.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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