Nonverbal communication is a form of communication that has extraordinary power. Has your fellow reader been able to see a colleague’s mood just by looking at the expression on his face when he arrives at the office? How can we make that assumption? Certainly by reading the facial expressions they display. Well, nonverbal communication helps us better in reading other people’s thoughts compared to words and even tone of voice and as a guide for reading one’s mind. Nonverbal communication includes facial expressions to body language that is influenced by culture. This is why sometimes we can misinterpret body movements, facial expressions and body language of a person. Before interpreting the purpose of nonverbal communication shown by someone, we must recognize the background and culture that is owned, so that it will not get a message or meaning that is different from what it should be. For this reason, it takes a high sense of sensitivity in order to know clearly what the intention is conveyed.


Why do we need to understand and understand nonverbal communication?

According to one study, the level of effectiveness of a communication is determined by nonverbal communication. Other research shows that words only have an effect of 7%, sound has an effect of 38% and the other 55% is influenced by nonverbal communication. Wow, this is a very big number. Of course, if we are not able to understand nonverbal communication, misunderstandings will occur that can be fatal.


Does nonverbal communication only have to be owned by leaders?

Of course not. Whatever our position in the current job, the ability to interpret nonverbal communication is a skill that must be mastered. If your fellow readers are still not able to interpret nonverbal communication properly, it’s time to improve that ability. The better we can understand nonverbal communication, the better the communication skills we have.


Of course this will not be easy. It takes extensive time and knowledge to be able to understand nonverbal communication. Fellow readers need not worry. If we continue to train ourselves to master this skill, we will be adept at interpreting nonverbal communication. Here are 2 tips that can help us understand nonverbal communication.


1. Understand how to communicate with others.

Everyone has different communication skills. To be able to fully understand what the intentions and objectives are conveyed, pay attention to facial expressions, eye contact, how to stand, how to move your arms and legs, and body movements performed. Of course, their appearance and the way they walk are also important points to consider. Nonverbal communication is a skill that is not obtained in a short time. This requires time and experience. The more often we pay attention to others, the wider our understanding of nonverbal communication.


2. Pay attention to words and body language.

Have your fellow readers seen a colleague who congratulated you by showing the opposite facial expression? Now, if you have the ability to understand nonverbal communication, you can see whether someone really feels happy or is just pretending. Which can be trusted, speech or body language? Of course body language. If someone says something, pay attention to the nonverbal communication shown. Nonverbal communication is a clue to the real thing.


Those are 2 important tips in understanding nonverbal communication. Then, what situations often involve the ability to understand nonverbal communication? Here are 3 situations that often involve the ability to understand nonverbal communication.

1. When applying for work.

For recruiters, nonverbal communication can be a guide for accepting or not accepting applicant candidates. Recruiters can pay attention to the communication displayed by prospective applicants starting from sitting in the office lobby. Furthermore, during the interview session, nonverbal communication can also be a clue to find out the strengths and weaknesses of the applicant. That way, recruiters will not make the wrong decision. For applicants, nonverbal communication skills help them to understand the intent expressed by the recruiter. By reading the recruiter’s nonverbal communication , the applicant can find out whether he was accepted or not.


2. When resolving conflicts.

To resolve conflicts, we need to gather available facts. Well, this is where the ability to understand nonverbal communication is needed. Through nonverbal communication shown, we can find out whether someone is telling the facts or not in the investigation process, so we can better know the truth and make the right decision.


3. When chairing a meeting. 

As a meeting leader, the ability to understand nonverbal communication can be a signal that shows whether the material presented is boring or not and whether the meeting participants are really focused or feel bored with what we say. In addition, nonverbal communication also makes us know whether someone wants to convey their opinions or suggestions. By having the ability to understand nonverbal communication, we can run effective meetings and become great meeting leaders .


The ability in nonverbal communication can be improved by continuing exercises. We need to understand the power possessed by nonverbal communication and have extensive experience and understanding in order to understand what the intentions and goals conveyed by someone. Pay attention to every body language, facial expressions, movements performed, tone of voice and words delivered. Use instinct to interpret nonverbal communication. Of course, we must also have a high sensitivity. Training and experience will train us to become experts in nonverbal communication.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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