There Is No Pleasure Without Sadness

Once I saw an idoled comedian who was angry. Then in my heart I thought, “Why is he angry at him he’s usually funny.” At the time it made no sense to me that someone who always seemed cheerful could be angry. But as time went on and I remembered the incident again, I realized that human beings could be angry. It is impossible to keep happy. If you keep happy there must be something wrong. His name is life there must be emotions other than pleasure that arises.

Whose name is a human can definitely be angry. It is impossible to keep happy.

Maybe that’s what other people have found for me. Seeing me as a person who is always cheerful as if never angry or sad. When in fact I am a grumpy person. People who know me well know I am short-tempered. Only I know the right time and way to channel that anger. Learn from my father – who is also angry, when angry he never wanted to hurt others. So do I. Getting angry is angry without having to say rude or to do something that can hurt others. Likewise with sadness. Of course my life did not escape sadness. I believe what you resist persists. For me, we don’t need to try to refuse not to be sad. It is difficult because naturally humans will definitely reject sadness. But then I reminded myself many times when that moment came, “Yes, that’s OK. It’s okay for me not to be okay.”

There is one film that in my opinion can illustrate the meaning of sadness. The film is titled Inside Out . In it there are two characters named Joy and Sadness. Joy always thinks that Sadness will only make things worse. Humans should not be sad because everything can be made fun. But finally Joy realized that between joy (happiness) and sadness(sadness) can go hand in hand. Like it or not, happiness and sadness are a package in life. There will be no pleasure without sadness. From this film I learned that when I’m sad I don’t have to force myself to be happy. Because when I try hard to be happy when I’m still feeling sad, everything will be useless. Sadness will not just disappear. Instead I will feel more after acknowledging the sadness. Receive sadness as part of life and later it will pass. Sadness or fear of death, for example, is something that must be accepted as a consequence of life. The fact is that life is to die and that sadness will always be there, sometimes even needed.

Like it or not, happiness and sadness are a package in life. There will be no pleasure without sadness.

The closest example of this experience is when I and everyone face a pandemic. Everything suddenly changes. What used to be a full schedule can do this and that now it can’t do anything. We face conditions where we don’t even know whether to survive or not. This event really beat us up completely. Eliminating the most basic thing for me and all of us: security. At the beginning of the week I stayed at home, started to know there were patients in our country who tested positive for COVID-19, I was really stressed. Every day seems to feel sick. In my heart I often say, “Don’t tell me I got hit.” Really paranoidwant to do anything. Even rarely eat so afraid that the food is not clean or nutritious. If it doesn’t go hungry I won’t touch food. Followed by other fears that appear in the head. Fear that could have been ruled out now must be faced by all including my greatest fear: being alone. Coupled with reading news that adds stress. So almost every day I cry. I had tried to do distractions like watching shows that make me laugh. But it was not that easy. When watching in the head still spinning disturbing thoughts. “What if I am positive? What if we have to be isolated outside alone? What if you die? ” Every day so.

Finally, my turning point was when trying to accept the situation, not forcing it to cheer up right away. Incidentally, I joined a stress management community where I was taught to apply healing techniques in emergency situations like now. At the end of the second week at home feeling anxious, afraid, sad then it subsided. I began to think, “Why should I think of something that hasn’t happened? That’s just my fear. Until now I can still breathe, can still live “. I say that to myself over and over again every day. Until every time I wake up what I say is, ” Thank God, I’m still alive”. Day after day I live by trying to think, “Now if I’m still alive what can be done?” That is what later helped me to shift disturbing emotions.

Finally, my turning point was when trying to accept the situation, not forcing it to cheer up right away.

This incident could indeed be the lowest point in our lives but at the same time be a turning point. From this incident, I was able to clearly see how many things I can be thankful for in life. Like when there is a suggestion to wash hands frequently. How lucky I am to be able to wash my hands with clean water. What about other people who don’t even have access to clean water? Also when it is recommended to work from homeand stay home. I realized how grateful I was to have a place to go home to, a safe place. I still have family. I don’t have to work outside the home like some people who can’t leave work until they have to leave the house. Until finally one of the actions that can get me out of stressful and sad conditions was to make a move that can be done for those who have no luck like me. My brothers and I along with Gusdurian raised funds to make donations to those who still have to work outside the home. Provide hand sanitizerfor those who might not be able to get access to clean water are also basic daily necessities. Maybe small, but at least this is what I can do. Something that most can’t help us get through this difficult time together.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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