Night Owl: Lower the minimum brightness more than allowed

On the Android platform, there are applications that seek entertainment for their users, while others seek to solve a problem or seek to serve a utility. This is the case of Night Owl , an app to lower the brightness of the screen to more than what is allowed.

You don’t need any root permission or anything like that, with a few simple adjustments you can reduce the intensity of the brightness. On many occasions, in a room or in a totally dark environment, the light emitted by the screen is still high for our eyes, which would not hurt to reduce it a little more.

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Night Owl – Screen Dimmer & Night Mode

Developer: evezzon

What are the benefits of reducing screen brightness?

There are many benefits to reducing screen brightness and filtering out that intense light. The first and most important of all is the health of our eyes. The blue light emitted by technological screens is the most damaging to sight that currently exists, causing insomnia and headaches , as well as a progressive loss of vision.

This app tries to adjust the intensity of that light with various parameters that can be adjusted to suit each user and each situation. In addition, it has other advanced filters that reduce the brightness of the most strident or most common colors, such as blue, green and red. The app contains more options, which we will show below.

Manage the brightness to your liking with Night Owl

It is true that the application is in English, but with its simple interface we will not have a problem when setting the brightness. In addition to filtering blue light and some specific colors, the app has the possibility of setting schedules depending on the time of day or where we are. It is not the same to be inside a house than in the street in full sunlight.

Thus, Night Owl automates this routine and automatically adjusts the brightness, so that we do not forget to configure it manually and, thus, protect our eyes. All these options can be found in «Schedule» . We also find a section for settings, in which we can configure if we want the brightness reduction when turning on the mobile, among other options.

The sensations that we have found in this app is that its effectiveness depends on the situation and the terminal we are using. The difference with respect to the minimum brightness by default is not so noticeable if we are in an area with a lot of light. On the other hand, in very dark situations a layer of color can be distinguished (left image), which acts as a protector against blue light. We also notice changes if the brightness of the terminal is not good in itself, although that does not happen in all cases.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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