New combination of Bach flower essences for the treatment of smoking

New combination of Bach flower essences for the treatment of smoking. The snuff hails from Latin America , belongs to the family Solanaceae; In its beginnings the natives called it cohíba and it was not only used by the behíque but also consumed by the entire membership. Consumption could be smoked, chewed and other times snorted.

Juan Nicot recommended its application for wound healing and it was also used in powder form. In recognition of Nicot, the plant was named nicotine and its active product nicotine.

Tobacco is considered a drug since when it is consumed it produces some effect on mental functions and determines tolerance and dependence, as well as different harmful actions that can damage health in its physical, mental, social and spiritual aspects. It is further classified as a legal drug .


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  • 1 Negative effects of tobacco
  • 2 Prevention of tobacco habit
  • 3 Stop smoking
  • 4 Alternative medicine variant
  • 5 Basis of treatment
  • 6 The flowers
    • 1 Flower essences and interaction with the body
    • 2 Contraindications
  • 7 See also
  • 8 Sources

Negative effects of tobacco

Tobacco carries the amount of neurotransmitters in a similar way to coffee, at the same time decreases blood circulation through the brain and heart, and blocks the nerve impulses of the spinal cord .

In addition to nicotine, it contains tar, which is highly significant in causing lung and throat cancer, as well as the carbon monoxide released during its combustion and the high temperature of the smoke that is inhaled.

Produces negative health effects such as: headaches, dizziness, anxiety, cerebral arteriosclerosis, vascular accidents, ringing in the ears, halitosis, tooth stains, cancer of the lip and tongue, cancer of the larynx, muscle relaxation, lung cancer, bronchitis, hypertension arterial, myocardial infarction, hyperacidity, gastric ulcer, gastric cancer, tremors, sexual dysfunction, peripheral arteriosclerosis, chronic obstructive disease, cervical cancer.

It affects the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, nervous and genitourinary systems. Smoking addiction is responsible for about 25 diseases and 30 percent of deaths from cancer.

Among other negative effects on health we have: low birth weight, sudden death syndrome and repeated abortions, behavioral teratogenesis, affects non-smokers, children of smoking parents have 2 times more frequency of suffering from respiratory diseases (bronchitis and asthma) than children of non-smoking parents.

Prevention of tobacco habit

The prevention of tobacco habit must begin with the example of parents, with the global control of tobacco advertising and by developing an attitude of rejection of the habit, avoiding the invitation to smoke by adults to young people, Other mechanisms have been the rise in the price of tobacco and the continuous information and persuasion campaign for the population; the practice of physical exercises and places and activities where smoking is prohibited.

To get rid of the habit of smoking once established, different techniques have been developed.

It is a habit that requires significant personal effort to overcome and sometimes requires the simultaneous effort of the smoker and the medical team.

Many times the total interruption of consumption is achieved after having installed a complication such as: myocardial infarction.

Give up smoking

To stop smoking, the first aspect is to recognize that there is no toxin stronger than the firm decision of a human being. Second, the harmful effects should not only be assessed in terms of loss of health and the possibility of early death.

In order to help those who make the decision to quit smoking, methods and techniques have been developed, among which we have: The method of progressive reduction of smoked cigarettes, Technique “The awareness card”, Technique “The daily oath”. Other specialized resources are: nicotine or clonidine patches, tablets, nicotine gum, acupuncture, aversive resources and flower therapy among others.

Flower therapy as a naturopathic modality has been used in smoking cessation and its effectiveness has been demonstrated for the treatment of both physical and emotional disorders.

Alternative medicine variant

Flower remedies are called a series of natural essences extracted from wild flowers, whose healing properties were discovered by the English doctor Edward Bach between 1926 and 1934 , uses flower essences as medicines. Forty-two years later, in 1976 , this therapy was recognized by the World Health Organization as a very useful, simple, inexpensive system that can be used effectively, easily and safely without side, unpleasant and / or toxic effects. .

In 1999 the Ministry of Public Health   made this technique official in Cuba . They are the result of a process of collection and processing, preferably of wild flowers in ecological zones free of environmental pollutants.

Flower therapy is a variant of alternative medicine, it is more widespread mainly in the industrialized world. It is a medical therapeutic system that involves psychotherapeutic, causal, medicinal, holistic (total), reacting and clinical aspects of spontaneous healing, through a reharmonization of one’s own consciousness.

In some way these concentrates are taken in order to rebalance the body when it has decompensated. They help to put everything back in its place as if it were a puzzle.

Treatment basis

The basis of the treatment with flower essences stems from the philosophy: in the human organism there is an energetic balance. Many times, sustained or acute emotional disturbance breaks this balance and consequently conditions appear.

The flower essences through a personified treatment bring balance again, each one has the power to heal itself.

Bach believed that there were no diseases, only sick individuals. Your flower system is like a healing through the soul. It is a totally harmless method with no side effects or risk of overdose.

This therapeutic system is included within the so-called Vibrational or Bioenergetic Medicines, they are vibrational preparations that preserve the unique energy quality of a given flower.


The flower has the characteristics of an energy antenna that receives the energies of the cosmos (from the sun) through the air and the energies of the earth (through the stem and the root). The flower receives two types of energy (Yin-Yang) from its union and balance maintains its own energy with individual characteristics, which can be transferred to the water in the method of preparing the essence.

Flower essences constitute means of transformation of human beings by allowing the incorporation of harmonic qualities to the being, which become facilitators of integral personal growth.

Flower essences and interaction with the body

The flower essence acts once incorporated into the body, thanks to its vibrational characteristic, it comes into contact with the patient’s energy field and travels through it through the acupuncture meridians and goes to the chakras and energy organs, where it will be produced. the effect, which will manifest itself initially in emotional states and later, as far as possible, in matter.

The floral essence is a subtle energy field, kept in an alcove that, placed in the energy field of another subtle body of another living being, acts by harmonizing vibrational resonance. The flower does its work slowly and deliberately, incorporating a quality to the energy field of the being that needs it and producing in most cases a silent effect, so much so that the person, after a while, assumes that this harmonic characteristic of its being is its own and does not attribute its effect to the flower.

People, after taking the flower essence for a while, report not having felt important effects attributed to the flower, however, if they are questioned about symptoms or altered emotional states that were prior to taking the essence, they show that the They have changed, they do not usually know when such an event occurred, or under what circumstances and for this reason they do not attribute it to the floral action.


Anyone can take Bach Flowers. They are not opposed to other medications or therapies. Great results have been found in people of any age, including nursing-age babies, children, the elderly, and newborns.


by Abdullah Sam
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