Metal Gear Survive Guide, Tips and Tricks

We help you master this Metal Gear spin-off and survive in this post-apocalyptic alternate world full of zombies.

Welcome to our Metal Gear Survive tips and advice guide. The title is a spin-off belonging to the classic Metal Gear saga created by Hideo Kojima . This new installment orients its playable proposal towards survival and resource management within an open world. The video game will take place on the planet Dite, a place we have reached after being absorbed by a wormhole and where our objective will be to survive in order to discover what has happened with the previous exploration team and collect as much information as possible about the dimensional event.

The demanding playable approach of the video game and the change of focus within the saga, make it even more necessary that we bring you a series of very useful tips, we give you explanations about the point where the plot is located, let’s review the best weapons available , we will provide you with information about micropayments and finally we will answer some of the most common questions about this new Konami video game.

Tips and tricks to play


One of the most important elements to survive in Metal Gear Survive is playing calmly. We are facing a video game where it will be essential to collect all kinds of materials, be aware of the arsenal, take care of the equipment or manage the base , aspects that we will explain in more detail below. Therefore, before and after each mission, it will be essential that we invest a large part of our time in carrying out different tasks, since in the long term this will allow us to enjoy a more stable and effective experience.


Therefore, try not to overwhelm yourself with the main missions, since if we try to advance too fast we will end up with serious problems to keep our character alive, and facing areas that will be inhabited by enemies with a level much higher than ours, something that In the long run it will waste too much time, waste valuable materials, and become unnecessarily frustrated.

Collect everything you see

One of the best tips to progress properly in Metal Gear Survive is that during our constant movements we be very careful when it comes to collecting the raw materials that we find around us . To do this, not only will we have to explore each new building and collect materials from the environment when we move from one place to another on the map, but it will also be essential to be vigilant in case we see any containers. These objects will require a small Quick Time Event to open them, but once obtained they will reward us with very interesting prizes such as design plans to manufacture new equipment.

Another factor to take into account when collecting materials is that depending on the type of object and the amount we collect, the time we must take to pick it up may vary, so we must make sure we are protected before doing so, since at any moment we can be attacked unexpectedly by a nearby enemy. Finally, in the development menu of our character we will have a special ability called Quick Hands, which will allow us to more quickly collect resources from enemies, animals, containers and other objects. This advantage is highly recommended regardless of our style of play, since we are constantly going to have to collect elements from the environment and being able to minimally optimize this process will help us enormously.

Stock up on food

Just as it is essential to collect raw materials to speed up development, getting food will be a key point if we want to face the missions with guarantees. In Metal Gear Survive the hunger and thirst meters will always be active , so if a mission gets too long we could be in trouble and even die if we don’t have a good food reserve. It is therefore essential that before and after the missions we spend some time exploring the hunting areas. These areas will appear marked on the map and, not only will they tell us the approximate area of ​​the objective, but they will also indicate the size of the animals that we can hunt, being able to capture sheep, wolves and even bears.

Once we get our loot we will have to go to the base to cook , since if we eat it raw it will not give us the same energy, and it can even cause stomach problems. To get the most out of our hunting it will be important that we have developed the Tripod Bonfire , a complement to the base that will allow us to cook more elaborate dishes such as soups, which will give us an extra load of energy. If, on the other hand, we only have the initial bonfire, we can only grill the food, obtaining a lower caloric reward and, therefore, wasting a large part of these precious foods.

In case of not finding food, we can wait for the areas in which we have hunted to be restocked. For this we can perform other tasks or sleep about four or five hours, an action that will slightly consume the indicators of hunger and thirst, but that will allow us to return to action with a good number of animals to hunt.

Stock up on drink

In the case of drinking, the process is simpler, since it will be common to locate points of fresh water in which to obtain large amounts of liquid (the closest being very close to the base). For this, it will be necessary that we have empty bottles in our inventory and that later we fill as many as possible, being able to even leave some in the base camp warehouse to avoid overloading ourselves.

Once we have our loot, it will be time to go to Base Camp to make clean water. This can be achieved using four bottles of dirty water (which we will always collect from the water areas), thereby obtaining greater hydration . In case of drinking dirty water we will also have a good hydration reward, although we will run the risk of suffering stomach problems, something that will be random, but that can be a big problem, since in case of suffering one of these symptoms we will begin to dehydrate more quickly, so it will be necessary to take medication to avoid a greater evil.

Another very important help, and that we can only unlock when the plot progresses, will be the “Tank to collect rainwater” . This machine can be located at the Base Camp and will allow us to receive large amounts of clean water from time to time, a very important help that will prevent us from taking unnecessary walks to the water points. In addition, we can unlock a more advanced unit called “Rainwater Purification Tank” that will give us a greater amount of resources in less time.

Use stamps on the map

Metal Gear Survive includes a very simple marking functionality but in the long run it becomes tremendously useful. When we open the map we will simply have to press the direction crosshairs, displaying at that moment a menu with different stamps. These can mark areas of water, plants, animals, level of creatures, wood, medication, containers, a multitude of materials and free symbols that will help us remember important areas. Although initially it may be an uninteresting task, the truth is that if we are meticulous and we indicate everything on the map, when we progress we will realize that we have a multitude of aids that will speed up the location of certain extremely important elements. Therefore, try to be orderly from the first moment and invest a little time in marking the areas well, because when you have all the map available it will be the best possible help.

Use vehicles wisely

In Metal Gear Survive we are going to have a series of vehicles that will allow us to move with greater agility around the map. On the one hand, we find SUVs, very fast vehicles that do not have weapons, but that will allow us to cover long distances with little effort . In addition, they can be a very useful tool to run over and kill large numbers of enemies, and even to hunt small wild animals.

The second option available, and surely the most interesting, is the Walker Gear. This bipedal machine will allow us to travel long distances at high speed and will be equipped with powerful machine guns to kill all the enemies that stand in our way . This gadget will also allow us to perform physical attacks, so it can be a very helpful element.

Finally, it must be made clear that neither the car nor the Walker Gear will be very abundant (remember to mark their location on the map with the stamps when you find them), nor will they have great resistance, so if we are not going to give them a great utility would be better if we reserve them for the important moments. In spite of everything, if they break, they will eventually reappear in the same area that we originally found them.

Don’t forget the Kuban energy

The last essential material that we must collect will be the Kuban energy. This element will be essential to develop the team, maintain the proper functioning of the base and above all to develop our character . We can find this energy crystallized all over the planet, simply having to hit it to be able to collect its small pieces. However, it will also be found on the bodies of our enemies, so it will be key that we dedicate time to obtain it, since they will be the main source of supply.

It is true that to recover it from our victims we will have to spend some time, since the acquisition process will not be instantaneous, however, the amounts of Kuban energy that they will grant us will be so large that we should not miss even the slightest option. Therefore, once the area is cleared or if we are well protected, we must collect all the available Kuban energy . Also indicate you have to be quick, since after a few minutes the bodies will disappear. Finally, we can use the Quick Hands ability (which also works for other types of materials) to speed up this process.

Take time to have a good team

Once we have a good supply of Kuban power and enough raw materials to develop all kinds of items, it will be critical that we begin to build a team that is capable of meeting our demanding mission. For this, it will be essential that we use the available development tables correctly.

In the work table to manufacture physical and firearms we can develop a good arsenal. In this sense, physical weapons have acquired enormous importance in Metal Gear Survive, so it will be essential to manufacture those that best suit our way of playing , since thanks to this we will be able to attack enemies with great effectiveness and without having to worry about ammunition. These weapons will have different levels of rarity, so in case of acquiring a new design or being rewarded with a new higher-level weapon, we will have to manufacture it and replace the one we have equipped. Depending on the rarity level, not only will they have a greater number of attack points and durability, but they may also have very interesting special advantages.

In addition to making weapons here we can also develop ammunition, which will be divided according to the type of weapon. In the case of bows, not only will we be able to make more effective arrows, but it will also be possible to create special fire ammunition or, for example, electric ammunition, which can be a huge advantage on the battlefield.

If we have already developed the weapons with which we feel comfortable, we should be very clear that over time we will also have to repair them, since they will wear out and lose effectiveness in combat . These repairs will require certain materials and Kuban energy, but it will be important to always have our arsenal in good condition if we do not want to lose effectiveness on the battlefield.

Something similar happens with firearms that, although they are not as effective in combat as one might expect, they are still an ideal option to kill enemies at medium and long range. In this way, we can make pistols, shotguns or rifles, being more or less interesting depending on our style of play. The last weapon available will be the bow, which can evolve into one of the most effective options both at medium and long range.

If you have a high-quality weapon, it will also be possible to reinforce it . This process will modify Attack and Durability, although not always both will benefit from this action. Therefore, it will be important to review the weapons and see if we can obtain an interesting improvement, being possible to repeat this process several times to create much more effective weapons.

The last option available is to dismantle the weapons we have, something that can be very useful if we have several identical objects or a lower-level weapon that has become obsolete. By carrying out this process we will obtain rare materials that will allow us to develop new weapons or ammunition.

Make defensive structures

With all the equipment prepared we will only need to equip ourselves with defensive structures. These will be manufactured on the Device Workbench. Here we will find metal fences, sand protections or wooden fences, which will be essential to stop the waves of enemies . All of them will have a level of resistance and will require specific materials for their manufacture, however, the most effective in the cost / efficiency ratio is the metal fence.

In this manufacturing table we can also make throwing weapons such as Molotov cocktails, decoys or chemical light . All of them will be important, however, the most effective is the Molotov cocktail, a truly effective zone-action throwing weapon, not only against the Wanderers, but also against those larger enemies that will gradually lose life due to fire.

Here we will also have weapons to place such as mines, decoys or signal flags, which will appear on the map once they have been placed. In this case, it will be very important to be well equipped with mines, since we can place them in strategic points of the defense and use them to kill a large number of enemies simultaneously .

Being clear about all the objects that will be at our disposal, before each mission it will be important to make sure that our equipment is adequate, since once we are outside the Base Camp we will not find manufacturing tables.

Create a good outfit

Making good clothing will be essential to increase our defenses. For this we will have to go to the team work table . Here we can manufacture equipment for: head, torso, hands and legs, all available areas being equally important. In this way, as we obtain new designs, we will optimize our equipment, thereby achieving higher levels of protection and durability . Therefore, although some aesthetic designs will not be too beautiful, we will have to worry about choosing the most effective ones (also according to their rarity level) and reinforcing the different clothes that we carry equipped to improve their statistics.

On this table it will also be possible to create Survival Equipment . This section will have an oxygen tank, necessary to enter the dust areas; A Wormhole Extraction Device, to extract corpses and supplies quickly; and different improvements to increase the maximum weight that we can carry or also to unlock new quick access slots. For the manufacture of most of these and other survival objects we will simply need the appropriate materials, although some of them will only be available as the campaign progresses.

Control oxygen

In Dite we will find some really dangerous special dust areas. These locations will be distributed throughout the map and in them we will find a greater presence of enemies and a large amount of loot. However, to access them we will need a special oxygen equipment that we will obtain during the first missions of the campaign mode. Thanks to this complement we will be able to move freely without dying. The problem is that the oxygen supply is limited and if we stay too long in these dangerous locations we will end up dead.

Due to this, it is advisable to be very aware of the oxygen meter and try to leave the area quickly when we see that the situation begins to get complicated. However, in case of extreme need we can also charge the oxygen tank using Kuban energy , a recharge that will grow in cost as we fill the tank. Due to this peculiarity, the first recharges will be relatively cheap, but if we repeat the process too many times before returning to a safe area out of the dust, the cost will skyrocket and we could lose a lot of Kuban energy unnecessarily. For this reason, we will have to be proactive and measure very well the time we spend in the dust.

Manufactures medicines

In a world as hostile as Dite, it will be essential to be equipped with different medical supplies. These will be manufactured with specific materials such as rags and adhesives, so we will have to be very careful when collecting materials whenever we see this type of raw materials. In Metal Gear Survive we can suffer all kinds of injuries, having to enter the main menu to locate and heal them properly . In case of suffering a Laceration, life will gradually decrease until it is exhausted, while if we have a Hemorrhage, life will remain stable, but at no time will self-regeneration be activated.

The ideal would be to be equipped with as many healing elements as possible, since not only can we manufacture remedies for lacerations or hemorrhages, but we can also improve resistance in a timely manner with an energy drink, recover from blows suffered when falling from considerable heights , overcome intestinal problems by eating or drinking spoiled food, or avoid poisoning or infection. Therefore, do not skimp on these types of objects, since at any moment they can save your life.

Develop the Base of Operations

As the campaign progresses, and after following all of our tips above to ensure a more bearable survival experience, it will be critical that we spend time developing our Base of Operations.

Thanks to a complete menu of organization, we can remove the scrap from the surroundings and install all kinds of facilities within the available reticular space. The first and most important thing will be to improve the different creation tables as much as possible, since these will allow us to develop a more advanced equipment that will make life easier for us within Dite.

On the other hand, it will be essential to create management structures to grow plants, keep animals in captivity that we can later use as food, or purify water, tasks that will take time to complete but that will provide us with a constant flow of supplies. A very important aspect is that as we rescue survivors we will be able to take them to our base, later being possible to locate them in the different productive areas to help in the management of the base.. To improve this functionality it will be essential to look at the statistics and skills of each team member, since in some areas they will be more useful than in others. In addition, we will be able to re-educate the different members according to the needs of the base in order to increase their effectiveness, something that will allow a faster and more productive development.

Among the functionalities available to the different members we find a very important one, the exploration staff. Thanks to this action, we will be able to deploy different team members to form an active exploration unit, allowing them to register places autonomously.. If a search is successful, the team will return with loot such as new materials and design instructions, and you can even get rare items that we would not normally find. To guarantee the success of the mission, we will not only be able to train them, but we will also have to equip them with weapons and equipment. Once they are properly equipped, we can see the different search missions available with specific details. In the same way, we can review those that are already deployed to see their status and even send reinforcements if necessary.

Initially we will only have one team available, although we can unlock up to four more through the use of SV (coins acquired with real money). Each new team will cost 1000 SV (approximately € 9), so if we want to have as much staff as possible to increase the resources that are arriving at the Base Camp, we will have to pay 4000 SV (slightly less than € 35).

Protect the base of operations

Although development is essential to ensure good progression, we must never forget that we are on an inhospitable planet where we can be attacked at any moment. Due to this, it will be essential that we use the management menu to build defensive structures that protect us from enemies . For this we will need a security perimeter with fences, watchtowers, elevated walkways and military attack equipment such as turrets, something that will guarantee us not to lose all our progress in the event of an enemy attack.

The use of a large amount of resources to obtain a higher level of protection will depend on each player, although we advise you to fortify the base as soon as possible, since some specific missions will take place in the vicinity of the Base Camp and at that time it will be essential to enjoy good defenses that help us suppress the enemy offensive.

Develop the character correctly

Thanks to the Kuban energy we can raise the level of our character, which will give us access to a skill point for each level acquired. It is therefore key to invest most of the Kuban energy in our avatar, since as we level up we will optimize the statistics, something essential to face the most powerful enemies . This acquires even greater value if we take into account that the rivals are also governed by levels, so the difficulty of one or another area will be marked by their level, the progress of the campaign mode being more agile if we are close or by above the level of said enemies.

The skill point that we acquire with each new level can be invested in the skill tree. Here we will find a specific area to increase statistics such as: Strength, Vitality, Dexterity and Resistance , physical aspects of our character that will be essential to perform at the highest level on the battlefield. Another of the areas that make up this progress tree will be oriented to the handling of weapons, finding specific parts for: Cutting weapon, Lunge weapon, Two-handed weapon and Heavy weapon, being able here to learn new movements, stronger blows and attacks in sprint .

Finally, we will have an area with new movements that will be independent of the weapon we carry. Here we find Combat Jump, which will allow us to take a lateral step to avoid attacks while preparing the weapon; Kick, which takes an opponent and kicks him in any direction; Stomp, which executes a powerful smash of an enemy on the ground; Foot sweep, which trips your opponent while you are running; Dive attack, which allows an attack by jumping from the top of a platform; Quick Hands, which allows you to collect resources from enemies, animals, containers and other objects more quickly; o Defense against CQC, which is able to stop an opponent’s attack in any direction.

As for the best way to evolve our character, the truth is that there is no preference, since it will mainly depend on the style of play of each user. However, we do believe that it is very important not to forget to optimize physical elements (Strength, Vitality, Dexterity and Endurance), since these will be essential to perform at the highest level. But we do not have to focus solely on these aspects and neglect the rest, that is why we must also improve skills focused on the weapon or weapons that we use the most, leaving aside those less practical for us, since we would be wasting skill points .

In the same way, acquiring new movements is always a good idea, since they will give us more options on the battlefield, but once again, it is important to focus on those that we are going to use the most or that we create more practical, since, As with weapons, it is possible that some movements do not adapt very well to our style and we spend skill points on accessories that will later be deprecated.

Unlock the teleportation portals

Throughout the territory of Dite we will find a large number of deactivated teleportation portals that we can put into operation to quickly return to Base Camp or move between the portals themselves. These fast trips will be essential to speed up our movements and prevent hunger and thirst levels from falling drastically if distances are too long .

The approximate points of your location will appear previously indicated on the map, so your location will not be very complicated. Once we reach the activation point we will have to resist a wave of enemies, leaving the portal active, as long as the creatures do not end up destroying it before the countdown ends.

To guarantee the success of the mission, it will be very important to be equipped with defensive protections such as fences of different types, mines or Molotov cocktails . In this way, we will analyze each location well to create a defensive perimeter that surrounds the portal, cutting the clearest access routes, but leaving a space wide enough to move freely inside and be able to shoot or attack enemies. In the event that our first defenses are overcome, we will use that interior space that we had left to plant new structures, and we can even get out of said fortification if there is little time left or if we have been completely overwhelmed by the enemy.

Use stealth

We have talked about all the weapons and equipment that we should carry before the missions, however, the best way to save resources is not by wasting what we already have . Due to this, it will be very important that during the missions we use stealth, a more strategic and calm aspect that seeks to avoid direct confrontations. For this we will have to pay close attention to the proximity indicator that surrounds our body, being able to even flee if detected to later retry the incursion.

The best way to go unnoticed is to crouch and even crawl. Thanks to these positions we will be able to approach our enemies and assassinate them in a stealth and lethal way . If we meet a large number of Wanderers we can also use distractions such as decoys and even Kuban crystals, which will attract their attention. Finally, and only in case they locate us and the enemies are very strong and numerous, it is best to run to an elevated area (since most cannot scale structures) and from here gradually kill them, or look for new ones. access roads to reach our goal.

Complete the temporary challenges

In addition to the main and secondary missions, if we visit the AI ​​that controls the Base of Operations we will have access to daily and weekly challenges that will bring us very interesting rewards . In order to complete them, we will first have to activate them, and once the mission is completed, return to the AI ​​to give us the appropriate rewards. In total we can activate five simultaneously, so we must be attentive and comply with the ones that we have active (especially the daily ones) to be able to take on new challenges and thus have an extra supply of supplies for our base.

Let yourself die

Yes, suicide can be a good strategy within Metal Gear Survive. Due to survival mechanics, which will force us to eat, drink and take care of our health constantly, we may at specific moments find ourselves desperate due to the lack of supplies. In these extreme cases we must consider the option of moving to a known place (it may even be the Base of Operations) to wait for our death. When we die we can choose to reappear in the Base of Operations, being able later to move to the area where we have fallen to pick up a box with our belongings, although we will have to be careful not to die again before recovering it or we can lose it.

The main reason for using this strategy is that when we return to life we ​​will recover 50% of our oxygen and 25% of our hydration and hunger levels , which will give us some margin to find supplies urgently and improve our physical condition. Therefore, although it would be best never to reach this situation, if the time comes, do not hesitate to use this strategy, since it ends up being a lesser evil.

Heal for free in multiplayer

When we enter the previous multiplayer lobby, the ammunition units, defense structures and healing will be infinite. This has been designed so that we can practice before the game with all our inventory, however, although it would not be more useful than to entertain the wait between games, it can also be a very practical functionality.

If we use the healing spray in the lobby we will see how our life bar heals, something that will be maintained when entering multiplayer and that will allow us to save a healing pot. In addition, if we apply the spray and return to campaign mode, when we return to Dite we will see that our health has been restored, allowing us to continue the game as normal . Therefore, if at any time in the Base Camp you have a bad life and want to recover it for free, it is as simple as performing the previous process.

In the same way, entering the lobby will also leave us the hunger and thirst markers at 25%, being able to return to the campaign later with these indicators in the same state. Again, it is not the most practical way to keep these markers stable, but in specific moments of need it can be a very useful solution.

Take advantage of multiplayer

If what we want is to have a good supply of materials, the ideal thing will be to play cooperative games in multiplayer, although it is very important to enter here after having played for hours in the campaign, since it not only serves as a tutorial, but also It will allow you to have a higher level and be equipped with better weapons and accessories.

This is important because the online side of Metal Gear Survive will be directly connected to the campaign, so all the resources we have will be used in multiplayer and all the rewards we get in this other mode will go directly to the campaign . Due to this peculiarity, the most important thing will be to make sure that we are well prepared for online games, since our health will also be affected by this change.

The multiplayer mode has been designed to form teams of four players who must withstand a total of three waves while protecting a Kuban Energy extraction excavator. To complete the mission it will be essential to carry good equipment, enough ammunition to face the enemy hordes and a multitude of defensive structures that allow us to protect the area. In addition, in each of the maps we will have creation banks and a joint warehouse, an ideal place to leave or collect all kinds of materials.

When choosing the games we can select between several levels of difficulty, finding greater and better rewards in the more complicated challenges . This is important because Metal Gear Survive will take into account the challenge we face and the final result obtained, greatly valuing the performance of the team, but also our individual performance. That is why it will be essential that we collaborate at all times, and not only by killing, since actions such as reviving an ally or placing protections will also be rewarded. Therefore, investing some time in the online aspect will not be a distraction from the campaign here, but the ideal complement to increase our warehouse and get better and better equipment

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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