Mastitis: what are its symptoms and causes?

Mastitis is a very common pathology in women, especially in those who breastfeed. This can be an annoying and uncomfortable problem. Want to know more about her? Then keep reading.

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The breasts are one of the most sensitive parts of the body in women. These can suffer a large number of pathologies and alterations of different etiology. One of the most common is mastitis. Do you want to know what its symptoms and causes are? We will explain them to you below.

Before talking about the pathology itself, it is important to clarify the anatomical constitution of the breast. It is made up, to a large extent, by the mammary gland . In turn, it is made up of lobes, which have ducts that lead to the nipple, through which the milk will circulate during the lactation period.

What is mastitis?

Taking into account the anatomical conformation, we can affirm that mastitis is the inflammation of one or more lobes of the mammary gland , which may or may not be accompanied by infection. Its diagnosis is very quick and is usually based on the symptoms presented.

A non-infectious mastitis can develop into an infectious secondary cause. Therefore, it is common to associate it with an infection. However, it is important to note that this will not be the case in all cases.

The alteration usually affects only one breast, although it can become bilateral in the fewest number of presentations. The most affected women are those who are breastfeeding , with an incidence among them that reaches 33%. In addition, the vast majority present it during the first 3 months of breastfeeding.

Pain is the classic sign of mastitis, whether it is infectious or not.

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Symptoms of mastitis

Generally speaking, women with mastitis often report severe pain in the affected breast ( mastalgia ) and some inflammatory signs such as redness, warmth to the touch, and swelling.

However, the symptoms may vary if it is associated with an infection or not. In the case of non-infectious mastitis, there is usually an intense stabbing pain and some mild local alteration. Even the skin may not be affected at all and therefore tends to be misdiagnosed.

On the other hand, the symptoms that occur in infectious mastitis are much more evident. In addition to the severe pain and characteristic inflammatory signs, we have the following:

  • Fever greater than 38.5 ° Cwith general malaise.
  • Shaking chills.
  • Vomiting
  • Swelling of the axillary glands.
  • Painful lesions on the nipple.
  • Pain or burning sensation during breastfeeding.

Causes of mastitis

Inflammation of the lobules of the mammary gland has 2 major causes . One refers to obstructions of the mammary ducts and the other to the entry of bacteria from the outside.

Breast duct obstruction

The obstruction of a milk duct or breast usually occurs due to poor breastfeeding technique. By not draining the sinus, bacteria produce a kind of layer called biofilm that gradually clogs the duct.

This obstruction can lead to non-infectious mastitis if it is not treated. In addition, if it is allowed to evolve over time, the bacteria could multiply and cause an infection .

But how can there be bacteria in milk? The answer is that the whole body has a series of microorganisms known as microbiota . As part of these microorganisms, breast milk has various microorganisms capable of generating biofilm .

These bacteria will be responsible for generating, in the future, the intestinal microbiota of the newborn. Therefore, we can say with total security that they do not represent any danger to the baby.

Entry of bacteria from outside

The skin can suffer all kinds of injuries without our realizing it and the breasts are not exempt from them. These injuries are very frequent when the baby’s teeth come out. These lesions, no matter how small, can serve as a gateway for various pathogenic bacteria that come from both the mother and the baby.

The etiological agents of the pathology are very diverse. Staphylococci are the most common in this type of infection, with approximately 75% of cases. They are followed by the genus Streptococcus in 10% to 15% of diagnoses.

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How to prevent pathology?

Treatment for mastitis depends on the cause and whether or not the woman breastfeeds. Sometimes antibiotics are required.

If mastitis is to be prevented, the main thing that every woman should do is have good breastfeeding technique . To do this, there are many breastfeeding tips that can be followed. However, almost all of them will be aimed at completely emptying the sinus to avoid possible blockage:

  • The first thing to do is find a comfortable position to breastfeed and do it on a regular basis. Even the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months.
  • Another great tip is to use a different breast each time you are going to breastfeed.
  • Also, applying heat to the area before starting the process is very beneficial. This will dilate the ducts and the milk will come out faster.
  • A small lump can be indicative of an obstruction, so it is advisable to give continuous massage to disappear them.

What should I remember about mastitis?

Mastitis is a common pathology, especially in women who are breastfeeding . When this occurs, you should not stop breastfeeding unless your doctor tells you to. Despite the pain it may cause, the treatment is fast and its evolution is usually favorable.

In case of suspecting infection, the professional will prescribe an antibiotic. If it is a woman who is breastfeeding, the appropriate drug that does not cause side effects in the baby will be chosen .


by Abdullah Sam
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