Marine Energy

Energy of the Seas, Waves, Salinity and the temperature differences of the Ocean.

Through the following article, we give you all the knowledge about one of the renewable energy sources , product of the movement of water in the oceans. It constitutes a great resource and energy potential, as is  Marine Energy .

What is Marine Energy?

It is the energy that is obtained and used by the bodies of water in movements of the oceans, the tides, the waves, the salinity.

The energy of the oceans, which is harnessed through a set of technologies that convert this renewable energy into electricity for homes, transport and industry.

Marine Energy Features

  • Surface and tidalwave energy .
  • Kinetic energy and movement of ocean water.
  • Formed by surface waves, current flow, salinity gradients, and thermal.
  • Product of the gravity of the sun, the moon and the earth.
  • Use by a set of technologies.
  • Energy responsible with the environment.

Uses of Marine Energy

  • Electricity generation
  • Water desalination activities.
  • Water pumping in reservoirs.

How Marine Energy Works

All the energy of the movement of the bodies of water in the oceans, is kinetic and mechanical energy that run hydraulic turbines, dikes, wave energy devices and through generators obtain electrical energy .

The tidal energy , by means of a tidal power station where the water is stored in the reservoir with the building of a dam opening the floodgates for the turbines generate electricity.

The wave energy by means of machines and converters as floating (pelamis and floating buoys) anchored to the shore (oscillating water column – OPC) and anchored to the seabed.

Current energy , by means of kinetic energy converters related to wind turbines in underwater installations.

The Ocean thermal energy conversion , through a maremotérmica plant converting thermal energy into electrical energy.

Osmotic energy , through the processes of osmosis , which converts the energy of salt concentration in the sea and that of rivers.

Types of Marine Energy

The different forms of energy of the oceans are the following:

  • Stream energy; It takes advantage of ocean currents.
  • Osmotic energy; It takes advantage of salinity gradients.
  • Ocean thermal energy; it takes advantage of the energy of the sea in its differences in temperature and depth.
  • Seawater energy; it takes advantage of the energy of the seas, tidal barrier and dynamic tides for hydroelectric power generation.
  • Wave energy; It takes advantage of the energy of surface waves.

Advantages and Disadvantages Marine Energy


  • Renewable energy.
  • It does not pollute.
  • Silent
  • Low speed energy production.
  • Withdrawal of the population.
  • It does not require any fossil fuel.


  • Relatively new energy.
  • High investment cost is required.
  • Specific coastal location.
  • Impact of flora and fauna in the coastal zone.
  • Tide dependence.
  • The operation of a tidal power plant takes time.

Marine Energy Examples

In different parts of the world, countries that already use this source of marine energy such as the La Rance tidal power plant in France, Tida Power Plant South Korea, Annapolis Tidal Station in Canada and Jiangxia Tidal Power Station in China.

The marine energy plays a very important role as energy potential without generating greater environmental impacts, and an ability to meet the needs of future generations .

In short, it is the source of energy that takes advantage of the marine water resource and is an energy potential to meet the demand for electricity in society.

It definitely encompasses the energy set of ocean currents, osmotic, ocean thermal, waves and tides .


by Abdullah Sam
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