
In this article we will discuss a very important topic, due to which many people show interest in psychology. This is a topic of manipulation that we constantly encounter in life. I’m unlikely to be mistaken if I say that someone is constantly trying to manipulate us and we, as far as possible, are trying to manipulate us. Only more often than not we do this unconsciously, intuitively and therefore ineptly, because of which our manipulations do not always lead us to the desired result, and likewise, not always other people manage to successfully manipulate us. Nevertheless, people accept attempts to manipulate each other constantly. Therefore, it is very important to understand this issue. In this article we will talk about what manipulation is, how it works, how powerful it is and what can and should be done,

What is manipulation?

Manipulation is a hidden psychological device with which you can force any person, I emphasize anyone, to perform the actions you need against his will and interests. But this is the standard definition of manipulation. Let us give this skill a broader and more practical definition. Manipulation is a psychological weapon that gives a person the same (and even greater) advantage over other people, like other types of weapons. With this weapon you can attack and capture, and you can defend and defend. It helps to survive and succeed. A good manipulator, that is, a person who skillfully owns hidden psychological techniques is much stronger than a person armed to the teeth. Why? Because he can encourage a variety of people to the actions he needs and thus solve any problems and tasks. And what problems and tasks can a person armed with a weapon habitual in our understanding be able to solve? Only a few, right? The strength of a weapon has its limitations. But manipulations have no limitations. You can manipulate all, without exception, people, both the most ordinary and the most powerful and powerful. The only limitation is your own abilities. The more perfect your manipulation skills, the more people you can manipulate. The manipulations themselves have no limitations – you can manipulate any person. But manipulations have no limitations. You can manipulate all, without exception, people, both the most ordinary and the most powerful and powerful. The only limitation is your own abilities. The more perfect your manipulation skills, the more people you can manipulate. The manipulations themselves have no limitations – you can manipulate any person. But manipulations have no limitations. You can manipulate all, without exception, people, both the most ordinary and the most powerful and powerful. The only limitation is your own abilities. The more perfect your manipulation skills, the more people you can manipulate. The manipulations themselves have no limitations – you can manipulate any person.

The most terrible thing for someone, but pleasant for someone in manipulation is the reluctance of people to recognize the fact that they are being manipulated. If you tell a person that he was a victim of someone’s manipulation, then most likely he will deny it and continue to do what he did, including in order to prove to himself and you that his choice is his choice and no one is manipulating them. My ego also does not want to acknowledge the fact that I am being manipulated, but I know for sure that it is. My thoughts, decisions, actions – cannot be completely cleared of other people’s influence, this is simply impossible to achieve. And I understand that many of my decisions, let’s just say, are not entirely correct, that they are made by me under the influence of information coming to me from other people. I do not need to deny it – I need to control it. Those who deny that they undergo manipulation – deprive themselves of the opportunity to defend themselves against it. This is the power of manipulation – they not only secretly affect people, but also people themselves do not want to disclose them. Conventional weapons, if used, quickly turn the aggressor into an enemy and begin to fight with him. But people do not see the manipulations and do not want to see, so they obediently obey them. So now think about what power you can gain if you learn to manipulate people.

How does manipulation work?

Any manipulation is always aimed at three basic motivators of a person: instincts, belief system and life experience. Instincts determine the needs of people, and the belief system and life experience determine how to satisfy these needs. For example, one of your instincts encourages you to find a partner for a relationship. But you will not go and offer the first person you meet of the opposite sex to enter into a certain relationship with you, right? People usually do not. Culture, education, upbringing – determine how we will satisfy this instinctive need – with whom, how and when we will get to know and by what rules we will build relationships with people. Life experience also affects our preferences – it makes us more careful and selective when choosing a partner.

So, in order to manipulate people, it is necessary to influence their instincts, beliefs and all those conscious and unconscious patterns that have formed in their head due to life experience. A good manipulator is, first and foremost, a good observer and analyst who studies an object before starting to manipulate it. A bad manipulator applies the same manipulation techniques to all people, often quite primitive and obvious. Man – the object of manipulation, can be flattered, you can scare him, you can cause him to feel greed and envy in order to induce something. There are many ways. But it is important to understand to which person which technique should be applied. After all, if the manipulator acts in a straightforward manner – it quickly reveals itself and thereby immediately kills all confidence in itself. In particular, many sellers quite often manipulate people very rudely – they try to interest, intrigue, frighten them with a deficit, create an unnatural need for their product, and so on, completely not trying to figure out the features of the person to whom they apply all these tricks. Therefore, many do not trust them. This is a rough job in which manipulation techniques are used thoughtlessly and the emphasis is on the number of people processed in this way, and not on the quality of the processing itself. It’s like firing a machine gun in all directions, hoping to get at least someone. The work of the manipulator should be subtle and elegant, like a jeweler. The manipulator should use his set of manipulations very carefully, pulling them out of his suitcase as if it was very fragile and expensive equipment, and not as if it were axes and sledgehammers. To do this, you need to know about various examples of the application of certain manipulation techniques in order to take this experience into account in your work with people. You can’t manipulate people blindly – you need to have an idea of ​​how certain methods of manipulation work, when they work, who they work with, and who don’t and what their strengths and weaknesses are.

It is important to understand that a person’s decision-making is influenced by everything that surrounds him and what happens to him. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to find the right key for a person in order to induce him to something, since various internal factors that the manipulator simply does not know can influence him. After all, when we talk about the rich inner world of a person, we need to understand what is at stake. And we are talking about all the information that a person has absorbed throughout his life. It affects his behavior, thinking, assessment of what is happening, decisions. Therefore, for successful manipulation of a person, you need to know him better. Unless, of course, there is such an opportunity. And of course, you need to have a large set of all kinds of manipulation techniques to act in a variety of ways, then the probability of success in this matter will be quite high.

How to treat manipulations?

Now a little about how to relate to manipulation. You know, some people condemn manipulation, as well as everything else, which allows some people to gain superiority over others. But to condemn that which is an integral part of our life is to deny life itself. You can, of course, instill in people the need to always be honest and sincere, but still, this will not save us from manipulations and other manifestations of human nature. After all, one of the most important laws of this life is struggle. We were born to fight each other, compete, compete and even quarrel. It is better, of course, to compete in order to develop and improve, and not to quarrel, so as not to destroy and not to kill. But competition sometimes takes on such a form that it is more like hostility, rather than fair and decent rivalry. Well, since we are forced to fight, compete, compete and fight, how can we do without the means that help to do this? And manipulation is perhaps the most powerful tool that people can use to fight, enmity, competition, rivalry. Manipulation is in some cases a tool, and in other cases a weapon – and either you will use it skillfully, or it will be used against you. So from our attitude to manipulation, whatever it may be, nothing will actually change in the objective sense. But at the same time, we can do much harm to ourselves if we give up manipulation as a means of achieving our goals. which people can use to fight, enmity, competition, rivalry. Manipulation is in some cases a tool, and in other cases a weapon – and either you will use it skillfully, or it will be used against you. So from our attitude to manipulation, whatever it may be, nothing will actually change in the objective sense. But at the same time, we can do much harm to ourselves if we give up manipulation as a means of achieving our goals. which people can use to fight, enmity, competition, rivalry. Manipulation is in some cases a tool, and in other cases a weapon – and either you will use it skillfully, or it will be used against you. So from our attitude to manipulation, whatever it may be, nothing will actually change in the objective sense. But at the same time, we can do much harm to ourselves if we give up manipulation as a means of achieving our goals.

Can people live in peace and harmony and not manipulate each other, not be at enmity, not compete, not compete? To some extent, yes, they can. We can definitely live friendlier and more honest. But you know, as they say: if you want peace, get ready for war. Maybe you don’t want to bypass your competitors and defeat your enemies with the help of manipulations, but then do not let them bypass and defeat you either. Having such a weapon as manipulations is always useful. After all, every day we have to protect ourselves from the manipulation of others. What advertising alone is worth, which constantly manipulates people and often to the detriment of not only their financial condition, but also to the detriment of their health. Therefore, I believe that in this life one should strive to possess everything that gives strength.

How people are manipulated

Теперь давайте посмотрим, как в этой жизни одни люди манипулируют другими людьми, чтобы вы понимали всю силу манипуляций. Самый яркий пример применения манипуляций – это формирование у людей системы ценностей. Это работа над фундаментальными убеждениями человека. Очень легко манипулировать человеком, зная, что он любит и что ненавидит. Задумайтесь, друзья, а как сформировалась ваша система ценностей? Она сформировалась за счет вашего мировоззрения. Вот как вы видите этот мир – раскрашивая его в разные цвета, так вы его и понимаете. И это понимание позволяет вам отделить одни вещи от других – хорошее от плохого, правильное от неправильного, нужное от ненужного, важное от неважного и так далее. Но кто повлиял на ваше мировоззрение – кто раскрыл вам глаза на этот мир, кто объяснил вам, что и как в нем устроено? Родители? Школа? Друзья? Телевизор/компьютер? Книги? А может быть вы сами? Ну, сами-то вы, конечно, тоже что-то понимаете по-своему, но все же влияние на вас других людей, согласитесь, очень велико. А вот насколько оно правильное, это влияние, вот это очень сложно оценить, не имея других примеров для сравнения.

Basically, of course, we look at what results we have achieved in life in order to understand how high-quality our worldview is, and with it our value system. But understand, the results can be evaluated in different ways, depending just on the value system that you adhere to. You can enjoy a successful career and high incomes, and the other person will enjoy their strong and friendly family, to which he devoted his time most of all. And someone in general will be glad that he does in his life what he wants to do, and not what he supposedly needs to do, regardless of the quality of his life. At the same time, one cannot say that someone lives correctly, while someone does not – everyone lives as he likes. But when a person is manipulated, they inspire him that such and such a life is right, but such and such is not. Think about your beliefs – how much do they suit you and what is yours about them? Maybe you will find in them something that is contrary to your interests.

If we talk about less serious examples and more specifically, then in this case we should pay attention to the following methods and goals of manipulation.

1. Making money. Manipulation is a good tool for making money. If you sell something [and we all sell something in this life], then of course you want to sell your product, service, time, labor, as expensive as possible, and generally sell it. Using manipulations in this case gives a very good result. You yourself know how powerful advertising is, as an example of such manipulations, without it it is very difficult to sell something. Or take, for example, the same negotiations, at any level in general – in them, too, without manipulation, one cannot succeed. Well, in general, if a person knows how to influence people’s behavior, knows how to convince them of something, knows how to inspire them with certain thoughts, knows how to charm them, or how to intimidate them and thus encourage them to act, then it will not be difficult for him to earn good money. After all, good sellers in this life will always be with the money.

2. Relations. Whether we like it or not, it is very difficult to build good relationships with anyone without manipulation. They are needed so that people better adapt to each other. This will improve mutual understanding between them. In words, we all want honest, open, respectful, equal relations with other people, including people of the opposite sex. But in fact, our egoism prevents us from building such a relationship. People talk about love, respect, mutual understanding and the like, but in reality they often manipulate each other or command openly. Well, and how, for example, does a woman defend her interests in relations with her spouse if he doesn’t even want to hear about her desires, opinions, goals? Only through manipulation. No other way. You can, of course, part with him, which is sometimes necessary to do, but there is no guarantee that the other man will be better. Yes, she’s such a life, everything in her is not as perfect as we would like. Therefore, it is very useful to possess manipulation skills in order to build, control, direct and develop relationships with other people.

3. The fight against aggression . Some people behave quite aggressively and can threaten our interests, health and even life. Aggression creates conflicts that need to be able to cope. And one of the most effective types of weapons in conflict situations is precisely manipulation. A good manipulator is able to cope with almost any conflict, it can either extinguish it, or leave it at least not a loser, without suffering significant damage. Manipulation in this case helps to diplomatically approach the resolution of a conflict – it helps to avoid cruelty and violence, pain and suffering, mistakes and negative consequences. Together with well-developed thinking – manipulation is simply a superweapon against people of aggression.

These are the three most significant examples of the use of manipulation in life. There are many other situations where it is very difficult, if not impossible, to do without manipulation. For example, it is necessary when raising children, for political struggle, in war. In general, manipulation is essential for successful interaction with people. We humans still always manipulate each other, we just don’t always realize this. So it’s better to learn how to do it right than how it goes. However, very often many people use manipulation as an attack weapon. So let’s now see how you can protect yourself from manipulation.

How to protect yourself from manipulation?

Friends, at first not very nice information – you cannot completely protect yourself from manipulation, it is simply impossible to do. The reason is simple – you are not able to track all the information flows that come to you from other people and affect your consciousness and subconscious. Moreover, you do not have the opportunity to properly analyze all the information that affects you. Therefore, the best way to protect yourself from manipulation is to learn to manipulate other people yourself. Someone in one situation will replay you, and someone will replay you in another situation, and the quality of your life will depend on who will be more successful in this game. That is, one hundred percent protection against manipulation does not exist, but you can play this game so well that you will often be the winners.

In this life there will always be victims of manipulations and those who, with their help, win and succeed. The most interesting thing in this life is that you can manipulate any person, that is, any person can be outwitted, replayed, deceived, defeated. This opportunity to some extent makes people equal. But in reality, power is possessed by one who is fluent in manipulation skills, who once realized their importance and learned it. If you look at those people who have a lot of money and have great power, then you cannot help but notice that they are all skilled manipulators who turned out to be more cunning, smarter, more agile, more insidious than their competitors. They know the price of manipulation, as well as everything else, which gives a person strength, for example, well-developed thinking. Therefore, they win. So learning to manipulate people is the best defense against manipulation. As they say: the best defense is an attack.

How to learn to manipulate people?

Now let’s move on to the most important thing – how to learn how to manipulate people. Of course, you can try to learn this with the help of books / seminars / training audio and video materials on manipulations. All you need for this is to learn the manipulation techniques described in these sources of information and practice them. But, this is not so easy to do. And besides, it’s quite dangerous to use such tricks without understanding their essence.

Firstly, the manipulation methods themselves may not be described well enough, so it may seem that it is clear how they work, but in reality it will be rather difficult to use them, since they are not well explained.

Secondly, every known method of manipulation – needs constant verification and modernization. Over time, some tricks stop working, simply because many people learn about them, many see them, understand and have a negative attitude towards them. Therefore, people need to find a different approach in order to influence them. That is, the essence of the method of manipulation itself can remain unchanged, but its shape must change so that it remains effective. And the effectiveness of manipulation depends on its secrecy, which is logical. After all, as we all know from the definition: manipulation is a hidden psychological device, not an open one. You can not be manipulated openly, otherwise it is no longer a manipulation. So, we must understand that what worked the previous three hundred years may stop working in the next three hundred years. Therefore, information on manipulations must be constantly updated. Including with the help of their own experience. You are constantly manipulating someone, and someone is constantly manipulating you? Here, pay attention to how certain methods of manipulation work for you and other people in order to understand all their strengths and weaknesses.

And thirdly, and this is the most important thing – you cannot apply blind manipulation techniques! Let me repeat this again for a better understanding – you cannot use blind manipulation techniques! What does it mean? This means that you can’t just read the book on manipulations, learn the techniques described in it and begin to apply them to different people. This is stupid and dangerous. It is foolish to act in this way is like trying to steal a car by picking up keys to it – they will find you faster than you will achieve your goal. Or another analogy: you can not treat a serious illness according to the book, by enumerating various methods of treatment, choosing the most suitable recipe – so you just ditch yourself. Manipulation is the subtlest tool. They need to be able to use carefully. If you start to apply manipulations known to you to everyone in a row – you simply make enemies for yourself. Why? Because many people will see your clumsy attempts to influence them. Do you think they will like it? Hardly agree. Therefore, you need to understand what method of manipulation, with whom, when and under what circumstances it works, and when it is visible, as they say, to the naked eye.

Given all of the above, we can make a logical and reasonable conclusion: in order to learn how to manipulate people, you need, firstly, to find useful and comprehensive sources of information on manipulations. For example, it can be a book [it is desirable that it was a book], in which a variety of proven methods of manipulation are collected and described in detail. And secondly, before you apply these techniques in life, you need to practice. You can’t start to apply this or that technique to anyone, and anyhow, this will reveal you. Here, as in a war, you cannot rush into the battle unprepared, you must first practice, undergo thorough training in conditions close to combat, and only then participate in real battles.

In general, in order to correctly describe one or another method of manipulation, it is necessary to understand it very well and have experience in its use. Otherwise, books on human manipulation could make a great manipulator out of every person, able to outplay anyone. But this is not so. But not because there are few good books. And there are few books because far from everyone who writes them had experience using the manipulation techniques they described. And without this, it is impossible to describe in detail this or that technique, so that the person who has studied it can use it. After all, if you, for example, are told that in order to manipulate a person, he needs to be flattered, then you need to know exactly how best to do this, in which situations and with which people. Coarse flattery does not always work. Even worse – it reveals your intentions, it makes it clear to a person, that they are trying to manipulate and it sets him up against you. He may completely stop believing you, he may begin to avoid you and even make any attempts to harm you. Understand that manipulation is a weapon, it must not be used for any reason – otherwise you will do yourself more harm than good. Therefore, first delve into the very essence of this or that method of manipulation, practice it in relatively harmless situations and only then apply it in life.

Considering that manipulation is a weapon, I can assure you that the experts in this field try not to tell the most effective methods of manipulation to a wide audience. After all, having mastered these techniques, a person will receive great power, which he can dispose of not in the best way. After all, with the help of manipulations, people can be encouraged to take actions that can harm both themselves and other people. For example, you can encourage a person to kill or commit suicide, you can manipulate people against each other using manipulation, you can ruin their relationship with someone, you can undermine their faith in something and vice versa, make them believe in non-existent things. By manipulating a person, you can make a slave and then use him for your own purposes. You see now what power it is. And this force cannot be given to anyone. Although in our time everything is accessible and everything can be found out. And those who need it, who understand how important it is to be able to manipulate people, always get the most useful sources of information on this topic. Therefore, in order to learn how to effectively manipulate people, it is necessary to obtain and collect information on this topic from wherever possible. She will be able to turn you into a very good manipulator. It’s difficult to get high-quality sources, but it’s possible, and I’m doing it. According to such sources, diplomats, intelligence agents, politicians are trained, professional scammers and the like are used by them. in order to learn how to effectively manipulate people, it is necessary to get and collect information on this topic from wherever possible. She will be able to turn you into a very good manipulator. It’s difficult to get high-quality sources, but it’s possible, and I’m doing it. According to such sources, diplomats, intelligence agents, politicians are trained, professional scammers and the like are used by them. in order to learn how to effectively manipulate people, it is necessary to get and collect information on this topic from wherever possible. She will be able to turn you into a very good manipulator. It’s difficult to get high-quality sources, but it’s possible, and I’m doing it. According to such sources, diplomats, intelligence agents, politicians are trained, professional scammers and the like are used by them.

So, I repeat: in order to learn how to manipulate people, you need two things – a good source of information on this topic, which describes the most effective methods of manipulation and practice, practice and practice again. You need to practice manipulation in such a way as not to harm yourself or other people. Internet and telephone are excellent tools for developing manipulation skills. You can use them. That is, you need quality knowledge and training. You can’t just read the first book on manipulations that you get and start applying the techniques described in it to everyone. If people understand you, they will hate you, you can be sure. Some people think that after reading a couple of books on manipulations, they go to their boss and try to manipulate him in order to achieve promotion or increase salaries. But in the end, they are often fired. Never do this – these are silly kiddies. Nobody likes when they manipulate him, even though we all do this all the time. Therefore, learn to do it right in order to succeed, and not make trouble.

Learn to manipulate people by studying the most effective methods of manipulation and be sure to practice them in practice in harmless situations, until you bring your skills to perfection.

I also studied and continue to study manipulations and manipulative people, because this is one of the most practical areas of psychology. Many people are interested in psychology only because of manipulations, because they want to gain an advantage and power over other people. And I believe that every person should understand the topic of manipulation, yet we live in a world where cunning is the most commonly used tool to influence people. Therefore, some people should not have too much advantage over other people, possessing such valuable knowledge. Otherwise, they will begin to abuse this advantage. What, in fact, is happening all the time. As soon as a person sees that he can use someone in his interests, applying this or that trick, he applies it. It’s hard to resist the temptation especially when your bright and beautiful desires that you so want to fulfill at the expense of other people are at stake. Here many manipulate each other in full.

I think you should not stand aside from such an important process of managing people. At the very least, in order not to be a doll suspended by someone by the ropes, this is not very pleasant and completely unprofitable. Start to study manipulations too, since there are plenty of opportunities for such today, there are plenty of available materials on this topic. And when you show due interest in them, you will see what strength a person gives in the ability to manipulate others. And power in this world, as we know, is everything. There is no limit to people’s desire to outwit each other in various situations and areas, and this is instead of negotiating and interacting normally with each other. But what can you do, such is our life, and such are we people.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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