How to make children more independent

Overprotection is a situation in which many parents fall with their children, this leads to their children being more dependent than they should. These practical tips will help you make children more independent.

Be very patient in the process and do not decline, for example, in a situation where the child takes longer to do things, do not go do things for him, just to do them faster.


Do not fall into the thought of believing that your child will not be able to do what you say or that for your fear you will not allow him to explore his independence.

This behavior will only create low self-esteem in children, believing that they are not able to do things for themselves and believing that others will come to solve things.

Surely for all parents it is not an easy task, nor is it easy to face that children grow up and they are no longer babies as parents want to see it. These tips will help you educate children to be more independent.

See Also: Fears in Children.

Tips to make Children more Independent

  1. It is important not to confuse with giving independence not to help them anymore. One thing is to guide and guide and another thing is to do everything for them.


To educate for independence is to guide children on how to do things, to educate for dependency is to do things for them.

  1. In order for a child to be independent, it is important that from a young age we let them make decisions, that they know and feel that their opinion is important.

For example, what clothes you want to wear, what movie you want to watch, etc. This way they will learn that every decision made has a consequence.


  1. To inhibit children from knowing, exploring, touching, is creating dependent children. Of course you have to take proper safety precautions, but let the child explore the house and know the places and things that are curious.
  2. To start educating in independence, allow the child to help you with simple household chores, for example, laying the bed, cleaning the dust, if they have pets serving them food, etc.

Tell him very well how he should do things and accompany him, if he does not do things well on the first attempt, be patient, encourage him to try again, tell him with love how to do it again. Never fall into the rush of doing things for him.

  1. Emotional intelligence is a very important aspect at any stage of life, not only for children, but for adults as well. But it is key since childhood to educate emotionally so that in adulthood they are healthier people mentally.

Teach your child to recognize his feelings, to express what he feels, as well as to understand the feelings of others; This education will allow the child to better assume the challenges of life.

When a child has the ability to recognize that he is angry at not being able to complete the task, as parents they can communicate better and teach him again. It would be very different, when a child feels anger; but he does not express it with words, but throwing things on the floor or stop doing things because they frustrate him.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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