The answer to the first question depends on whether you mean large glaciers or small glaciations that occur during these long periods. Throughout history, the Earth has experienced five major periods of glaciation, some of which lasted hundreds of millions of years. In fact, even now the Earth is going through a long period of glaciation, and that explains why it has polar ice.
The five major ice ages are the Huron (2.4-2.1 billion years ago), cryogenic glaciation (720-635 million years ago), the Andean-Saharan (450-420 million years ago), the Late Paleozoic glaciation (335-260 million years ago), and Quaternary (2.7 million years ago).
These large periods of glaciation can be alternated with smaller ice periods and warm periods (interglacials). At the beginning of the Quaternary glacier (2.7-1 million years ago), this cold ice age occurred every 41,000 years. However, in the last 800,000 years, significant ice ages have occurred less frequently – approximately every 100,000 years.
How does a 100,000 year cycle work?
Icebergs grow for about 90 thousand years and then begin to melt within 10 thousand years from the warm period. Then the procedure is repeated.
Given that the last ice age ended about 11,700 years ago, maybe it’s time to start another one?
Scientists believe that we should now go through another ice age. However, two factors are related to the Earth’s orbit that affect the creation of hot and cold periods. Given how much carbon dioxide we emit into the atmosphere, the next ice age will not begin for at least another 100,000 years.
What causes the ice age?
The hypothesis put forward by Serbian astronomer Milyutin Milanković explains why there are ice cycles and inter-main periods on Earth.
Because the planet revolves around the Sun, three factors affect the amount of light it receives from it: its inclination (ranging from 24.5 to 22.1 degrees in a 41,000-year cycle), its eccentricity (changing the shape of its orbit) around the Sun, which moves from the inner circle to the oval shape) and its swaying (one full swing occurs every 19-23 thousand years).
In 1976, a leading paper in the journal Science provided evidence that these three orbital parameters explain the planet’s ice cycles.
Milankovic’s theory is that orbital cycles are predictable and very consistent in the history of the planet. If the Earth will go through an ice age, then it will be covered with more or less ice, depending on these orbital cycles. But if the Earth is too warm, no change will occur, at least in relation to the growing amount of ice.
What can affect the warming of the planet?
The first gas that comes to mind is carbon dioxide. Over the last 800,000 years, carbon dioxide levels have ranged from 170 to 280 ppm (meaning that out of 1 million air molecules, 280 are carbon dioxide molecules). A small difference of 100 ppm appears to lead to ice formation and interglacial periods. But the level of carbon dioxide today is much higher than in previous periods of fluctuation. In May 2016, the level of carbon dioxide over Antarctica reached 400 ppm.
The ground used to be so hot. For example, in the time of the dinosaurs, the air temperature was even higher than it is now. But the problem is that in the modern world it is growing at a record pace, because we have released too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in a short time. In addition, given that the pace of emissions is not slowing down today, we can conclude that the situation is unlikely to change in the near future.
Warming effects
The warming caused by the presence of this carbon dioxide will have great consequences, because even a small increase in the average temperature of the Earth can lead to drastic changes. For example, the Earth was on average only 5 degrees Celsius colder during the last ice age than today, but this led to a significant change in regional temperature, the disappearance of a huge part of flora and fauna and the emergence of new species.
If global warming leads to the melting of all the ice fruits of Greenland and Antarctica, ocean levels will rise by 60 meters, compared to today’s figures.
What leads to great ice ages?
The factors that caused prolonged glaciation periods, such as the Quaternary, were not well understood by scientists. But one idea is that a massive drop in carbon dioxide levels can lead to lower temperatures.
For example, according to the hypothesis of uplift and weather conditions, when plate tectonics leads to the rise of mountain ranges, a new unprotected rock appears on the surface. It is easily tolerated by weather conditions and decay, falling into the oceans. Marine organisms use these rocks to create their shells. Over time, rocks and shells take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and its level drops significantly, leading to a period of glaciation.
It is during the powerful development of all life forms on our planet that the mysterious ice age begins with its new temperature oscillations. We have already discussed the reasons for the appearance of this ice age.
Just as the change of seasons has led to the selection of more advanced, adaptable animals and created a diverse breed of mammals, so now, in this ice age, man stands out from mammals in an even more painful fight against oncoming glaciers than fighting seasons that change. Just one adaptation of a significant change in the body was not enough. What was needed was a mind that could turn nature itself to its advantage and subjugate it.
We have finally reached the highest stage in the development of life :. He conquered the Earth, and his mind, evolving further and further, learned to cover the entire universe. With the advent of man, a whole new era of creation truly began. Standing motionless on one of his lower levels, we are the simplest among creatures endowed with a mind that dominates the forces of nature. The beginning of the journey to unknown magnificent goals has begun!
There were at least four major ice ages that in turn disintegrated again into smaller waves of temperature oscillations. Between the ice ages lie periods warmer; then, thanks to the melting of glaciers, the wet valleys were covered with lush meadow vegetation. Therefore, it was in these interglacial periods that herbivores were able to develop particularly well.
In the deposits of the Quaternary epoch which closes the ice age, and in the sediments of the Deluvian epoch, which followed the last glaciation of the globe, and whose immediate continuation is our time, we find enormous thicknesses, namely mammoth mastodon, fossilized remains still often found in the Siberian tundra. . Even with this giant, primitive man dared to get involved in the fight and, as a result, emerged victorious.
Mastodon (restored) of the Deluvian era.
Unconsciously, we return with our thoughts to the creation of the world again if we look at the blossoming of a beautiful gift from the chaotic dark primitive conditions. The fact that in the second half of the research we always stayed only on our little Earth is explained by the fact that we know all these different stages of development only on it. But, taking into account the previously established identity of matter that forms the world of the world everywhere and the universality of the natural forces that govern matter, we will come to a complete coordination of all the main features of world formation that we can observe in the sky.
We have no doubt that there must still be millions of worlds like our Earth in outer space, although we have no exact data on them. On the contrary, the relatives of the Earth, other planets of our solar system, which we can better explore, due to the greater proximity to us, have characteristic differences from our Earth, as, for example, sisters of very different age groups. Therefore, we should not be surprised if we do not find traces of life similar to the life of our Earth on them. Also, Mars with its channels remains a mystery to us.
If we look towards the sky illuminated by millions of suns, we can be sure that we will meet the gazes of living beings who look at our daylight like we do at their sun. We may not be so far removed from the time when, mastering all the forces of nature, a person will be able to penetrate these distances of the universe and send living beings a signal beyond our world to another celestial body – and receive a response from them.
Just as life, at least otherwise we cannot imagine it, came from space and spread across the Earth, starting with the simplest, – man will eventually expand the narrow horizon that covers his earthly world, and will be interconnected with the other worlds of the universe, whence originated these primary elements of life on our planet. The universe belongs to man, his mind, his knowledge, his power.
But no matter how high our imagination lifts us up, one day we will descend again. The cycle of world development is ups and downs.
Ice Age on Earth
After terrible rains like a flood, it became damp and cold. From the high mountains, glaciers crawled lower and lower in the valleys, as the Sun could no longer melt the snow masses constantly falling from above. As a result, those places where the temperature was still above zero earlier in the summer, were covered with ice. We are now witnessing something similar in the Alps, where certain “tongues” of glaciers descend well below the limit of eternal snow. Eventually, most of the plains at the foot of the mountains were covered with ever-higher accumulated ice cover. There has been a general ice age, traces of which, indeed, can be seen everywhere in the world.
We must acknowledge the great credit of world traveler Hans Meyer of Leipzig, the evidence of which he found that on both Kilimanjaro and the Cordillera in South America, even in the tropics, glaciers everywhere descended much lower than at present. The relationship described here between this remarkable volcanic activity and the beginning of the ice age was first proposed by the Sarazen brothers in Basel. How did that happen?
After careful research, the following question can be answered. The entire chain of the Andes during geological periods, which, of course, amount to hundreds of thousands and millions of years, was formed at the same time, and its volcanoes are the result of this largest process of mountain formation on Earth. At that time, almost the entire Earth was ruled by an approximately tropical temperature, which, however, should be replaced by a strong general cooling very soon after.
Penk found that there were at least four major ice ages between which warmer periods of time lay. But these great ice ages seem to be divided into an even greater number of smaller time intervals during which insignificant general temperature fluctuations occurred. From here it is clear what turbulent times the Earth was going through and what constant excitement the air ocean was at that time.
How long this time lasted can only be roughly indicated. It is estimated that the beginning of this ice age can be traced back to about half a million years ago. Apparently, only 10 to 20 millennia have passed since the last “small glacier”, and we now live, probably, only in one of those “interglacial periods” that were before the last general glacier.
Through all these ice ages, traces of primitive man evolving from the animal passage pass. Flood stories that came to us from primitive times may be related to the incidents described above. Persian legend almost certainly points to volcanic phenomena that preceded the beginning of the great flood.
This Persian legend describes the great flood as follows: “A great fiery dragon rose from the south. Everything devastated him. Day turned into night. There are no stars. The zodiac closed its huge tail; only the sun and the moon could be seen in the sky. Hot water fell to Earth and burned the trees to the very roots. Frequent lightning included raindrops the size of a human head. Water has covered the Earth more than human growth. Finally, after the dragon fight lasted 90 days and 90 nights, the enemy of the Earth was destroyed. A terrible storm arose, the water descended, the dragon fell into the depths of the Earth. ”
This dragon, according to the famous Viennese geologist Suess, was nothing but a mighty volcano, a fiery eruption that spread across the sky like a long tail. All other phenomena described in the legend coincide with the phenomena observed after a strong volcanic eruption.
Thus, on the one hand, we have shown that after vegetation and the collapse of a huge block, the size of the mainland, a series of volcanoes should be created, followed by floods and glaciers. On the other hand, we have before our eyes a series of volcanoes in the Andes, located along a huge cliff of the Pacific coast, and we have also proved that soon after the appearance of these volcanoes the ice age began. The stories of the flood further fill the picture of this turbulent period of development of our planet. During the eruption of Krakatoa, we noticed to a small extent, but in all details, the effects of immersion of volcanoes in the deep sea.
Given all of the above, it is unlikely that we will doubt that the relationship between these phenomena was indeed the same as we suggested. Thus, indeed, the entire Pacific Ocean was formed, as a result of the separation and failure of its bottom, which had previously been a vast continent. Was it the “end of the world” in the sense commonly understood? If the fall happened suddenly, then it was probably the most terrible and glorious catastrophe the Earth has ever seen since organic life appeared on it.
This question is, of course, difficult to answer now. But still we can say the following. If the collapse on the Pacific coast were to occur gradually, those horrific volcanic eruptions that occurred at the end of the “Tertiary era” along the entire Andean chain and whose very weak consequences are still being observed would remain completely inexplicable.
If the coastal region there descended so slowly that it took centuries to discover this decay, as we still observe on some coasts, all mass movements in the interior of the Earth would be very slow, and only occasionally volcanic eruptions.
In any case, we see that there are opposing forces to these forces that create shifts in the earth’s crust, because otherwise there could not have been a sudden earthquake. But we also had to admit that the stresses arising from these oppositions cannot become too great, because the earth’s crust is plastic, susceptible to large but slow-acting forces. All these considerations lead us to the conclusion, perhaps against our wishes, that it was precisely these sudden forces that should have manifested themselves in these catastrophes.
During the Paleogene, the northern hemisphere had a warm and humid climate, but in the Neogene (25–3 million years ago) it became much colder and drier. Ecological changes associated with cooling and the appearance of glaciers are characteristic of Quaternary phenomena. That is why it is sometimes called the ice age.
The ice age has happened several times in the history of the Earth. Traces of the continental glacier were found in the Carboniferous and Permian strata (300 – 250 Ma), Vendian (680 – 650 ma), Rif (850 – 800 Ma). The oldest ice deposits discovered on Earth are more than 2 billion years old.
No planetary or cosmic factor causing the glacier has been found. Glaciation is the result of a combination of several events, some of which play a major role, while others play the role of a “trigger” mechanism. It is noticed that all the great glaciation of our planet coincided with the greatest epochs of mountain building, when the relief of the earth’s surface was the most contrasting. The sea surface has been reduced. Under these conditions, climate fluctuations became larger. Mountains up to 2000 m high that formed in Antarctica, ie. directly at the South Pole of the Earth, it became the first focus of the formation of integrated glaciers. The icing of Antarctica began more than 30 million years ago. The appearance of glaciers there significantly increased the reflectivity, which in turn led to a decrease in temperature. Gradually, the Antarctic glacier grew both in area and in thickness, and its influence on the Earth’s thermal regime increased. The ice temperature was slowly dropping. The Antarctic mainland has become the largest accumulator of cold on the planet. The creation of vast plateaus in Tibet and in the western part of the North American continent has greatly contributed to climate change in the northern hemisphere.
It got colder and colder, and about 3 million years ago the Earth’s climate as a whole became so cold that periodically began to appear faded periods, during which ice sheets covered most of the northern hemisphere. The processes of mountain formation are a necessary but still insufficient condition for the appearance of glaciers. The average mountain heights are not lower now, and perhaps even higher than they were during the glacier. However, now the glacier area is relatively small. An additional reason is needed that directly causes the cold.
It should be emphasized that the appearance of a larger glacier on the planet does not require a significant drop in temperature. Calculations show that the general average annual drop in temperature on Earth by 2 – 4? C cause spontaneous development of glaciers, which in turn will lower the temperature on Earth. As a result, the ice shell will cover a significant portion of the Earth’s surface.
Carbon dioxide plays a huge role in regulating the temperature of the surface layers of the air. Carbon dioxide freely transmits the sun’s rays to the earth’s surface, but absorbs most of the planet’s heat radiation. It is a colossal screen that prevents the cooling of our planet. Now the carbon content in the atmosphere does not exceed 0.03%. If this number is halved, then the average annual temperature at medium latitudes will decrease by 4-5 ° C, which can lead to the beginning of the ice age. According to some data, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere was one-third lower during ice ages than in interglacial periods, and seawater contained 60 times more carbon dioxide than the atmosphere.
The drop in CO2 in the atmosphere can be explained by the action of the following mechanisms. If the rate of expansion (sliding) and, consequently, subduction were to be significantly reduced, then this was to lead to less carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere. In fact, global average expansion rates have shown insignificant changes over the last 40 million years. If the rate of CO2 recovery is virtually unchanged, then the rate of its removal from the atmosphere due to chemical drying of rocks has increased significantly with the advent of giant plateaus. In Tibet and America, carbon dioxide combines with precipitation and groundwater to form carbon dioxide that reacts with silicate rock minerals. The bicarbonate ions formed in this process are transported to the oceans, where they are ingested by organisms such as plankton and coral, and then deposited on the ocean floor. Of course
It may seem that as a result of volcanic activity, the CO2 content in the atmosphere will increase and thus be warmer, but this is not entirely true.
The study of modern and ancient volcanic activity enabled volcanologist IV Melekestsev to link cooling and glaciation with an increase in the intensity of volcanism. Volcanism is known to significantly affect the Earth’s atmosphere, changing its gas composition, temperature, and also polluting it with finely divided volcanic ash material. Huge masses of ash, measured in billions of tons, are ejected into the upper atmosphere by volcanoes and then carried by currents around the world. A few days after the eruption of Bezymyannyi volcano in 1956, its ash was discovered in the upper layers of the troposphere above London. The ash material ejected during the 1963 eruption of the Agupg volcano on the island of Bali (Indonesia) was found at an altitude of about 20 km above North America and Australia. Atmospheric pollution with volcanic ash causes a significant reduction in its transparency, and thus a weakening of solar radiation by 10-20% compared to the norm. In addition, the ash particles serve as a condensation core, contributing to the large development of clouds. Increasing clouds in turn significantly reduces the amount of solar radiation. According to Brooks, increasing the cloudiness from 50 (typical for now) to 60% would lead to a decrease in the average annual temperature in the world by 2 ° C.
How many ice ages were there?
How does the ice age relate to biblical history?
What part of the country was covered in ice?
How long did the ice age last?
What do we know about frozen mammoths?
How has the ice age affected humanity?
We have clear evidence that there was an ice age in Earth’s history. To this day we see its traces: glaciers and various valleys of the valley along which the ice retreated by nickname. Evolutionists claim that there were several of these 2 periods, each lasting twenty to thirty million years (or something like that).
They alternated with relatively warm interspace gaps, representing about 10% of the total time. The last ice age began two million years ago and ended eleven thousand years ago. Creationists, for their part, mostly believe that the ice age began soon after the flood and lasted less than a thousand years. We will see later how the biblical story of the flood offers a compelling explanation for this. the only ice age. For evolutionists, the explanation of any ice age is associated with great difficulty.
The oldest ice age?
Based on the principle “the present is the key to understanding the past”, evolutionists claim that there is evidence of an early ice age. However, the difference between the rocks of different geological systems and the landscape features of the present period is very large, and their similarity is negligible 3-5. Modern glaciers crush rock as it moves and create deposits consisting of fragments of various sizes.
These conglomerates called do or dokite form a new race. The abrasive effect of rocks enclosed in the thickness of glaciers forms parallel grooves in the rocky base along which the glacier moves, the so-called furrow . When the glacier melts slightly in summer, stone “dust” is released, which is washed into the glacial lakes, and alternating coarse-grained and fine-grained layers are formed at the bottom ( seasonal layering occurs ).
Sometimes a piece of ice with logs frozen in it breaks a glacier or ice sheet, falls into such a lake and melts. That is why huge boulders are sometimes found in layers of fine-grained sediments at the bottom of glacial lakes. Many geologists claim that all these patterns were also observed in ancient rocks, and therefore not when there were other, earlier ice ages on Earth. However, there is a whole body of evidence that the facts of the observation have been misinterpreted.
The consequences of the present ice age still exist today: first of all, it is the giant ice sheets that cover Antarctica and Greenland, the alpine glaciers, the numerous changes in the shape of the landscape of glacial origin. Since we are observing all of these phenomena on modern Earth, it is clear that the ice age came after the flood. During the Ice Age, huge ice sheets covered Greenland, much of North America (up to the northern United States) and Northern Europe – from Scandinavia to England and Germany (see picture on pages 10-11).
On the tops of North American rocks, the European Alps, and other mountain ranges, melted ice caps have remained, and huge glaciers descend through the valleys almost to their very feet. In the southern hemisphere, much of Antarctica is covered in ice. Ice caps lie on the mountains of New Zealand, Tasmania and the highest peaks in Southeast Australia. Glaciers still remain in the southern Alps of New Zealand and the South American Andes, and the landscape forms created as a result of glacier activity remain in the snowy mountains of New South Wales and Tasmania.
Practically all textbooks state that ice was set and pulled at least four times during the ice age, and there were periods of warming between glaciers (so-called “interheads”). Trying to discover the cyclical regularity of these processes, geologists have assumed that over two million years more than twenty glaciations have occurred among glaciers as well. However, the appearance of dense clay soils, old river terraces and other phenomena that are considered evidence of numerous glaciations can be more correctly viewed as the consequences of different phases. the only ice age after the flood.
Ice Age and Man
Never, even during periods of the heaviest glaciation, has ice covered more than a third of the earth’s surface. At the same time as ice appeared in the polar and temperate latitudes, heavy rains were probably approaching the equator. They abundantly irrigated even those regions where waterless deserts are run today – the Sahara, the Gobi and Arabia. During the archeological excavations, numerous evidences were discovered about the existence of abundant vegetation, energetic human activity and complex irrigation systems in the now barren lands.
There is also evidence that during the Ice Age, people lived on the edge of the ice sheet in Western Europe – especially Neanderthals. Many anthropologists now admit that some of the “brutality” of the Neanderthals was largely due to a disease (rickets, arthritis) that plagued these people in the cloudy, cold, and humid European climate of the time. Rocket was common due to poor nutrition and lack of sunlight, which stimulates the synthesis of vitamin D, which is necessary for normal bone development.
Apart from the very unreliable methods of acquaintance (see ” What do radiocarbon exits show? ” ), There is no reason to deny that Neanderthals may have been contemporaries of the civilizations of Ancient Egypt and Babylon, they flourished in the southern latitudes. The idea that the ice age lasted seven hundred years is much truer than the hypothesis of two million years of glaciers.
Flood – the reason for the ice age
In order for ice masses to accumulate on land, the oceans in temperate and polar latitudes need to be much warmer than the earth’s surface – especially in summer. A large amount of water evaporates from the surface of warm oceans, which then move towards the mainland. On cold continents, most precipitation falls in the form of snow, not rain; in summer that snow melts. In this way, ice accumulates quickly. Evolutionary models that explain the ice age by “slow and gradual” processes are unsustainable. Long-lived theories speak of gradual cooling on Earth.
But such cooling would not lead to an ice age at all. If the oceans were gradually cooled at the same time as the land, then after a while it would become so cold that the snow would not melt in summer, and the evaporation of water from the ocean surface could not provide enough snow to form massive ice sheets. The result of all this would not be an ice age, but the formation of a snowy (polar) desert.
But the Flood described in the Bible provided a very simple mechanism for the ice age. Towards the end of this global catastrophe, when hot groundwater entered the anteiluvian oceans, and also as a result of volcanic activity, a large amount of heat energy was released into the water, the oceans were most likely warm. Ord and Vardiman claim that just before the onset of the ice age, ocean waters were indeed warmer: oxygen isotopes in the shells of tiny marine animals – foraminifera – testify to this.
Volcanic dust and aerosols that appeared in the air due to residual volcanic phenomena at the end of the flood and after it reflected solar radiation back into space, causing general cooling, especially in summer, on Earth.
Dust and aerosols gradually left the atmosphere, but volcanic activity, which continued even after the flood, renewed their reserves for hundreds of years. Evidence of a long-lasting and widespread volcano is the large number of volcanic rocks among the so-called Pleistocene sediments that probably formed soon after the flood. Using well-known data on the movement of air masses, Vardiman showed that warm oceans after floods combined with cooling at the poles cause strong convective currents in the atmosphere, which created a zone of grandiose hurricane over most of the Arctic. It existed for more than five hundred years, all the way to the glacial maximum (see next section).
Such a climate led to the loss of large amounts of snow masses in the polar latitudes, which quickly froze and formed ice sheets. These shields first covered the land, and then, at the end of the ice age, as the water cooled, they began to spread across the oceans.
How long did the ice age last?
Meteorologist Michael Ord calculated that it would take seven hundred years to cool the polar oceans from a constant temperature of 30 ° C at the end of the flood to today’s temperature (average 4 ° C). It is this period that should be considered the duration of the ice age. Ice began to accumulate soon after the flood. Approximately five hundred years later, the average temperature of the ocean dropped to 10 0 C, evaporation from its surface decreased significantly, and the cloud cover became thinner. The amount of volcanic dust in the atmosphere also decreased during that time. As a result, the Earth’s surface began to heat up more intensely, and the ice sheets began to melt. Thus the glacial maximum occurred five hundred years after the flood.
It is interesting to note that this is found in the book of Job (37: 9–10; 38: 22–23, 29–30), which talks about events that most likely occurred at the end of the Ice Age. (Job lived in the land of Uz, and Uz was a descendant of Shema – Genesis 10:23, so most conservative biblical scholars believe that Job lived after Babylon’s grandmother, but before Abraham). God asked Job from the storm, “From whose belly comes the ice and frost from heaven – who gave birth to him?” The water is as strong as stone, and the surface of the abyss is frozen ”(Job 38: 29-30). These questions suggest that Job, either directly or from historical / family traditions, knew what God was talking about.
Probably these words refer to the climatic consequences of the ice age, which are now imperceptible in the Middle East. In recent years, the theoretical length of the ice age has been significantly supported by the claim that wells drilled in the ice sheets of Antarctica and Greenland contain many thousands of annual layers. These layers are clearly visible in the upper part of the wells and the cores extracted from them, which corresponds to the last few thousand years, which is to be expected. If the layers represent annual snow deposits since the end of the ice age. Below, the so-called annual layers become less pronounced, that is, most likely, they did not occur seasonally, but under the influence of other mechanisms – for example, individual hurricanes.
The burial and freezing of mammoth corpses cannot be explained by the use of uniform / evolutionary hypotheses about “slow and gradual” cooling over the millennia and the same gradual warming. But if frozen mammoths are a big mystery to evolutionists, then it’s easy to explain in the context of the flood / ice age theory. Michel Ord believes the burial and freezing of the mammoth occurred at the end of the ice age after the flood.
Consider that the Arctic Ocean was quite warm by the end of the ice age, so there were no ice sheets on the surface of the water or in the coastal valleys; this ensured a fairly temperate climate in the coastal zone. It is important to note that the remains of mammoths are found in the largest number in the territories near the coast of the Arctic Ocean, while these animals lived far south of the limit of the maximum distribution of ice sheets. Therefore, it was the distribution of ice sheets that determined the area of mass mammoth death.
Hundreds of years after the flood, the ocean waters cooled noticeably, the humidity above them decreased, and the Arctic coast turned into an area of arid climate, leading to a drought. Beneath the melted ice sheets, earth appeared, swirling with sand and mud, burying many mammoths alive. This explains the presence of corpses in the decomposed peat loess – silky sediments. Some mammoths were buried while standing. Subsequent cooling froze the oceans and land again, as a result of which the mammoths, buried earlier under sand and mud, were frozen, preserved in this form to this day.
For centuries, animals descended from the Ark, multiplying on Earth. But some of them became extinct without surviving the Ice Age and global climate change. Some, including mammoths, have died in the disasters that accompanied these changes. After the end of the ice age, the global precipitation regime changed again, many territories became deserts – as a result of which the extermination of animals continued. The flood and the subsequent ice age, volcanic activity and devastation fundamentally changed the face of the Earth and caused the depletion of its flora and fauna to the modern state. Surviving evidence best fits the biblical account of history.
Here’s the good news.
Creation Ministries International strives to glorify and honor God the Creator, as well as affirming the truth that the Bible describes the true history of the creation of the world and man. Part of this story is the bad news that Adam broke God’s command. It brought death, suffering, and separation from God into the world. These results are known to everyone. All of Adam’s descendants are overwhelmed with sin from the moment of conception (Psalm 50: 7) and are involved in Adam’s disobedience (sin). They can no longer be in the presence of the Holy God and are doomed to separation from Him. The Bible says that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23) and that all will be punished, “they will perish forever in the name of the Lord and by the glory of his power” (2 Thessalonians 1: 9). But here is the good news: God has not remained indifferent to our misfortune.”For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
Jesus Christ, the Creator, sinless, took upon Himself the guilt for the sins of all mankind and their consequences – death and separation from God. He died on the cross, but on the third day he rose again, defeating death. And now anyone who sincerely believes in Him, repents of his sins and does not rely only on himself but on Christ, can return to God and be in eternal communion with his Creator. “He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God” (John 3:18). Our Savior is wonderful and miraculous is salvation in Christ, our Creator!