Main studies on the audiovisual sector

Much is said, or written, about the results or data of certain studies on the audiovisual sector .But it is never again, if it is in our interest, to go to the primary sources to collect this data first hand, review others or delve into some point. Therefore, below we will detail some of the most important studies on the audiovisual sector,  as well as its link on the Internet.

  • The II Report on the state of culture in Spain: the digital output, published in February 2015 by the Fundación Alternativas , where a general review of the cultural sector and its evolution from 2011 to 2014 is made.
  • The report (in English) Trends in the European audiovisual market, from the European Audiovisual Observatory , which contains interesting contributions on the present and immediate future of audiovisuals from the old continent.
  • The 2014 SGAE Yearbook Executive Summary of the Performing, Musical and Audiovisual Arts,of the General Society of Spanish Authors , which focuses on the decisive moment of the sector, with the main challenge of the digital world.
  • Also in English, we can find the 2014 UNIC Annual Study, where we find comparative data on the film sector at European level, by country.
  • An increasingly important world is that of social networks, and to learn more about it we can access the VI Study of Social Networks of IAB Spain, where, in general terms, we can know the evolution and trends of use in this market so important to implement online marketing campaigns integrated in, for example, transmedia products. Its publication is very recent, from January 2015.
  • Economic items dedicated to Cinematography from the General State Budgets 2015.
  • Interesting i2pstudy on the Advertising Investment Index , a key piece of information to identify the future trend of the audiovisual sector. Incidentally, in this latest report, which runs from January to September 2014, the data is very encouraging.


by Abdullah Sam
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