Photography is a tool that is used to capture the image of a certain moment and immortalize it. Today photography is a fundamental part of the media, especially for print media such as newspapers and magazines.

Since through it you can give credibility to some event. Many people consider photography in the media as a complement to the news , but the truth is that photography is the news itself.

So the saying goes, an image is worth a thousand words. For example, in an information medium, it is not the same that they tell you a news item to show you a photo that supports this information. So it is important to use photography appropriately.

Use of photography in journalism

Photography is mainly used in the print media, as it is an endorsement of the news you want to convey. It is important to keep in mind that the quality of the photograph on the cover of the printed medium should be of better quality than that of the body of the newspaper.

In this way, users’ attention can be better captured, thus information can be better disseminated. For this reason it is necessary that the photography is of quality and is also suitable for any type of public.

When does a photo violate our security?

Nowadays photography is a tool that has its advantages as well as its disadvantages, in many cases photography can help to give credibility to a news item, but it can also violate the security of the person who is exposed to it.

For example, a case where photography can generate insecurity when a specific complaint is made in the print media, since a person’s photo should not be placed because it could be dangerous.

We must bear in mind that photography violates people’s security when their privacy is violated. The journalist must guarantee the security of the news in the same way that she does with the security of her home.

In the case of the houses it is only necessary to call the locksmiths Sabadell  and the matter resolved, in the case of the media, the authenticity of the photograph must be verified before it is published.

Tips for taking a good photo for the media

Taking a photo for many people is a simple task, you just need to take a camera or your Smartphone, search for the target, and press to take the image you want, seen in this way without a doubt is something simple.

But for journalism it is a more complex thing, since aspects such as sunlight, the background of the image, the contractor must be found in order to obtain a good quality photo. In this case, the print media need an expert to guarantee the quality of the photo.

The photojournalism is key to the contextualization of the events, both from the point of view of coverage that makes professional foot field, in places where going to rescue the snapshot or notification, as at points where they are called professionals of communication to report on an act, event or press conference .

From the side of the convenor, having a professional press photographer will be one of the issues to be included in the event’s strategic communication planning. A particular anecdote for many and that should not be overlooked because the photojournalistic language feeds with quality the informational context and the projection of a care for the image of the brand or customer in the newsworthy event.

That is why the press offices or the agencies that offer the external press office service must bear in mind that it is useless to have all the planning guidelines very well drawn up in the relationship maintained with the media if when send them the press release, the dossier or the summary of the call, these are not accompanied by quality photographs and ‘publishable’.

As well as the information axes that have starred in the call are written, if they are accompanied by a photograph of poor journalistic quality, the prescriptive force of the content may be conditioned.