Lucky Starr and the great Sun of Mercury

Lucky Starr and the great Sun of Mercury is the fourth novel in the saga of the adventures of Lucky Starr belonging to the science fiction genrewritten in 1956 by Isaac Asimov (1920-1992).


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  • 1 Summary
  • 2 Protagonists
  • 3 Stories that make up the book
  • 4 Lucky Starr Novel Sagas
  • 5 Sources



The solar system has been colonized by the Earth , unified under the government of the Science Council. On Mercury, the planet closest to the Sun, a very important facility designed to harness solar energy and guarded by robots is constantly and mysteriously sabotaged. Lucky Starr, the special agent of the Science Council, travels to the burning planet to solve an enigma on which the future of humanity may depend.


  • Lucky Starr, a young orphan, who when his parents die in the attack of some invaders to an asteroid, becomes a special agent of the Council of Sciences.
  • John Bigman Jones, little human from the planet Mars , Lucky’s friend.
  • Scott Mindes, engineer in charge of the Luz Project .
  • Jonathan UrteilPrivate Investigator for Senator Swenson

Stories that make up the book

  1. The ghosts of the sun .
  2. Crazy or sane?
  3. The death waits in a room.
  4. Around the table of banquets .
  5. Direction of danger.
  6. The mines of Mercury .
  7. The enemy in the mines.
  8. Dark and light .
  9. The solar side.
  10. Saboteur!
  11. Prelude to a duel.
  12. Results of a duel.
  13. Prelude to a trial .
  14. The trial.
  15. Results of a trial.

Lucky Starr novel sagas

  1. 1952: Lucky Starr, the space ranger .
  2. 1953: Lucky Starr and the pirates of the asteroids .
  3. 1954: Lucky Starr and the oceans of Venus .
  4. 1956: Lucky Starr and the great Sun of Mercury .
  5. 1957: Lucky Starr and the moons of Jupiter .
  6. 1958: Lucky Starr and the rings of Saturn .


by Abdullah Sam
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