Learn how to start an exercise routine to stay in shape

Time has passed very quickly. We are already in the middle of the year. Soon we are faced with the hottest season of the year: summer. Period when people wear more fresh, short and low-cut clothes. Ideal time to enjoy a day by the pool or the beach. However, many women fail to enjoy this pleasant time of year with pleasure, as they feel ashamed of the way they find their bodies. They are embarrassed because they have a protruding tummy and extra pounds .

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If you encounter this problem of being overweight for your age and height, don’t be afraid! Start preparing now for the end of the year. Start today a routine of physical activities that can give you more health, disposition, better physical conditioning and of course, a slimmer body and in full shape.

  • Below are some important recommendations for those who are starting an exercise routine to stay in shape. Stay tuned for tips and start moving now!

1. Organize your schedule:

Many people fool themselves by saying that they don’t find time to exercise, go to a gym or even take a simple walk. They say they are very busy with their day-to-day commitments and end up putting off a space in the agenda to carry out some type of activity.

However, it is worth remembering that we must prioritize our health and that if we are really ready for such an action we will certainly find some time to accomplish this end. Even if it is a short walk back from the service, no matter the time or the moment, what really matters is to move.

2. Do an activity that gives you pleasure:

There is no point in spending hours and hours on a bicycle or a treadmill if this is too heavy a burden, highly exhausting and very boring. For those who are starting a practice of physical exercises in order to get in good shape, it is recommended that you look for an activity that will give you joy, pleasure, well-being and the desire to practice it again. (8 physical exercises that you can do anywhere: at home, in the park or on the beach)

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3. Don’t abuse yourself too much:

Do not fall into the trap that the ideal is to exercise a lot on a daily basis to reach your goals faster. You may even have a higher weight loss, however you will have a lot of pain in your body, extreme physical tiredness, swelling and maybe even problems in the muscles and spine. (Check the risks of practicing physical activities sporadically)

For this reason, it is advisable to start slowly with the exercises and gradually increase the load of the activities, as well as the intensity and time of the same.

4. Don’t cover too much:

No wanting to lose all the weight you need in just a week. Do not set goals that are difficult to achieve. The correct thing is that you make a plan under the guidance of a physical educator and a nutritionist so that they show you what the real goals you can strive to achieve weekly.

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Remember that losing weight too fast can cause your health to suffer and get those pounds back as fast as you lost them.

5. Make simple substitutions:

You do not need many sacrifices to be able to choose a healthier life. Making simple substitutions in your daily life will already make you visibly realize the benefits of a non-sedentary life. You can, for example, exchange the elevator for the stairs, the car for a walk or bike ride and play more with the children.

6. Drink plenty of water:

Water is the essential fuel for human survival. Every adult human being should drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

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However, it is worth mentioning that the greater your practice of physical activities, the greater your water intake must be, since it helps eliminate fats and toxins from our body, regulates our intestines and supplies our body so that we can always have it hydrated. .

7. Have a balanced diet:

Do not think that just because you have decided to move around that you will not need to change your eating habits. In order for you to feel the positive results of your new physical activity routine in your body, we recommend that you also change your diet.

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You don’t have to eat only leaves, vegetables and fruits. None of this, a balanced diet consists much more in a food reeducation than in the deprivation of certain foods. The secret is knowing how to consume everything in the right dose. Increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits and decrease the treats and fried foods.

8. Leave laziness and discouragement aside:

Many people start a change of routine in their physical activities and then end up giving up or not seeing the expected result quickly or even out of discouragement and laziness. There really are days when we want to get out of the service and do nothing but sit on the couch and watch a good movie.

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But if we stop to look at the countless benefits that physical exercise brings to our life as a whole, we will certainly take a deep breath, let go of laziness and start moving again. So, stop being discouraged! Change your routine now! Then enjoy the countless compliments you will receive and the health and body in full shape that you will have. (Learn how to exercise at home without spending money)


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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