Learn why quality is more important than quantity when it comes to the social networks of your business

Enter Google ‘s “Social Networking for Companies” and you’ll find hundreds of articles that promote the need to be on all social networking platforms.

The thought is this: you have to be everywhere to reach most people.

But the truth of the matter is that being on all platforms can hamper your business more than it can help.

Why being on all social platforms can harm your business?

Enter all social networking platforms I can distract and disconnect your members. Social networks are free for marketing, but only if they end well. If you create inappropriate content or unrelated content just to have something for a specific platform, you isolate the readers.

There is a lot of competition for people’s attention. Only the best content is viewed today, thanks to the endless algorithms. Stick the dough to the wall and see what sticks are not a great social networking strategy .

I also need a long time to create content for multiple platforms. You should be on the platforms that generate a return for you. The owners of companies have enough in their dishes without wasting their time on resources that do not report profits.

Focus on finding the right people, not the majority of people:

No need to be the moderator of a Facebook group if your demographic spends more time on Pinterest and Instagram. Choosing a few selected social platforms to make your followers more loyal is better than being on all platforms and having no interaction.

Healing has become the name of the game, both in terms of content and audience. You need to speak in a specific language, to specific people, using specific marketing tactics.

For example, if you talk to mothers about work from home, you should be on Facebook, use pictures of parents and children, and talk about how to balance the hours and costs of day care. You don’t need to be on Instagram (which has a younger demographic) to share holiday photos. It’s not what your audience is looking for, and it’s not a good platform to find your key audience.

So, before you spend days creating Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Truth and Youtube accounts , investigate. Find out where your audience is and focus on those platforms. Think about what your message is and the best way to present it.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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