League of Legends 9s error code fix

League of Legends players are reporting that they cannot access servers or even play LAN multiplayer. Instead, they are greeted with error codes 9 and are unable to join matches. To get back to playing League of Legends, follow the League of Legends Error Code 9s fix.

What is the League of Legends 9s error code fix?

At the time of this writing, it is not entirely clear what causes the problem with League of Legends Error Code 9. As a result, finding an exact solution is difficult but there are reports online that some methods can yield positive results.

(In case you were wondering, 9s isn’t a reference to the character NieR: Automata.)

League of Legends 9s error code fix

The following troubleshooting steps were used to fix the LoL 9s error codes:

  • Close League of Legends completely.
  • Re-open the game to see if the error message returns.
  • With no luck? Check the LoL Service Status Page.
  • If there are no known issues, try playing with a VPN.
  • If using a VPN doesn’t fix the 9s error codes, contact riot support.

For some players, the fix is ​​as quick and painless as simply restoring the game. Others believe this is some sort of IP address problem, as multiple accounts won’t work until a VPN is enabled. Until the actual cause is known, the issue will remain up for debate, although when your options are exhausted and you have verified that there are no current service issues, the Riot Games support team should be able to help.

While it’s frustrating not knowing the root cause, hopefully the Error Code 9s bug has now been fixed and you can get back to enjoying League of Legends.

If you’ve ever wanted to play the popular MOBA on mobile or console, check out League of Legends: Wild Rift.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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