Knowing the training principles

Every activity needs rules for your organization and physical activity is no different, especially when we work in a targeted manner and with pre-established goals.

For that, we have the training principles, principles that guide any program or physical activity, from a simple walk or run to a soccer training, for example. Following these principles is an indispensable condition for the activity to become profitable and healthy.

There are five training principles, as we will see below:

1º – Principle of biological individuality:

It is the principle that establishes that each person is an individualized being or that no two people are the same. In terms of physical conditioning, this means that the same exercise, at the same intensity, at the same duration and at the same weekly frequency, will provide different training effects on each body, depending on factors such as: sex, age, maximum capacity, previous experience and execution technique.

2nd – Principle of increasing overload:

This principle establishes that, in order to acquire good physical fitness, the organism needs to be subjected to ever greater efforts (more intense or for a longer time, or even more frequently), in such a way that it can cause adaptation reactions in the body that lead to improved fitness. The increase in overload can be obtained through one of the factors indicated below:

Frequency: Increase in the number of training sessions in a week, for example;

Volume: Increase in distance, number of repetitions or, for example, duration;

Intensity: Increased speed, load or, for example, decreased rest time between executions.
As a general rule, it is not advisable to change more than one factor at the same time.

3rd – Specificity principle :

It is the principle that determines that each physical activity has its own characteristics, its possible adaptations according to the objective and its stimuli to which the organism is submitted, creating specific parallel effects.

4th – Principle of continuity:

This is the principle that governs that physical activity must be performed continuously, without interruptions, as the interruption of any type of activity leads the organism to return to the initial situation.

In general, the longer the period of interruption, the greater the damage to physical condition, and the resumption and establishment of new training will depend on the level you were at when you stopped work and the time you were inactive.

5th – Reversibility

principle : This principle complements the previous one, allowing a greater understanding of the consequences, of the lack of regularity in a physical activity program.
Attention: All benefits gained in several months of training can be lost in a few weeks of inactivity. For the experts, these benefits are partially lost in three weeks and totally in ten weeks.

by Abdullah Sam
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