It seems that Kirby has gotten tired of being another character in Super Smash Bros. and has decided to take control by having his own fighting game in which he is not only the protagonist, but occupies most of the character roster. As a sequel to one of the titles that we got to know on Nintendo 3DS, it is time to thoroughly study its evolution for Switch.


  • Kirby Fighters 2: What is Kirby’s best power?
  • What does Kirby Fighters 2 offer us?
  • Game modes present in Kirby Fighters 2
  • How is the difficulty in Kirby Fighters 2?
  • Characters and unlockable content
  • The multiplayer and its options
  • Is Kirby Fighters 2 worth it?

Kirby Fighters 2: What is Kirby’s best power?

The first news of the launch of this game that reached us was in the form of a  leak , followed hours later by its official announcement and… the next day it was already available in the eShop ! It is curious that Nintendo decided to develop a sequel to Kirby Fighters Deluxe .

If you have already seen at least a couple of captures of the game or some gameplay, you will realize that it is a delivery that followed the good steps set by Super Smash Bros., although this time  Kirby absorbs all the prominence with its wide variety of copy skills and some more characters from the saga. And, knowing that, we must ask ourselves “Is it worth it?”

Kirby Fighters 2

What does Kirby Fighters 2 offer us?

As in the popular Super Smash Bros. saga, it is a game focused on battles with a 3D appearance and 2D gameplay in which we find up to 4 players on the same stage. However, here we forget about all variety of characters and replace it with a template full of skills copied from Kirby and other well-known characters from the franchise , such as Meta Knight or Waddle Dee.

The combats are very similar between both games; We must use combos , special abilities and all kinds of items that will appear on the stage,  which can be hostile in many cases. However, Kirby Fighters 2 has slight changes that can completely vary the gaming experience.

First of all, we forget about the percentages; We have health bars here , and the best part is, when they run out, we turn into ghosts , as long as the battle doesn’t have a winner yet. To resurrect we only have to hit an enemy . Another curious detail, and the one that has made me the most funny, is that if you play with an ally, he will give you kisses when you cross paths, which will make you regain life .

In addition, we must take into account something very important; in this game the map is limited , that is, we will no longer have to worry about an enemy sending us out of the ring due to a blow, or simply falling out of sheer clumsiness, since we will not be able to go beyond the limit of the map.

Kirby Fighters 2

Game modes present in Kirby Fighters 2

In order not to be quickly repetitive, the game has a total of four different game modes that have the fighting as the main attraction:

In the first place, the one known as “ Combats ” (its name says it all), the standard mode in which you can choose every detail of the game yourself; If it’s a free-for-all or for teams, what are the parameters, what character will you and the CPU use … All kinds of options at your fingertips.

Of course, we could not miss the online (and local ) mode , in which we will choose a character to face other players. So that the wait does not become eternal, the game itself allows us to train with the character we have chosen until the fight begins.

The story mode is probably the one that has the most to offer. Although the plot is almost nil and it is nothing more than a pretext to get into one battle after another that you must win to climb the floors of the tower, in this game mode we will always be accompanied by an ally and, the most innovative of the game is that we will have to face several bosses .

Finally we have the solitary mode , which is a time trial in which we will have to defeat a certain number of enemies in the shortest possible time. Perhaps the biggest challenge in this game mode is trying to break your own records , but you will have to be prepared to fight without pause.

Kirby Fighters 2

How is the difficulty in Kirby Fighters 2?

The story mode will only be a challenge for your patience , since you will have to enter one battle after another to overcome each chapter, but don’t worry, you can save and leave the next fight for a little while. In addition, it should be noted that this mode has a timer , which will force us to put the turbo in some boss fights if we do not want to repeat them from the beginning.

As for the rest of the modes, they have difficulties that you can change before starting to play, so it will be you who decides the difficulty to face. In this way, the game can become as affordable for a child as it is for a more experienced player.

Now, yes, if you are looking for difficulty in properly handling long lists of combos  for each character, it would be better to look for another game, because here you will not find that .

Kirby Fighters 2

Characters and unlockable content

Kirby Fighters 2 has a total of 23 playable characters , of which 17 are Kirby’s copy abilities (Hammer, Water, Ninja, Wrestling …) and 5 of them are other characters from the saga (Waddle Dee, Gooey, Maglor, Rey Dedede and Meta Knight). However, at the beginning we will only have four of them; Kirby Sword, Kirby Bomba, Kirby Cane and Waddle Dee Scarf. To unlock them you must fight battles, which will increase your score in the game and that will make you go up levels in the ” Fighter Rank “.

To unlock all playable characters you have to reach level 39 and finish the story mode. But by leveling up we will not only unlock more characters, but we will also get as a reward improvements in the story mode, scenarios for the battle mode, special hats for the characters and songs .

Although our first impression may make us think that the characters can be very similar , all of Kirby’s copy abilities are different ; from the ranges of their attacks to the animations, so you will have more variety than it seems when choosing.

We will also find a curious diversity of scenarios , all original from Kirby games and accompanied by their soundtrack , in which we will remember battles against bosses (who will become one more adversary through them) and all kinds of obstacles that can make us hurt. However, they are rather simple scenarios ; You just have to dodge a couple of obstacles by moving a little or by climbing one of the two or three platforms. Also, they are all the same size. On one side or another, Kirby’s renowned flight will go completely into the background, being something unnecessary in most battles.

Kirby Fighters 2

The multiplayer and its options

Finally, the multiplayer issue . As I mentioned above, there is an online mode and a local one . Be careful, this game, like the vast majority, requires a Nintendo Switch Online subscription or it will not allow us to play over the Internet.

However, when we acquire a game of this type, the first thing we ask ourselves is whether more than one person can play with a single console and game. In this case, yes, you can , and not only in “Combat” mode.

In combat mode , one to four people can play and we can choose if we want to make groups or play a free-for- all , as I mentioned before. In addition, in the story mode there may be a second player , who will fight alongside us playing the role of ally .

Is Kirby Fighters 2 worth it?

On a personal level, I have to admit that I have enjoyed the game quite a bit, having played several Kirby installments before and have always really liked the characters, their settings and the soundtrack, but I was disappointed that I couldn’t play a greater variety of characters instead of so many copy Kirby abilities and having to settle for seeing former bosses on stage. Of course, it is a perfect piece for fans of some Kirby’s own ability and the decisive moment to know which of them can be the best.

Although it is an extremely simple game, with how clumsy I am there are many things that I have come to appreciate, such as not being able to fall off the map, as well as being able to adapt the difficulty to my taste and level of play. To write all this I have played several hours in a row and needed to put the game aside until at least the next day, since the continuous cycle of having to go from one battle to another was tiring.

If we compare it with other titles in the genre, such as Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, it may be short ; however, it is also true that this comparison is unfair due to the difference between the two licenses. Of course, unfortunately it is not one of the pieces that collectors of physical games can acquire since it is an exclusive proposal for digital format.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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