Utopian Nature in Kirby and the Forgotten Land: Waddle Dees and Phases

These are all the stages and Waddle Dees that you can find in Utopian Nature, Kirby’s First World and the Forgotten Land. Follow our guide and don’t leave anything unfinished!

Utopian Nature is the first world we visit in the main adventure Kirby and the Forgotten Land . In this entry of our complete guide we are going to show you all the phases and treasure routes that are available in this world and how to complete them 100% to rescue the Waddle Dees and leave nothing behind.


  1. Point of Arrival
  2. Built Valley
  3. Deep Tunnel
  4. Rolling Stones Track
  5. Alive Shopping Center
  6. Fight at the Mall
  7. Knife Route
  8. Bomb Route
  9. Fire Route
  10. Route Explorer
  11. Ice Route
  12. Route Transmorphic Dispenser
  13. Transmorphic Cone Route

Arrival Point

  • Waddle Dees in the phase:
  • When is it available?: Itis the introductory mission of the game, it works as a tutorial.

Built Valley

  • Guide to complete Valley Edified to 100%.
  • Waddle Dees in the phase:
  • When is it available?:after passing the Arrival Point.

deep tunnel

  • Guide to complete Deep Tunnel 100%.
  • Waddle Dees in the phase:
  • When is it available?:after beating Valle Edificado.

Rolling Rocks Track

  • Guide to complete the Rolling Stone Track at 100%.
  • Waddle Dees in the phase:
  • When is it available?:After beating Deep Tunnel.

Alivel Shopping Center

  • Guide to complete Mall Alive 100%.
  • Waddle Dees in the phase:
  • When is it available?:After beating the Rolling Stone Path.

fight in the mall

  • Guide to complete Fight in the Mall to 100%.
  • Waddle Dees in the phase:
  • When is it available?:After passing Alilevel Shopping Center.

Knife Route

Utopian Nature in Kirby

  • Difficulty:1 star.
  • Objective:01:00,00 (Throw and catch! Collect treasures).
  • When is it available?:After beating Deep Tunnel.

Bomb Route

  • Difficulty:1 star.
  • Target:00:30.00 (Triple Full! Switches and Bowling).
  • When is it available?:After beating Deep Tunnel.

Fire Route

  • Difficulty:1 star.
  • Target:00:45.00 (Fast and hot! Towards the canyon).
  • When is it available?:After beating the Rolling Stone Path.

Path Explorer

  • Difficulty:2 stars.
  • Target:01:00.00 (Aim, shoot, fire! Distant targets).
  • When is it available?:After beating the Rolling Stone Path.

Ice Route

ice outer

  • Difficulty:1 star.
  • Target:00:40.00 (Freeze and Throw! Ice Skating).
  • When is it available?:After passing Alilevel Shopping Center.

Route Transmorphic Dispenser

  • Difficulty:2 stars.
  • Target:01:20.00 (Can Shooter! Adventure Dispenser).
  • When is it available?:You have to find it in the world after you have completed Deep Tunnel. Examine the area with beams and trees northwest of Deep Tunnel.

Transmorphic Cone Route

  • Difficulty:3 stars.
  • Target:00:45.00 (Cone Attack! Pipe Path).
  • When is it available?:You have to find it in the world after you have completed Deep Tunnel. Examine the area with trees and flowers to the east of Alivel Shopping Center.