Iron Chelate | What is it and how is it used

The Iron chelate is a chemical that can be easily purchased at any garden store. It is marketed in the form of water soluble powder or microgranuldos , and has various positive effects for both plants and soil pH.

What is iron chelate?

It is formulated by a chelating agent ( hence its name), being the ortho-ortho EDDHA the most used, followed by a percentage that indicates its content in iron (wealth). Its basic function is to provide iron in a soluble way to plants.

Why use iron chelate?

The plants in your garden or garden need various micronutrients to grow properly. Iron is one of them. However, deficiencies of this element frequently appear as a result of its low solubility in the soil and the high sensitivity of the plants, especially in soils of high or alkaline pH where iron is usually blocked. This deficiency is called iron chlorosis and is characterized by yellowing between the nerves of the leaves, especially in the younger leaves.

Iron chelate solves this problem and also helps micronutrients dissolve better in the soil.

This mineral occupies very important and basic functions in the metabolism of your plants, it is a great constituent of pigments and enzymes, they are involved in the capture and transformation of energy in both photosynthesis and respiration, and although it is not part of chlorophyll It is necessary for its synthesis (green pigmentation).

Excess iron problems

If you have decided to administer iron chelate to your plants, whether from the urban garden or from the garden of your house, you should be careful with the amount applied taking into account the variety and soil.

Iron chelate is often used in low doses, especially in gardening and potting. If a plant absorbs more iron than it should, it can suffer phytotoxicity and manifests itself with the appearance of brown burns on the leaves.

If after applying iron chelate to your plants , observe these symptoms, we advise you to immediately replace the pot soil with new soil and carefully clean the roots with water.

You can then reapply the chelate, this time following the dose recommended by the manufacturer.

If you have any questions about its application or dose, you can check the product label or contact us through this page and we will be happy to answer you.

Finally, we recommend that you take all   possible precautions (gloves and glasses) to prevent iron sulfate dust from reaching your eyes by accident while applying it.


by Abdullah Sam
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