Impulse Control Disorders (ICT)

Impulse Control Disorders (ICT) are a category of psychiatric disorders that present impulsivity (acting without considering the consequences) as a primary symptom.

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The most worrying types of impulses are those that are potentially harmful to you or others. Many psychiatric disorders, such as substance-related disorders, behavioral addictions, attention and hyperactivity, antisocial personality disorder , borderline personality disorder , conduct disorder, and some mood disorders have impulsivity as a symptom.

There are five identified stages that are characteristic of impulsivity disorders : impulse, increasing tension, pleasure in acting, relief from desire and finally (not necessarily) a feeling of guilt.

The DSM-5 includes a new chapter that covers disruptive impulse control and conduct disorders that cover disorders “characterized by problems with emotional and behavioral self-control.” This new section covers conditions such as intermittent explosive disorder (TEI), kleptomania and pyromania.


by Abdullah Sam
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