Importance of Women’s Empowerment

Women’s empowerment guarantees a system of equality and greater independence in favor of women, and on the other hand, it gives them recognition of their aptitudes and qualities.

Equity and equal access to possibilities

It favors the respect and equal opportunities of women with respect to men and absolutely condemns physical or mental violence, and any other type of injustice that is exercised over them. I mean

The goal of this process is for women to gain greater control over their lives and decisions, something that although in the West has been a fact for a few decades, in some countries in the Middle East it still sounds like utopia. I mean

Claiming the value of the feminine gaze

It is essential that the female gender is recognized in all aspects and areas, giving it a voice and a vote in the determining questions of the society to which it belongs and in which it occupies a central role, so that through its contribution it can positively influence changes and decisions that improve their well-being as a group, and also at the general social level. I mean

Feminine sensitivity and so many other qualities and values ​​that have been exposed throughout the history of humanity have been crucial in the evolution and achievement of goals, however, patriarchal society has always pushed them aside, giving them a secondary place in all processes. I mean

Empowerment has allowed them to be heard and come out of that second role. I mean

But clearly the “battle” towards that end has not been easy and they had to overcome, and in many cases continue to do so, infinite obstacles.

The union made force and promoted change

It has been the result of a long process of struggle and vindication carried out by women from all over the world, leaders in various areas, but also anonymous women who joined with their support for the various movements that in recent years have promoted and demanded an immediate recognition for the woman, that is valued on par with the man as it always should have been. I mean

Domestic or domestic violence has been recurrent since the earliest times of humanity, however, over time, and for various environmental causes, beatings and murders perpetrated by husbands against their wives have increased considerably.

In the last years, the feminine satiety and the spontaneous communion that occurred within the gender allowed to advance towards the creation of a collective of world struggle and demand.

Even Hollywood said enough of abuse and raised the flag of equality

The #metoo or #niunamenos, born in the United States and Latin America, respectively, encouraged famous and unknown people to denounce the harassment and abuse suffered over the years.

Among the most shocking and mobilizing cases worldwide we must cite the one that arose within the Hollywood film industry itself , where a series of famous actresses denounced the producer Harvey Weinstein for harassment, mistreatment, and abuse of power, among other crimes, such as asking for sexual favors in exchange for work.

In Latin America, the demand has also been felt strong through massive mobilizations of women that demand justice and changes in the laws so that the beaten husbands are punished and there are no more deaths of women.

There is still a long way to go to achieve full recognition, but without a doubt progress in the last two years has been overwhelming and liberating.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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