The importance of medical attendance in disease prevention

How often do you go to the doctor? Every year for a check-up or just when it gets tough and you really need medical help? The fear of going to the doctor’s office and discovering a disease keeps many people away from the clinics, but as the old saying goes, prevention is better than cure!

Why should I go?

Stop a little and think about the times when you got sick. What was the reason? An infection , allergy , anemia , worms ? Although it does not seem, these diseases could have been prevented if you had consulted a doctor and had a check-up.

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Before a reaction starts, our body gives small signals that we cannot always interpret. Those who are suffering from anemia, for example, may experience tachycardia and think they have a heart problem. As this is a scary sign, instead of going to the doctor, the person decides to put it aside and wait for the heart to return to normal.

Many women suffer from colic and think it is normal. But these very severe pains can be a warning that there are cysts in the ovary and if you don’t regularly visit a gynecologist, you will continue to suffer without knowing why.

In all of these cases a simple blood test could solve the problem, without you suffering from it.

Preventive exams you shouldn’t miss !

We don’t want you to despair and run to the clinic! Just make an appointment and update your preventive exams, making a complete check-up of your health!

I know that many who are reading this text already make their annual consultation with the gynecologist to do the pap smear . But take the time and ask your doctor to do other tests as well.

  • Check out some tests you should do to prevent disease!

Blood test

Anyone who experiences weakness or joint pain should ask the doctor to include the calcium analysis. If the pimples are frequent and you have a lot of cramps, report these symptoms to your doctor, it will probably include an analysis of the TSH and free T4 dosage that will indicate if there is a change in the thyroid gland.

Cholesterol, blood glucose, triglycerides and iron levels are also essential, as they will show if you are prone to diabetes or if you are anemic.

If your sex life is active, order a blood test for syphilis, herpes, HIV, hepatitis B and C. (STDs: how to avoid 7 sexually transmitted diseases)


If any woman in your family has had breast cancer, you should also have a mammogram, regardless of your age (some say that the best thing is after 35, but do it beforehand if your family member has fallen ill before that age) . If there is no family history, the test should be done after 40 years of age. (Pain in the breasts: know the reasons)


If you are going to start the gym , make an appointment with the cardiologist to perform the exercise test that checks your heart rate at rest and during the treadmill run. This test is important, as it signals whether there is the presence of cardiovascular disease or hypertension.

Anyone with a family history of diabetes and heart attacks should not wait to be 30 years old to start having an annual heart check-up. If your first-degree relatives have already suffered or are suffering from hypertension, it is also necessary to start performing battery tests to find out if your heart needs monitoring.

Bone densitometry

Those who drink little milk, feel tired, have a family history of osteoporosis or have thyroid disease should include bone densitometry in the check-up. The exam is neither complicated nor painful: an X-ray measures your bone mass and determines whether there is a risk of fracture or propensity to osteoporosis.

Blood pressure

If you have these symptoms: shortness of breath, dizziness, blurred vision, ringing in the ear, weakness, nausea, bleeding from the nose, take a blood pressure test. It is probably altered and is causing these symptoms.

Stool tests

It is difficult for people to do this test of their own free will, however, do not wait for a disease to identify if you have a protozoan or worm in your intestines. Both are more common than you might think and if you haven’t had a dewormer in a while, it is worth taking a stool test and then seeing your doctor if there is a need to take the medicine.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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