Hydroxyl group

Hydroxyl group : Hydroxyl group (also called hydroxyl) OH-, a compound functional group is of one atom of oxygen and one of hydrogen , characteristic of alcohols . It has an oxidation number of -1 unit, it is sigma-acceptor and pi-giver.


Those saturated hydrocarbons, or alkanes that contain a hydroxyl group (-OH) as a substitute for a covalently bonded hydrogen atom. Alcohols can be primary, secondary or tertiary, depending on the number of hydrogen atoms substituted on the carbon atom to which the hydroxyl group is attached.

  1. Primary alcohol: primaryalcohols react very slowly. Since they cannot form carbocations, the activated primary alcohol remains in solution until it is attacked by the chloride ion. With a primary alcohol, the reaction can take anywhere from thirty minutes to several days.
  2. Secondary alcohol: secondaryalcohols take less time, between 5 and 20 minutes, because secondary carbocations are less stable than primary ones.
  3. Tertiary alcohol: Tertiaryalcohols react almost instantaneously, because they form relatively stable tertiary carbocations.


by Abdullah Sam
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