Humanized care: what are the advantages of using it in the clinic?

Every human being is sometimes subject to losing health and needing medical assistance. In such moments, certainly, what is expected is a welcoming receptivity . For this, there is a humanized treatment . Do you know what that means?

Continue reading this article to learn more and identify this type of service. Here, you will discover the benefits and pillars of this assistance. Follow!

The meaning of humanized care

It is what is mainly related to subjectivity, which goes far beyond good service. Still, it is a type of reception, in which the presence of the patient, his family member or companion and, at least, a health professional is essential. It is a new model of management and relationship , with proximity, attention, knowing how to speak, knowing how to listen, sensitivity, eye to eye, a strong handshake and much more.

A long time ago, the word attendance had the simple meaning of receiving. Today, humanized service is essential for an institution to be successful and continue to grow in the market . In a clinic, an organizational policy must be inserted, and this has to be the rule for everyone who contributes to the company: from the reception, doorman, security, responsible for cleaning, technicians and other professionals.

In order for humanized care to be efficient, it is essential that all employees of the clinic undergo a training full of details, as the gesture and word of each person expresses part of the company’s culture. This action, even if it is a simple good morning, when performed with respect, is a form of humanized attention.

Inserting this service in your clinic is not just an initiative, it is introducing a new culture, to be worked on as a focus on consumers’ desires and needs to be carried out properly, to reflect on the lives of customers, employees, as well as the company’s productivity .

In the contemporary world, information technology is a great ally to contribute to the humanization of care, since it can be inserted to optimize:

  • contact with customers and keep them well informed;
  • updating medical records;
  • interconnection of all terminals of the institution to facilitate locating customer data in all terminals;
  • modern apparatus and instruments for consultations and examinations .

Main pillars of humanized care

The pillars include the assistance and also the physical part of the establishment. Follow!

Physical reception

Office space: it is important to escape that impression of a public hospital . The waiting environment should be very peaceful . The colors provide sensations to the customers, therefore, the clear ones are more suitable. Play soft music with comfortable volume. Still, an environment with plants and flowers brightens up anyone’s day, finally, comfortable chairs, drinking fountain, coffee, bathroom etc. they cannot be missing.

Accessibility : this service must be extended to the disabled, the elderly and others who need it. Accessibility is presented through a handrail, ramp, non-slip floor and other precautions.

Reception of professionals

Service team: this action is the responsibility of the entire group of employees, without exception. The professionals should follow up the full client – before, during and after , or whenever necessary – t odo work needs to be focused on the client / patient .

Humanized management

The principle of efficient management is planning, which permeates all employees, who are the main “actors”, who are always in charge of all company activities, so it is important that they participate in this planning.

For the work to be truly humanized, it is essential that employees are satisfied with their financial resources and that they are treated with respect and humanity by their superiors .

Benefits of humanized care

Practices for proper care favor clients. Check out some of them!


Attention is a hallmark of anyone’s life. The professional who serves his clients with excellence becomes worthy of admiration. The service is even more recognized when the person is distressed, with a problem that he considers difficult to solve. Therefore, listening, showing availability, responding patiently is a form of humanity .

Greater effectiveness in patient care

The dedication that the professional reflects to the client is decisive for the result of the treatment, since any search for health is not related only to medicines. The psychological condition of the patient also needs to be worked out very well and the efficient employee attends in several ways, including the psychological one, as the patient needs to feel confident .

Strong relationship with ethics

Ethics is indispensable behavior in any role . Relating to patients requires the professional to know their subjectivity, for an efficient diagnosis. Another way to practice ethics is not to be insensitive to customers’ conditions and to observe their way of speaking. Some people calmly absorb information and others are more sensitive, so balancing this practice is also part of professionalism.


The patient is a person who needs to be won over to become faithful. Therefore, the service must be applied with words and gestures that demonstrate knowledge, efficiency and humanity. Given these adjectives, the possibility of returning and referring friends and family is very likely.

Ease in gaining confidence

That saying “first impression is what remains” must be considered when it comes to the subject: professional and client or doctor and patient.

Therefore, the first service needs to be carried out with a lot of professionalism , but one must not forget to earn trust through speaking with propriety – the client needs to feel that he is being taken care of by a well-trained professional.

Now it is important to think about inserting this type of assistance in your strategic planning, because when this treatment is given to your clients, it becomes “fuel” to leverage your clinic and increase your recognition in the competitive market .

As you have seen, it is essential to know more in depth about humanized service , the pillars that support it and the benefits that it provides to its clients, the working group and its institution.

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by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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