How To Update Netflix On Samsung Smart Tv

How To Update Netflix On Samsung Smart Tv.To update the Netflix app on your Samsung Smart TV, follow these steps:

How To Update Netflix On Samsung Smart Tv.

How To Update Netflix On Samsung Smart Tv.

  1. Connect to the Internet: Make sure your Samsung Smart TV is connected to the internet. You can connect via Wi-Fi or Ethernet.
  2. Navigate to the Apps Menu:
    • Press the “Smart Hub” button on your TV remote. This button may also be labeled as “Home” or have an icon of a house.
    • Use the arrow keys on your remote to navigate to the “Apps” section and press the “Enter” or “Select” button.
  3. Find and Select Netflix:
    • In the Apps menu, search for the Netflix app using the arrow keys on your remote or by using the built-in search function.
    • Once you locate the Netflix app, highlight it and press the “Enter” or “Select” button on your remote to open the app.
  4. Check for Updates:
    • Once the Netflix app is open, navigate to the “Settings” or “More Options” section within the app. This location may vary based on the TV model and app version.
    • Look for an option like “Update” or “Check for Updates.” If you see this option, select it and follow any on-screen prompts to initiate the update process.
  5. Automatic Updates (If Available):
    • Some Samsung Smart TVs have an option to enable automatic updates for apps. If this feature is available, you can turn it on to ensure your apps, including Netflix, are updated automatically.
  6. Restart the TV (Optional):
    • After updating the Netflix app, you might consider restarting your TV to ensure that the changes take effect.
  7. Enjoy the Updated Netflix:
    • Once the update is complete, you can open the Netflix app and enjoy the latest features and improvements.

Please note that the user interface and options may vary depending on your specific Samsung Smart TV model and the version of the Netflix app. If you encounter any difficulties or if the steps mentioned above do not match your TV’s interface, you may want to refer to your TV’s user manual or visit Samsung’s official support website for more specific instructions based on your TV model

by Abdullah Sam
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