How to unsubscribe PlayWeez

Have you subscribed to PlayWeez without knowing it or due to ignorance? You can unsubscribe from PlayWeez through different methods if at any time you do not want to continue subscribing to said service, so they will not charge you any more the fee they charge and that can be high.

This amounts to a premium SMS service that charges subscribed customers . It accumulates a lot of complaints in different official forums of operators since its usual cost is € 2.99 on a weekly basis, which means that at the end of the month since it increases the invoice to be paid.

Normally it is solved by unsubscribing from the service once you have it identified in the invoice, in which they send you every month, the cost of said service should be reflected and thus you will find out that they are charging for having subscribed to PlayWeez, but there are ways to unsubscribe like the ones we are going to show you below.

Through the official website

PlayWeez provides users with a link to easily unsubscribe from the service , you just have to click on the “unsubscribe” button and you will have to put your phone number and password. If you do not remember the password, you can request that you send it to leave the service by clicking on “forgot your password”.

With this you should already be out of service, although keep your eyes peeled for next month’s bill, there you can check if the PlayWeez cancellation has really taken effect.

Web: Baja PlayWeez

Through an email address

Although the previous method is the fastest and should be effective, you also have the option of requesting the cancellation of PlayWeez by sending an email to the address [email protected], indicating that you want to unsubscribe. Also include your phone number so they can identify you.

Then it is a matter of seeing if they respond to you or not, although if you see that they ask for suspicious data, do not offer it just in case.

By calling 900 907 110

Another option is to call 900 907 110 and mention that you want to unsubscribe from the PlayWeez service. It has no cost to you, so you don’t have to worry about being charged for calling. They should assist you quickly and make your request effective in a short time.

Don’t forget to check the next invoice so you can see if the PlayWeez service is no longer charged.

Talk to your operator

If you see that none of the above methods work for you and PlayWeez charges continue to arrive on your bill, the last resort could be to contact your operator and tell them about your problem to see if they can unsubscribe you from the premium SMS service.

Normally they should give you some kind of answer or take a few steps so that if they can’t, you can unsubscribe from PlayWeez yourself . Then if you want you can check with your company if it is still subscribed or not, if the answer is no the cancellation has been made effective.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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