How to unlock the Illumina Orb from Belusylva Island

Illumina orbs play an important role in the progression of New Pokemon Snap. They can be used to make Pokémon behave differently, and there is a different colored Illumina Orb on each island in the game. However, you won’t be able to use the Illumina Orb on each island until you help. Professor Mirror has to do some research beforehand. . The island of Belusylva requires specific research before you can start using Island Orb. Here’s how to unlock the Illumina Orb from Belusylva Island in New Pokemon Snap .

How to unlock the Illumina Orb from Belusylva Island

After doing enough research on the first island in New Pokemon Snap, you will head to the jungle field of Belusylva Island called Founja Jungle. After increasing your research level, the night version of the course will be unlocked.

After visiting the jungle course at night, Professor Mirror will assign you an investigation task. It will ask you to take a photo of a luminous Crystabloom flower to investigate the Illumina phenomenon.

At first, the flower of the field will not shine and will not count as a photo for the investigation. However, once you upgrade the course to research level two, the course will change slightly.

At research level two, you will follow a Leafeon all the way, and at the end it will lie on its right side next to a Crystabloom flower. This flower will glow and you can take a picture of it to make it count in Professor Mirror’s research.

If you can’t find the shiny Crystabloom flower in Founja Jungle, it looks like this:

Make sure to select the photo to show Professor Mirror just as you would a photo of Pokémon. He will be happy with the glowing effect, and in return, you will receive Illumina Orbs that can be used on any course on the island of Belusylva.

That’s all you need to know about how to unlock the Illumina Orb from Belusylva Island in New Pokemon Snap . Be sure to visit our new Pokémon Snap Guide Wiki for more tips on the game.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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