How to take a cat’s temperature

When you have a feline pet, it is very practical to know how to take a cat’s temperature . You have to follow a series of guidelines based on the fact that the temperature of this animal is higher than that of the human, so a reading up to 39 degrees will be within the appropriate margins.

Cats are animals of habit. When his behavior changes suddenly, he could be facing a fever. A hot or dry nose is not a reliable indicator that the cat has raised its temperature. On some occasions, staying for a long time near a radiator or on a window sill in the sun can cause this symptom.

If the cat stops grooming, or is seemingly anxious, active, at rest, and quickly back into activity, something is bothering him. Knowing if he has a fever is a fundamental indicator against which, necessarily, one must seek veterinary help, without medicating him on his own.

The ideal cat temperature

The normal temperature for a cat is between 38 and 39 degrees. From there it is a mild fever, and if it exceeds 40 degrees, it could cause damage to your organs if the cause of the fever is not addressed.

How to take a cat’s temperature, both ways

The most reliable way to take a cat’s temperature is rectally. Knowing how to take a cat’s temperature will help avoid discomfort and seek an immediate response from the vet. Two people will be needed because the animal will resist being invaded in this area of ​​its body.

The cat can be wrapped in a thick towel, to avoid scratches. Lying in a lateral position, leaving the anus uncovered, gently insert the tip of the thermometer, it can be analog or digital. The tip must be lubricated with a lubricating gel or petroleum jelly. Whoever is holding the cat should do it firmly, but gently to avoid further frightening the kitten.

If it is impossible to do it anally, the temperature can be taken by otic route, introducing the thermometer gently, without pressing, into the kitten’s ear. It is a way that leaves less reliability but that also yields results.

Why does my cat have a fever?

If we learn how to take a cat’s temperature, we know that the animal may have a fever. The causes are multifactorial, and range from mild conditions to more complex ones. In any case, you must consult with the veterinarian.

The health of the cat can suffer, as in all animals, when it approaches its more adult age. An old cat has a disposition to some health problems that can cause fever as one of the symptoms.

Some viral or bacterial disorder may be incubating in the pussy if it has a fever. Another cause of temperature rises, especially in old cats, is the presence of a tumor. Fungal infections also usually cause fever, and together with mild bacterial pathologies, they are cured with quick treatment.

Flu and feline colds can also cause fever, as well as more serious disorders, such as pancreatitis. In all cases, it is necessary to consult with the veterinarian so that, through blood tests, he determines what is happening with the kitten and prescribes the most appropriate treatment.

Busting the body temperature myth

Even in hairless cats, it is impossible to determine if a cat has a fever just by feeling its body surface as it happens with humans, although in these breeds the temperature indicator can vary. You must use a thermometer that must be sterilized with alcohol after use, and leave it for the exclusive use of the domestic feline. Learning how to take a cat’s temperature is essential when adopting one of these felines.