How to structure a Linkedin headline?

The presentation is very important, our grandparents knew it by the way they dressed and we know it today when we go to see our partner well groomed so as not to give a bad impression.

We want the best of us to be seen, we want them to see what we are most proud of, it is precisely for this reason that the LinkedIn headline is extremely important, why? I’ll give you an example.

Suppose you are in the park with your mobile using Facebook (one of the most important social networks in the world by the way) in that the love of your life passes in front of you and notices that you smell bad.

Whatever you do, that love is gone forever, not even with Tinder Premium it comes back to you, it left and you can’t do anything about it, the same thing happens with jobs.

In job interviews we often strive to give our best impression because we want and need the job, but when the job is online and we cannot make the first impression as we would like, that’s where the LinkedIn headlines come in.


  • What is a Linkedin headline?
  • How to structure a Linkedin headline?

What is a Linkedin headline?

The Linkedin headline is what you as a worker  offer to anyone who passes through your profile, in just 120 characters, it is what  defines whether that person continues to read on your profile or not, this headline should answer the following questions:

  • Who are you professionally
  • Where are you going? What is your life compass?
  • What have you done? What can you boast about yourself and why?
  • What are you better than anyone else at?
  • Because you?

It sounds like a lot of information to put  in just 120 characters but you would be surprised how well this works and how well other people compete with very good descriptions.

But those people are not you, you are here waiting to come up with the best headline in the world for your Linkedin profile and that is just what I am going to give you, we are going to make a headline together and  customize it for you according to your strengths and passions.

How to structure a Linkedin headline?

A Linkedin headline as well as a movie must have an introduction, a climax and a denouement, but be careful,  the denouement must leave you wanting more, the person who reads it should not simply see everything you can do, I will give you an example.

Today there are famous youtubers who broadcast on Facebook Gaming and from this platform or any other such as YouTube or Twitch, jump to make movies,  dub movies or even go on television with their own TV show, why does this happen ?

Because people are not interested in what they do, if not in how they do it,  being this way in talent and public life what matters is not that you are good at something, because unless you have discovered that, already there are  many more  who are very good at it, your attitude and  your differentiator matter.

Many times you could get a job for being more humble than another person, all recruiters are very clear about what type of people they want to work in the company, or better yet what type of person they need, some things that the company does not need are:

  • Pushy people who don’t accept mistakes
  • Annoying or provoking people
  • Toxic people

And these are some things that companies look for  fervently in their workers:

  • Humility, do not pre-judge a very high starting salary
  • Kindness, cordiality when saying things
  • Touch, with people and especially with superiors
  • Ability to solve problems and  intellectual capacity
  • Emotional intelligence

All this weighs when choosing a candidate or another, and if you do not have them, maybe you should go and try your luck somewhere where you do not expose yourself as much as Google Jobs but from my personal point of view,  any good worker has these characteristics and also very well marked in his personality.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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