How to activate the private mode of your browser

Surfing the internet today is not entirely safe, just telling you this information will surprise you: your phone company or the company that provides you with the internet  knows exactly which pages you visit , isn’t it incredible? privacy is a joke.

However, using methods such as browsing the internet in private (or as Chrome calls it incognito) will be a little better to handle your data with the rest of the world and easier for you not to have to tell everyone who you are.

Today cybersecurity is on the ground, it is becoming more and more important to protect your information and I do not mean to make a backup of your cell phone if not, that when you browse the seas of the internet  you really feel protected.

If life gets more and more insecure, life on the internet is no wonder, for example today the biggest scam that is carried out online is card theft, when you pay on an insecure  or little recognized website , it is possible (but not likely) that they sell your information and the worst information they can sell, that of your credit card.

Other ways to steal your information is through different types of malware threats such as the famous adware that get into your system and fill you with advertising,  we have all had this one at some time .

But fortunately there is a way that allows us to  get rid of most of these annoyances, that is, I speak of the “incognito mode” this happy mode, it takes care of hiding your browsing data known as  coockies  and other things that we will see below.


  • What is the incognito mode of Google Chrome?
  • How to activate the private mode of your browser
  • Advantages and disadvantages of using it

What is the incognito mode of Google Chrome?

Incognito mode is nothing more than a layer that Google manages in its browser service where they hide as much identification data as possible with you from all the web pages that you visit  .

Google Chrome  is not the only browser that allows you to activate this mode, it is well known that the vast majority of other browsers have adopted this feature, taking over part of the Google Chrome market for this novel feature (in its time).

How to activate the private mode of your browser

This option, as I said, comes in the vast majority of all browsers, first of all you must make sure to open your browser (if you don’t have Chrome, I recommend that you download it since it is the best by far).

Then you must go to the configuration section that in Chrome is on the right side to the top, just before the X to close the program, there are 3 points vertically, once here you must give in “new incognito window” that if you do not have Additional settings in your browser  will be the third option.

Once you enter incognito or private mode, everything you do will have an anonymous fingerprint except for the exceptions that the same mode indicates and you can see in the first image of this article.

In case you are from another browser you should look for it in its configuration section, they are almost always called “private mode” or “secret mode”, but probably the configuration panel that Chrome has on the top right, the other browsers have it in other part.

Advantages and disadvantages of using it

It is easy and comfortable to use, as well as very useful if you want to see someone’s profile but do not know you saw it, it also provides very good tools for using your internet browsing, although of course you should not take it as the only preventive measure .

Having a good antivirus installed to protect you from any malware is essential in web browsing, without taking into account that you should  avoid downloading programs from unknown sources , images and videos just for the sake of it.

Remember that unfortunately computer viruses can come in many presentations and it is our responsibility not to infect ourselves and of course not to spread them (in the case of worms, or more invasive viruses such as Ransomware).


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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