How to Sort the string in ascending order python

How to Sort the string in ascending order python. You can sort a string in ascending order in Python by converting it to a list of characters, sorting the list, and then joining the sorted characters back into a string. Here’s how you can do it:

How to Sort the string in ascending order python.

def sort_string_ascending(input_string):
sorted_chars = sorted(input_string)
sorted_string = ”.join(sorted_chars)
return sorted_string

# Example usage
input_str = “python”
sorted_str = sort_string_ascending(input_str)

This code will output


Alternatively, if you want to sort the string using the built-in sorted function and keep it as a string, you can do it like this:

def sort_string_ascending(input_string):
sorted_string = ”.join(sorted(input_string))
return sorted_string

# Example usage
input_str = “python”
sorted_str = sort_string_ascending(input_str)

This will produce the same output:


Remember that these methods sort the characters of the string in lexicographic (alphabetical) order. If you’re looking for a different kind of sorting, like sorting based on character Unicode values, you might need a different approach.

by Abdullah Sam
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