How to shape images

The Corel Photo Paint program stands out for its characteristics and speed. However, being relatively new, it may not be easy to use the tools to crop and assemble an image in Photo Paint , as it takes practice. This time we will help you shape the images and configure their fill and environment .

In this step-by-step guide, you will find an effective way to turn your design tasks into a great work of art. An important part of the image configuration is the padding and environment that this program handles.

How to shape images

Starting with the toolbox, the Shape tools. In this case, it is not necessary to use masks to create geometric shapes such as polygon, rectangle, ellipse and line because this tool already creates these shapes showing their names.

The shapes are created as a layer, they also have the peculiarity of having two characters: Fill and border , except for the line that only has a border. One of the two could be eliminated, but never both.

Regarding the border and fill configuration , in the case of the border, it takes the color of the foreground. In the fill, if you want to change the existing one, go to the property bar and configure it from there.

Padding and environment settings

Corel Photo Paint has a means to fill an image , a selection, or an object. In fact, brush strokes can be used just as a painter would on his canvas; with different colors, patterns and textures.

There are 3 types of elements that can be internally colored or filled in a CPT file:

  1. Background: You must choose a color for the fill and you color the canvas or paper from the file.
  2. Foreground: This element is the fill color that text and painting tools, such as brushes, can be turned into.
  3. Fill: In the case of this element, any shape, selection or object that has been established as a fill will be colored.

Similarly, there is a wide variety of fillings with which you can create whatever you want the most . Among these we can highlight:

  • Uniform fills : To apply a uniform fill go to the toolbox
    • Click on fill.
    • You select before applying the fill if it is an object, image or an editable area.
    • Click the uniform fill button.
    • Then tap on fill color.
    • Finally, get to the point where you want to apply the fill.
  • Gradient fills : For this type of fill go to the toolbox.
    • Click fill.
    • Select before applying the fill if it is an object, image or an editable area.
    • Click the Bitmap Pattern Fill button.
    • Open the fill picker.
    • Click on a fill thumbnail .
    • In the pop-up window that will appear, click on select.
    • Finally, click on the point where you want to fill the image.

To configure the outline you can try these suggestions:

  1. Deactivated filling : For this you click on the button without filling on the property bar.
  2. When applying an environment: It is necessary to place a value to define the width in pixels that the contour will have, for this you go to the toolbar, then click on the contour box.
  3. To change the color of the outline: On the properties bar, click on the outline color button. Depending on whether your work is going to be printed or not, you must have previously configured the color palette. For that, it is important to know what is the difference between RGB and CMYK color? .
  4. To change the transparency: You must put a value in the transparency box on the properties bar.

As you can see, this program has multiple functions; from adding a watermark, personalize your work in Photo Paint to avoid being a victim of plagiarism, to making an image transparent with the Photo Paint brush tool . We invite you to continue practicing until you are an expert.

If these Corel Photo Paint tips have helped you, on the fill settings and environment; So, bring out that artist in you. We would like you to let us know your comments, or a like if the information has served you.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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