How to use clipboard tools and editing group Microsoft PowerPoint?

Microsoft PowerPoint is an operating system belonging to the family of programs developed by the Microsoft company, it is a platform used to make presentations on sheets in a unique way using its tools to change the design of a slide , add templates , make an effect of light , insert math equations , and much more.

The PowerPoint program is widely used by millions of people in the world , the presentations in templates can be used by students in the exhibition of works, or by executives when establishing statistics in sales or business. In government corporations in charge of conducting national censuses and an infinity of possible scenarios.

How to use clipboard tools and editing group Microsoft PowerPoint?

The clipboard and editing group tools are a set of tools established by Microsoft corporation that have not only been applied to Microsoft PowerPoint , but to the family of programs in general. Its function is basically to simplify the work of users when making and editing presentations or work.

Typically, the basic actions of the clipboard tools include:

  • Copy : Create a copy of the text or file in question.
  • Cut : Extract the file or text from the site.
  • Paste : A previous action must be established, either copied or cut, to later add this to another site.

The basics of handling PowerPoint clipboard tools

Some basic aspects of handling the clipboard tools are:

To copy a file , text or image you can do it in two ways, first select all the text, a practical way to do it is to press the CTRL + “E” keys simultaneously. And automatically all the content is selected. Then press the Ctrl + “C” key to create a copy.

If you only need to copy a portion of the text, you can select it with the mouse or computer mouse, although this action can be done in the same way with all the content.

To cut you can select the entire text or document file or a portion manually with the computer mouse or for practical purposes press Ctrl + “E” to select all and then press Ctrl + “X” to extract it.

To paste a file or text after it has been copied or cut, you can simply select its new location and click the right mouse button, then select the paste option from the drop-down list.

If you want to make the process much faster you can press the keys Ctrl + »V». This automatically adds the previous selection.

How to use the editing tools?

The editing tools are a series of instruments that can be applied to carry out a job in a more practical way, some ways to use it are:

The destination theme

It is an option presented by the program and through which you can choose whether or not the file will change the color of the letters. The font type and size , when you add it elsewhere on the clipboard, you will find:

  • Use the target theme
  • Keep the source format

You can also copy it as an image , and in this case the image editing functions will be available or paste it in the form of text, in this case the editing options in the form of text will be available.

Duplicate the item

It is possible to duplicate the same element, you click on the document or file and instead of copying you select “duplicate” , in this way the same image, figure or text will be duplicated as long as you click on the option.

Copy format

Basically what it produces is that the same type of format is applied from one file to another . It is quite useful for figures. You must select, double-click and then select the option “Copy Format” . And then clicking on the other files or figures will be added automatically.

When finished you must press the Esc (escape) key to not use this option anymore.

The editing and clipboard tools are quite useful when creating or editing new files , they save time and simplify the work, it also allows the templates to be even better, since all the images and text files will be in agreement, or some will stand out of others as you wish.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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