How to save your game in Nier Replicant .

Nier Replicant ver.1.22474487139 is an updated version of the Japan-exclusive Nier Replicant released in 2010. 11 years later, developers Square Enix and Toylogic have retouched the visuals and re-recorded the iconic soundtrack to make the game feel perfect. While Nier: Automata felt much more agile in its action, Nier Replicant is much more open in typical JRPG style, with side missions and recovery to complete. In this guide we will introduce you to how to save your game in Nier Replicant .

Save your game to Nier Replicant

To save your game to Nier Replicant, just head over to mailboxes scattered around the world. These are marked on your map with a light blue circle.

Once you’ve found a mailbox, go ahead and press Circle / B, then choose one of the three available save locations. Press X / A to confirm that you want to save your progress to the location and that’s it.

Automatic save

Nier Replicant also has an autosave system that often kicks in just before boss fights or when you start exploring a new area. These are more checkpoints when you play the game though, because when you exit and reload the game, you’ll have to load from a saved mailbox.

Now you know how to save on Nier Replicant , you can take a break from the action knowing that your progress is safe and sound. For more tips and tricks, head over to our wiki or check out our coverage below.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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