How to return a product on Amazon from mobile

The familiarity that we already have with the different online commerce platforms makes it extremely easy to make purchases through them , but what about when it comes to returning items? No matter how efficient they are, we are never safe from receiving a wrong product, one that has some damage or simply that we do not like, so this article will detail step by step how to return a product on Amazon from your mobile .

The first thing we have to do is enter the ‘My orders’ section within the application, where we will find the list with our latest purchases on Amazon. Within that list, we select the item to be returned and on the next screen, in which the delivery data is detailed, we must scroll down a bit until we find the option ‘Return products’ (this section already appears with the deadline that will indicate until when we can make a return). We then begin with the process, in which we will have to answer why we want to return the product in question.

Once the first question has been answered, Amazon will ask us a second one to further specify the reasons for the return (if we don’t want to specify more, we can choose ‘Other’ and then not add anything in comments). Next, we click on the ‘Continue’ button and at that moment we will choose where we want the refund, whether in the Amazon account to have it available for future purchases or directly on our card . Again, we click on ‘Continue’ and all that remains is to choose the transport company to which we must send the returned item.

Where can I return an Amazon product?

There are not a few users who do not decide to return an item due to the hassle and doubts that arise during the process. If you are one of those who wonders where I can return an Amazon product , in the application itself you will find the available options. In general, returns can be made at SEUR or Celeritas delivery points, and if you have doubts about where these points are in your city, you have the solution in the app itself.

Whether you choose SEUR or Celeritas, in the return process you will find a link to the offices of both companies. By accessing this link you will be able to find the return point closest to your home , and in the email that you will receive when confirming the return, you will be informed of the instructions to follow and the deadline for returning your product .

Can an Amazon product be returned without the original box?

There is another question that raises quite a few fears among people who have to make a return: can an Amazon product be returned without the original box? Ideally, you should return it in the same condition in which it was delivered to you, but if it has been a long time or if you got rid of the box almost immediately, you do not have to worry.

In general, Amazon offers many conveniences to its users, which means that it is not necessary to return it in the same box . If the Celeritas option is chosen, a label will have to be added to the packaging, but the packaging or wrapping of the item does not have to be exactly the same as the one it arrived with.

How to access the Amazon returns center from your mobile

Amazon’s app is quite a bit cleaner than other e-commerce platforms, but that can lead to missing some features. If you are interested in knowing how to access the Amazon returns center from your mobile , you will have to use the search box that you will find at the top of the app. By typing ‘Return Center’ in it, you will be shown a button with which you can access that section.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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