How to report a webpage or its content

Google is a company that offers a universe of possibilities; for this reason and in order to correctly control the coexistence of all of them in your browser (while offering a good browsing experience to the user ), they implement mandatory Program Policies .

How to Report a Website or its Content or Post to Google

These are a number of rules that seek to regulate the content that is displayed by the company, as well as the activity of users on the platform. In this way, they govern all those who make use of their services, whether to publish on Google websites, carry out campaigns, or search for information.

When they are breached, any person who is affected by this failure, because it violates their rights or considers that it is a type of offensive content; You can make a formal complaint to Google. The company and its technical support will be in charge of analyzing each particular case, to confirm or deny the complaint.

It is a simple process to carry out, and can be applied to all types of content that have been published on Google; even, there is also an option in detailed services of the company, as in case you want to report an email from Gmail. We will tell you what situations are reportable and how to proceed to claim it.

Index( )

  1. How can I know when I am violating Google’s policies?
  2. Instructions for reporting a website for misleading content to Google
    1. Report if it is a website
    2. Report for specific content

How can I know when I am violating Google’s policies?

Google admits complaints of illegalities that originate from sites created through Google Sites; information from Google forms, spreadsheets, and even Google Docs documents; and inappropriate content through Google Drive … For what reasons? The following:

  1. Copyright infringement or Phishing:If information is copied from another portal, other people’s songs are monetized on YouTube, or images of other authors are taken without permission, it would be infringing copyright illegalities. As for phishing, it exists when a person steals the identity of others, his data or uses confidential information of others.
  2. Discriminatory content or incitement to violence Bullying, hate messages, threats, virtual harassment, or any other type of manifestation or evidence of violence is not allowed. This type of act should not be contemplated and fortunately Google takes this role seriously, just as it can be done on social networks.
  3. Violation of children’s rights: The exploitation of children or the dissemination of sexual material of minors is another of Google’s prohibitions that you can report.
  4. Violation of laws regarding sexual material: Even all kinds of explicit sexual images or videoscannot be shared by the media of this company that we mentioned at the beginning.
  5. Spam: Spam is understood as junk or unwanted content; In this way and if the websites created in Google are going to be generated to create meaningless content, only advertising and that does not provide content to its audience, it will be subject to a complaint. Also, malicious software or illicit activities on websites are other prohibited acts.

Instructions for reporting a website for misleading content to Google

Report if it is a website

  1. Locate the Google Sites website (it may be uploaded to Google Drive).
  2. At the bottom of the website itself, you will find an option called “Report abuse”; click on it and make your complaint according to the infraction or error that you have found on the site.
  3. You will be able to detail if it comes from some type of content or the entire web; and by clicking “Send complaint”you will be formalizing your claim.

Report for specific content

  1. If it originates from Google Docs, Presentations, or Forms, you should open the file where you found the offending material, locate the “Help” option, and then choose the “Report Abuse/Copyright Infringement” (or “Report abuse” if it is the forms”). The next thing will be to point out in which part of the document there is a mistake and complete the complaint by clicking on “Send abuse complaint” .
  2. For Google Drive file violations, go to the file in question; When you are inside, click on the right button and choose “Report abuse”in the box that appears. Indicates the type of inappropriate behavior and its location, so that it can be located by the company.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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