How To Remove time from taskbar in Windows 10

In the technology section we can find more and more different functions that are modernizing over time, not only we can notice this in the operating systems of our phones, but also in the software of our computers, whether Mac or Windows.

It was in the Windows 7 system that the Windows system decided to take a big step and modernize in a new way, which was quite well received among the users.

Considering Windows one of the best operating systems in the Microsoft chain, not only because of the implementation of a new interface and performance, but also because of the implementation of details that can make a small difference, among these the Widgets, which returned in Windows 10 .

Index(  )

  1. What is ‘News and Interests’ in Windows 10?
  2. Why does the time appear in the taskbar?
  3. How to remove the weather widget or ‘news and interests’ from the Windows 10 taskbar?
  4. How to put the weather and news in the taskbar if I deleted it by mistake?
  5. Other weather widgets for the Windows 10 taskbar

What is ‘News and Interests’ in Windows 10?

News and Interests is a new function that has been added in recent Windows 10 updates , specifically ‘News and Interests’ is a widget, which serves to decorate or be part of certain parts of the interface of our Windows desktop, in addition The ‘News and Interests’ widget also serves to indicate striking news headlines and others in this case.

This can be found in the Windows 10 taskbar, it is located on the right side of the bar, together with some icons such as the battery, WiFi, Volume, etc. This will provide us with information on the latest most important news from the most recognized portals, as well as give us updates on the most current events in our region.

This function also brings configurations, making it much more novel, interesting and customizable, since in it we can modify the type of news that it can give us and it also has a filing cabinet, in such a way that if we see a news that catches our attention that we want to read later, we can archive it and then find it and read it.

Why does the time appear in the taskbar?

This may appear on the right side of our task bar and had not appeared before, this is the current weather of the area where we reside, if it is sunny, cloudy or if there is a storm in some scenario.

If this icon appears, it means that your Windows, after a recent update, has added the ‘News and Interests’ function, since this is shown in the form of the temperature of our area.

If we click on this icon, it will be displayed in the form of a menu, having some similarity with the Windows 10 menu, but in this case the news on any subject will come out in a stackable way, such as sports, financial actions, politics as well as forecast of the climate of the area, traffic, etc.

How to remove the weather widget or ‘news and interests’ from the Windows 10 taskbar?

This function of course has liked many users, since the function is really attractive and can save us time to review news on our mobile, which is why Windows decided to implement the function.

However, there is also another large part of the users who have not finished liking the function or at least the part where it is located.

Since overloading the information bar can be somewhat unnecessary for some, even for users who have the Windows 10 system but want to avoid memory consumption, due to having minimum requirements, if they would like to probably not have this function and save some information and memory expenditure.

This is why it may be necessary to remove this widget in case you do not like it or it is unnecessary, this function of course you can disable it in a very simple way, you just have to follow these steps as follows:

  • The first thing will be to locate ourselves in the toolbar with the cursor, being there we will press right click,in doing so we will open a list of options, this list of options will offer us from opening the task manager, opening the Properties of the bar, hiding the bar task or how to enable and disable toolbar functions.
  • Within this list or menu of options, we should find a called ‘News and Interests’,being here we will click on it and we can choose in which case only the icon is displayed in the bar or if you definitely want to remove it, we will click on’ Disconnect’.

How to put the weather and news in the taskbar if I deleted it by mistake?

There is the possibility that someone else or yourself by mistake has clicked wrong and you have removed the News and Interests function from the toolbar, however, if it will not appear, there is no need to worry, since you can bring this function back to where it was.

Simply to replace the News and Interests widget, you must locate yourself in the toolbar and right click, a menu will appear immediately offering us options, among these the ‘News and Interests’, followed by this we can select that everything appears. the widget itself or just the weather icon.

Other weather widgets for the Windows 10 taskbar

Also another very interesting function of the Windows 10 operating system is that it has an application store, in the style of an Android or iOS system, this was incorporated into Windows in its 8 operating system, however, already in recent updates in the system 10 brings additional features and functions, not only can we search for apps and games, we can also go to the aesthetic section and download Widgets.

Among the Widgets that we can find within the application store, there is one very popular among Windows users, this gadget is Widget Launcher, it is not at least the Widget with the number 1 position on the platform when doing a search of the best.

Widget Launcher offers us widgets that we can apply throughout our Windows 10 desktop, among its catalog of widgets it can offer us the time of different countries, weather and temperature, social networks, calculator, CPU measurement, among others.

All through two skins that we can customize with the different types of colors to our liking, all this totally free, you will simply have to download it and start testing it.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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