How to remove ignore messages on Messenger

How to remove ignore messages on Messenger. Messenger is the messaging app offered by Facebook that allows you to exchange messages with all your friends at any time you want. However, it could happen that a contact of yours sends you too many messages and the continuous notifications do nothing but annoy and distract you. To work around this condition Messenger allows you to use the ignore messages option. This way you will no longer receive messages from that particular contact for as long as you want.

After silencing your contact for a while, you have decided to go back to reading his messages but you can’t do it anymore. Here then you will need to disable the ignore messages option. We are here to explain how to remove ignore messages on Messenger. This is anything but a difficult operation that can be done in just a few steps. Below we will see how to implement this procedure on different devices: iOS, Android, computer and web Messenger.

How to remove ignore messages on Messenger

How to remove ignore messages on Messenger

From smartphone

The following operation appears to be quite similar for both Android and iOS devices. Let’s start with Android devices:

  • access the screen containing the apps
  • tap on the Messenger icon
  • click on your photo
  • reach the voice requests for messages
  • tap the spam tab
  • select the conversation concerned
  • type a message and send it

At this point the ignore messages function will have been disabled. Alternatively, however, you can also choose to solve this problem by deleting the conversation. In this way, the next time you decide to write to that particular contact and you will receive an answer, notifications will be delivered to you normally. To do this:

  • click on the Edit item at the top right
  • select the chat you want to delete
  • tap the trash can icon
  • confirm the operation by clicking on Delete

Let’s move on to iOS devices now

How to remove ignore messages on Messenger

  • click on the Messenger icon
  • tap on your image
  • then go to message requests
  • open the spam folder
  • search for the conversation you are interested in (you can also simply type the name of the contact you are interested in)
  • type and send a new message

Also for iOS the same goes for deleting chats to disable the ignore messages option. So in the same way it is possible to delete a chat from an iOS device by tapping on the appropriate Remove button.

From computer

How to remove ignore messages on Messenger. If you wish to perform this operation from a computer, it will be possible to do so either through the web version or directly from Mac or Windows devices for which the procedure is the same.

From web version

In case you want to disable the ignore messages option from the web version of Messenger, you can do it in the following way:

  • reach the browser you usually use
  • log in to the Messenger platform
  • log in by entering your credentials where required
  • click on your photo on the top left
  • go to message requests
  • tap on the item see spam
  • select the conversation that interests you
  • write a text message and send it

Also in this case you can proceed and looking in the search bar for the name of the contact concerned, and removing the chat. At this point, all you have to do is proceed with deleting the chat:

  • go to the spam section
  • click on the icon   (…)
  • choose the item delete

From Windows or Mac

If, on the other hand, you want to proceed from applications downloaded to your desktop, proceed as follows:

  • access the desktop application from the start menu
  • log in by entering your credentials such as e-mail and password if necessary
  • tap on your photo
  • go to the message requests section
  • click on spam
  • select the chat of your interest and send a message in the space provided.
by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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