How to remove Facebook dark mode on PC version?

You are already tired of Facebook dark mode because maybe it disturbs your eyesight or others. How can you remove Facebook dark mode on PC version? Next in this article we will show you how you can disable this option, just find out here.

How to Remove Facebook Dark Mode on PC Version? – Find out here

Index( )

  1. If you remove the dark mode from Facebook, does it deactivate Messenger?
  2. What is the correct way to remove Dark Mode from Facebook?
  3. Why do I turn off dark mode and it turns back on?
  4. What disadvantages will it bring you to put the normal ‘white’ mode on your account?
    1. Blue light
    2. Fatigue

If you remove the dark mode from Facebook, does it deactivate Messenger?

Many people are afraid to disable dark mode because they think that doing so will automatically disable Messenger as well, but don’t worry, this won’t happen. It is a function of Facebook Messenger that you can enable and disable as many times as you want. However, if an unexpected error occurs, we invite you to visit Facebook Technical Support .

What is the correct way to remove Dark Mode from Facebook?

To remove the Dark Mode from Facebook correctly you must follow the following steps that we will give you below:

First you must enter the account and if you have forgotten your email you can use a method to find out . Then go to the drop-down ‘account’ arrow icon at the top right of your Facebook account.

Second, select from the drop-down window the icon of a crescent called  Display and accessibility’ and third, once you give the previous Click, several options will appear, deactivate the ‘Dark mode’ option and that’s it , you will see your window in color again white.

Why do I turn off dark mode and it turns back on?

Many users have been so surprised and have complained that when entering their Facebook account  it appears in ‘dark’ mode when they have already deactivated it on previous occasions. This could occur due to an error in the application where it makes the option to activate or deactivate the dark mode disappear and that is why you cannot definitively disable it.

The error of deactivating or activating the ‘dark’ mode does not appear because you have a specific version of Facebook or because you are linked to some particular accounts . It often happens that a particular account used from different mobile phones may have this feature like losing the ‘dark’ mode option

The above has happened not because it is a regression of Facebook, rather it is a temporary error , this can be corrected by updating your Facebook application, just activate your new version with a few steps and activate or deactivate the ‘dark’ mode .

What disadvantages will it bring you to put the normal ‘white’ mode on your account?

The normal ‘white’ mode that you find when entering and browsing Facebook  brings certain disadvantages such as damaging your night vision , and this can be due to the blue light that it transmits, as well as due to fatigue.

Blue light

The blue light transmitted by the screen is not so harmful at all, it is very different as it could happen when having too high eye pressure due to glaucoma , that the person can go blind after a short time if not treated.

On the other hand, the ‘Blue Light’ that is presented on the screen can only superficially affect only the skin and your eyes, it cannot cause any deep damage to your body immediately.

But over time yes, because this light is entering your retina directly, so it can wear down or kill some cells of the retina , these do not regenerate as it happens with brain cells and in the end the macula is damaged , that is, the central zone of vision.


One of the problems that usually causes having the ‘white’ mode active in your Facebook account is that spending a lot of time on the screen can make you tired and this is because your eyes need to rest from time to time.

To achieve this, you must blink enough and zoom out whenever possible, which is why it is recommended to use the ‘dark’ mode that Facebook offers you.

Now, if you see that you are presenting any particular change in your sight, sudden loss of sight, blurred vision, burning , itching or other, we recommend that you visit your Ophthalmologist and follow his suggestions since he is the right person. that can explain what care and suggestions you can follow to avoid more serious injuries.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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