How to redirect a user once registered in WordPress to a place on your website

The world on the web is very wide and we have the option of having a lot of imagination due to its scope, in this world we can reach the most remote corners just by using tools that adapt to expectations.

 The design of a web page that shows a business that we want to project, or simply offer a specific professional service. They are one of the many valid reasons that invite the creation of a unique web page with personalized characteristics. WordPress is a tool that offers you the creation of that dream web page and that adjusts to you.

And what is better, it has plans that range from free to affordable prices according to the functions, you can create the page with the user registration option and you will most likely have a later idea.

 The idea of ​​redirecting users once they have been successfully registered to a specific place on your website can be where to add their registration, to the home page of your site, or anywhere else. This action can also be right after logging in, in which case, let’s see how to do it below.

How to redirect a user once registered in WordPress to a place on your website automatically?

This is possible using the login_redirect filter by   adding it in a function plugin or in the <functions.php.> File by codes, these codes will be defined according to the function that you want to perform by default by the base commands.

These functions and functions.php plugins can be downloaded and then activated depending on the case that needs to be done. It is important to note that both functions should not be activated because doing so will throw an error, they should not be used in combination.

The important thing is that the company website that uses WordPress feels satisfied when it automatically changes its destination, instead of going to the dashboard and looking for page options to choose from, these filters save us time. Or also if what we want is to protect or restrict user access to certain pages, it is also possible.

Likewise, by means of passwords, they can be made private or define which users can have access to certain pages, if we want to redirect the user according to their role: we add it to the functions plugins or <functions.php> in a simple way.

We start from whether you are the administrator, editor, author, subscriber, and thus we redirect you automatically according to your role, for example, if there is an administrator user, we redirect you to the plugin management page.

Otherwise, if you are a user with editor permissions, we will send you to the ticket management page, and we will redirect all other users to the home page of the web with the assigned commands. Another case would be to redirect according to the username, that is, the name with which it connects to the network. The first step would be to access a global variable, and then save the username in a specific variable.

What should we do if we want to redirect the user to a full page?

And if we want to send the user to a custom page , we must first go to the following filter : registration_redirect. Then we locate the URL and modify it by sending the user to the place on our site that we want best.

Here we test the flexibility in the directional behavior of WordPress by simply modifying or replacing the initial registered URL. With this fast and modern access we will give the user a pleasant and new experience browsing our website.

Therefore let us redirect our users to thank their registration, give them additional important information or instruct them about our site.

All this thanks to the platform that WordPress provides when using it as a tool in the creation of our website . Let us develop well thought out tools so that the design of our website is a source of active interaction between users.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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